
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.922 / 3.346

WMIH - $1 (+58%)

Besugo pierdete...solo focalizas en mi porque estas OBSESIONADO HASTA LA MEDULA.
Dedicate a procrear o a ir a la TV para que te conozcan.


Re: WMIH - $1 (+58%)

Simpson eres una joya de la manipulacion informativa, creo y estoy convencido que si te hubieras perdido tu, los usuarios que creyeron tus mentiras tendrian mas dinero en sus cuentas.


Re: WMIH - $1 (+58%)

I contend that all the players want is capital loss not NOLs. It will take them years to build up a billion revenue organization while for sure reducing the tax benefits from 40+B [cap. loss] to 10B[NOLs]. We do not have 17.7B NOLs. That amount was at the bank level. What the corporate had was 26B cap loss and 14.5B cap. contribution in the GSA.

We will experience a process of open market accumulation. I review the figures and think that a pure market accumulation would be sufficient for the funds to vastly reduce the quantity of shareholders.

I believe bop's guess on the % of newco stake is overstated. For example. A retail has 0.5% 0.05% stake of the newco that translates into around 110k of newco shares. Also that means the pre-conversion amount of WAMPQ was around 5577. I wonder how many of you guys have that alike position? Not a lot I bet. Now look,

0.5%0.05% * 4000 = 20%

You need 4000 shareholders holding at least 0.5% 0.05% each to arrive the 20% figure. To me, that is a generous guess.

Now the market is trading at $1 per share. If the funds would like to buy the retail shares, they pump up the price to $10, will you sell? I bet lots of us wil sell. So what is the cost for the fund?

$10 x 40M retail shares [20% *200M]= 400M in open market.

Assuming that we have 10B NOLs usable, that means 10B * 35% = 3.5B. 20% of newco has around 3.5B * 20% = 700M. If a buyout, that will cost the funds 700M. However, it saves them 300M if they acquire the shares in open market. You see what I mean? I see a continuous accumulation will be coming. At what price will you sell?


Re: WMIH - $1 (+58%)

Besugo y Mr_Simpson, dejad de pelearos: qué sentido tiene?

Pregunto: qué pasa con las comunes? las wamuq, habiendo enviado el ballot? Hay que esperar a las preferentes? Teneis info al respecto? Gracias

Sabeís algo con respecto a las comunes? Algo que podamos hacer? Gracias


Los que compraron P´s a 80 $ pierden en la conversion el 75%. Gracias Mr. Simpson

Tienes que reclamar a tu broker que haga la conversion, enviandole el ticker:


Re: Los que compraron P´s a 80 $ pierden en la conversion el 75%. Gracias Mr. Simpson

Alguien me puede decir que pasa al final con las H´s, reciben algo??

Un saludo y gracias


WMI Holdings Corp Telephone No. 1-206-432-8887

I just left a message asking for a PR or something in the way of info on the resumption trading and/or any other info re: the new company. I mentioned that many shareholders will probably be calling - but that I was calling on behalf of hundreds of shareholders who are demanding to be told what is going on.

The machine says they check for messages 2X a day and would return the call in 24-48 hours - we'll see.


Re: WMI Holdings Corp Telephone No. 1-206-432-8887

Hoy ¿Que esta pasando con las acciones? Tus historietas de TPS que si aceptaron el acuerdo, bla, bla, bla. No cambiaras en lo del bombeo con tal de que suban las acciones sin importarte quien queda pillado, desde luego eres un degenerado, por ello ha quedado pillado hasta el apuntador esperando que suene la flauta para recuperar la inversion y salir pitando soñando con no haberte conocido.