
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.039 / 3.346

Re: WMIH estable en 0.88

Si, buen fin de, pero apunta lo que te digo cuando corrija la bolsa americana fuertemente ya que esta en máximos y pasará tarde o temprano, las WMIH se irán a 0´30 USD. mínimo, entonces no habrá ni ballenas ni Simpson que la salve.


Re: WMIH estable en 0.88

Ole tu! y Ole tus predicciones :) :) :)
¿Me puedes pasar los números de euromillones?
O eso ya tu bola no lo predice


Re: WMIH estable en 0.88

WMIH estable en 0`88, palabra de Mr Simpson. Jojojo.

Tal como comentaba Manzana mas valdría haber comprado GOWEX que tu basura recomendada. Deberian prohibirte escribir en Rankia. Eres un peligro público muchacho. Me rio pero los que te siguieron deben ser un mar de lágrimas. Jozu.


Re: Considerando

1.-Sussman le dio trabajo a Rossen,el lo formo,lo entreno
2.-Junio se conocera cuanto de dinero dara Goldamn Sachs,dicho dinero sera depositado
EN WLTM al igual que los depositos que haran FIDIC y JPM en un futuro proximo
3.-El informe de Salomon se probo el fraude de JPM y Fidic, Sussman lo tiene en un sobre
sellado, el 11 de Enero Sussman le pregunto a la Juez Waltrat,si lo abria y la jue
dijo que no lo abra , ya que de hacerlo Dimon se iria a la carcel y JPM habria un
escandalo,jpm y la fidic han hecho una liquidacion que sera depositada en el WLTM
4.-Sin el informe de Salomon, nosotros los accionistas ,ya estuvieramos liquidados y
cremados por JPM y la FIDIC
5.-En poco tiempo wmhi va a recibir NOLS Y MCO que serviran para pagar deudas y IRS

6.-Se rumorea que pagaran por la accion wmih 11 dolares
7.-WMLT es la ultima instancia de WMIH
8.-La industria inmobiliaria se esta recuoperando a grandes pasos , esto va ser que
los activos se revaluen y el precio de Wmih sera mayor que el actual
9.-El sobre sellado de Salomon donde prueba el fraude de JMP Y FIDIC FUE LA KRIPTONITA
de estos mafiosos y GS ya se allano a un arreglo de esto estoy seguro saldra en Junio
el 17 arreglan y el 24 en audiencia se dara a conocer
10.-Estos datos quedan registrados para su futura confrontacion,estoy seguro que se dar
ya es tiempo,el 6 de junio de este año ya no va ver mas reclamos de parte de WMHI


6.-Se rumorea que pagaran por la accion wmih 11 dolares

Se rumorea que PP trueno va a sacar un best seller dedicado a Wamu y a los bombeos relativos a dicha Compañía incluida la inclusion en la misma de Mr Simpson.
Se rumorea que una ballena va a comprar acciones hasta que lleguen a 11 dólares porque estan muy baratitas al precio actual.
Se rumorea que Warren Buffett (Este es el ballenato que se esperaba) va a entrar en el accionariado de WMIH con una compra colosal ya que sigue a diario los posts de Mr Simpson y le encantan, incluidos los que repostea desde America. Se han convertido en una droga para él y esta maravillado con las conclusiones que se determinan sobre las expectativas de estas acciones.


Re: Estas son las razones

Besugo,te dare una explicacion en forma objetiva,espero que puedas captar el mensaje

Tras la crisis de las inmobiliarias, el gobierno de USA ESTA INYECTANDO DINERO A EL MERCADO PARA RECOMPORAR SUS BONOS,aprovechando que el dolar no tiene valor y para ayudar a evitar la ejecucion de desalojos por no pagar las hipotecas y evitar las morosidades,esto ha dado resultados, los indices de recuperacion de la vivienda indice shiler se ha recuperado ,asi como la venta de casas usadas y nuevas subio, es por eso han subido fuertemente fanie y fredie , ademas se nota una recuperacion de las aseguradoras de Hipotecas,tales como RDN,MTG,GNV que aun tienen perdidas, pero ya no son como las de años pasados , la morosidad tambien ha bajado y aqui favorece mas esto? a las reaseguradoras como WMIH te recuerdo que tiene una filial WM Hipotecas de Reaseguros que opera en el negocio en forma de Escorrentia,todo esto es un proceso que poco a poco iran a los brotes verdes y sera una total recuperacion del circuito del mercado inmobiliario,Besugo,yo tenia FNMA de 0.14 cts vendi en 5.0 dolares la semana pasada y luego en estos ultimos dos dias,he realizado day trade de 3 a 2 diarios y de verdad se gana mucho dinero, el lunes comprare otra vez fnma lo vendere cuanto este a 3 o 4 dolares si la coyuntura es favorable, por lo pronto te digo que JPM GS van a comoprar fuerte fnma y fccm esta, semana A ver si con este "Talan" que te acabo de pasar te ganas alguito y por si acaso la gente en Usa tenedores de fnma y fmmc estan escribiendo a un Senador para que inicie gestiones para que liberen las acciones de las cias citadas y tambien se puso a la accion el Presidente de la Defensa del Consumidos el Sr Nader, ,aun estas a tiempo de comprar tus wmih, por que si no lo haces, otra vez tendras una fustracion tras otra fustracion,bueno amigo hasta una proximma


Re: Estas son las razones

So I am thinking again about this week's shareholders' meeting.

I'm trying to wrap my mind around a few things:

1. Why hold the meeting?
2. Why hold the meeting in New York City?
3. Why hold the meeting NOW?

I'd welcome other viewpoints, but here are mine:

1. Why hold a shareholders meeting? To share something with someone. I believe from the research done by shareholders it was decided that an annual meeting was yet due.

Certainly, this meeeting is a 180-degree reverse turn from our past experience as WMIH shareholders. Until now, we have had virtually no access to company executives. They do not return phone calls or emails. They do not issue press releases. They are meticulous about meeting mandatory regulatory filing requirements and then FULL STOP when it comes to reaching out to common shareholders.

Reasons for our company's actions to date might include (1) they are trying to save the company money; (2) they really don't care about small shareholders, and they have easy access to large shareholders through other channels; and/or (3) they have nothing (good) to say about our situation.

Mike Willingham, our CEO, is largely an unknown quantity in New York City. He made his name and reputation, such as it is, in Texas and in courtrooms, not in the world's financial center. It seems unlikely he is going to 'wow' Wall Street with his expertise or wit, and, as far as I can determine, he has limited experience in running a company, so I cam not sure what he stands to gain personally from holding this meeting.

It stands to reason that the company has a message to get out, and I don't think the intended audience is us.

2. Why hold a meeting in New York City? Why not, say, Seattle, where the company is based, and where (I believe) interim company president Chad Smith owns a home and has a family? Why not, say, Houston, where Mike Willingham is from? Why New York?

Clearly, the meeting is not being held for the convenience of Chad Smith or the handful of WMIH employees based in Seattle, or for the convenience of CEO Mike Willingham. One reason to avoid Seattle might be to steer clear of still-angry WAMUQ shareholders, but why move the meeting 3,000 miles across the country.

The big shareholders of WMIH, the hedge funds, are either based near to New York City, or they have people in the New York area who can attend the meeting on their behalf.

I originally thought that WMIH might be making a presentation with one eye on Wall Street, in order to identify potential suitors or partners going forward, and that Midtown Manhattan seemed a good place to introduce itself. However, with the passage of recent weeks, and with no further communication to shareholders from the company, and with no apparent effort to 'hype' the situation that I can find, it seems that this is not the case either.

I think the retail shareholders are simply bystanders in this week ahead. I think the meeting is not being held to placate us, or to impress us, or to reinforce our belief in WMIH or to scare us out or our shares or anything else. I think the meeting is big boys (bigger than us, and bigger than MW) doing a rare bit of public grandstanding.

3. Why now? Why not wait? The meeting was announced weeks ago, with the voting co-incident with the meeting, so there must be something afoot. Will MW be removed as CEO? It seems impossible, and no opposing slate of directors was nominated or pushed forward. Either the big money HF's who hold large portions of WMIH don't care about MW or have him figured out and under their strict guidance. It's impossible to imagine MW and our BOD deciding on their own to hold their first-ever shareholders meeting in the heart of New York City on a Wednesday in June.

It stands to reason that the company has something to say, something that they feel deserves a broader audience than the tiny sliver of investors who watch EDGAR for 8-K and 10-K filings. It also stands to reason that, since the meeting was announced weeks in advance, that the announcement(s) to be made must involve WMIH alone, or WMIH and a limited number of private parties. There could not have been a 'deal' struck weeks ago, and only announced this week publicly for the first time: that goes against reporting requirements for public companies and opens them up to lawsuits from every shareholder who sold shares on the recent runup from .60 to 1.00.

What could the announcement be? That's above my pay grade to know, but I do believe the following:


1. WMIH is going to announce something of substance this week, their first ever newsworthy announcement(s).

2. It will be announced through regular business news channels in regular ways, not in a small room in a NYC hotel. The announcement(s) must come in advance of the meeting and come outside of market hours, so it will come either before trading in the morning of Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, or after hours on Monday or Tuesday.

3. The announcement(s) will be seen as 'good news' by shareholders (why go to all this trouble otherwise?)

4. I think that, rather then do a last minute announcement(s) on Wednesday morning that the announcement(s) will come earlier in the week, perhaps as soon as tomorrow, to give MW and the BOD time to gauge the private and public reactions that follow, and to structure their statements on Wednesday accordingly.

Supporting my belief that 'something is up' is the strong buying of recent weeks, that took the stock up from .60 to 1.00, and then simply stopped. CSNY wrote here last week:
Wall Street has been dead for the past couple of weeks with people in the Hamptons, on vacation, etc. When I saw the volume surge two weeks ago I knew someone wanted to get a lot of shares before the the shareholders' meeting AND the Memorial Day weekend and the week following, because a lot of traders would be heading out of town. That someone got his/her/its shares and the volume he/she/it created was exacerbated by subsequent retail buying, albeit in much smaller volume.

Clearly we had a major buyer(s) who wanted shares now rather than later and was willing to pay whatever the price to get them. Kylekrol's accumulation chart shows unprecedented buy interest over the last few weeks. Then, suddenly, the buying stopped, and the price slipped back on light volume. Either the buyer ran out of time, or he hit the ownership limits of 4.75% or both. Certainly he did not run out of money ...

^^^^^ (8-Ball) ^^^^^

Finally, the flip side of my optimism is also in play here: I am headed to New York City this week to hear good news. If there is no news, or bad news, then I will be mighty unhappy.


Re: Estas son las razones

Ya queda el nuevo capitulo de la novela Wamu preparado para que la lea Warren nada mas levantarse mientras desayuna.
Genial Simpson estas acciones no ganan dinero, solo dan perdidas. Se nota que no tienes mucho mas que hacer durante el dia que seguir posteando basura.
Normalmente alguien en su sano juicio cambiaria de inversion despues de las desastrosas pérdidas pero tu sigues insistiendo en estar en estas acciones, supongo que tienes herida tu moral y autoestima y te culpas de haber llevado a diversos usuarios al redil para que les masacraran su inversion en las acciones recomendadas.
Por muchos post que coloques ningun usuario vera compensadas sus pérdidas majete, esa es la cruda realidad.