
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.768 / 3.346

Re: WAMPQ - WAMKQ son iguales a la hora de cobro --- FALSO

Falso NO son iguales Mrsimpson deja de engañar al personal, para aumentar tu beneficio personal.

Rocknrolla, mirate el prospecto de ambas acciones preferentes y saldrás de dudas, y no te creas nada de lo que te diga un pumper de un foro de este o de otro, indaga en la documentación oficial y saca tus conclusiones.



Re: WAMPQ - WAMKQ son iguales a la hora de cobro

Si no lo son explicaselo tu. Yo pensaba que si lo eran.


Re: WAMPQ - WAMKQ son iguales a la hora de cobro --- FALSO

Efectivamente Maximunae, si te fijas las K´s llevan una ventaja sustancial a las P´s desde hace varios meses en relacion al valor nominal de cada una y es porque puede darse el factor de que cobren en orden de preferencia, el que el mercado las pague mas caras es significativo de su mayor valor potencial. Las H´s son un asunto distinto porque estan relacionadas con deuda y unas garantias que han quedado en el aire debido a la inoperancia de la Juez en clarificar su autentico valor.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Re: WAMPQ - WAMKQ son iguales a la hora de cobro --- FALSO

Yo llevo P´s y K´s así que no entiendo los comentarios del illuminati,



Rosen se lo pidio ayer a la Juez :) que empzara el 27 sept pero el EC se nego. Rosen ha intentado volver a la carga para no dar tiempo a preparar una estrategia conjunta Hedgies-EC

Right at the beginning of today's hearing, Rosen asked for the October 7 mediation hearing to be moved up. He uses the excuse that the October 7th date would interfere with the Jewish holidays and thus would be a burden to a number of the attorneys. However he specifically asked for the date to be pushed forward and not back. The judge had an opening on September 27 so that is our new date. It almost seems that Rosen is interested in getting the mediation process started earlier rather than later. This seems to be a change from his PR issued after the POR ruling where he was talking about doing a wrap and just tweaking a few things for a resubmitted POR. I don't know if it means anything but it does seem to be different.


Re: Mediación

¿Pero que estrategia Hedges - EC? si son contrarios, deja de decir pamplinadas, la mediacion quedará en nada, es una pérdida de tiempo, estas mediaciones sientan a las partes para acercar posturas pero en este caso no hay nada que acercar porque las posturas estan muy lejanas en ambas partes. La Juez deberá tomar cartas en el asunto y al EC se le acaba el tiempo para coger la anterior oferta que menos es NADA. Luego si decide eliminar todas las acciones diran que no sabian, entonces veras lo que Susman habra dado a la equidad desde que solicitó el examiner que solo sirvió para cavar mas profunda la tumba a la equidad.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Re: Mediación

Solo se que no se nada...


Carta pública a Peg Brickley (Wall Street Journal)

Dear Ms. Brickley

I have read every column you have devoted to the WaMu bankruptcy..and with all due respect, I was shocked that today's editorial finally revealed that your nose has finally detected
the "stink" from the day that WGM (Wile, Gotsha & Mangle) turned traitor to the fiducuciary responsibility that they held. It is now becoming apparent with every day at trial and with motions by the EC and TPS, that the hedge funds, debtor and Brian Rosen were in "collusion" and / or at the least abetting the rape and pillage of WMB/WMI assets and setting themselves up as "beneficiaries" of the huge NOL.

If the trials and depositions by Equity and TPS continues, I am very sure the next stage will be how JPM and the FDIC via Sheila Bair nefariously undermined the bidding process to steal billions from the corpse of WMB/WMI. However, this is not a normal is a Zombie that will come back each and every day from hereon to take back what was his.

Perhaps the last month has been an eye opener for you, as it seems you have become more reluctant to champion the debtors as you have in the past. Perhaps, you too are fearful of the Zombie that will possibly expose you as a hack writer. Hopefully, your current observations will promote you to take another look at one of the biggest scams ever perped in Bankrupycy court..just like Her Honor JM Walrath is finally getting to see….and smell !

Sincerely, an avid reader..
