
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.158 / 3.346

Esto es de ayer, que significa?



Regulation FD Disclosure, Financial Statements and Exhibits

Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure.
As previously reported, on March 19, 2012, WMI Holdings Corp. (formerly known as Washington Mutual, Inc. (the "Company")) issued $110 million aggregate principal amount of its 13% Senior First Lien Notes due 2030 (the "First Lien Notes") under an indenture, dated as of March 19, 2012 (the "First Lien Indenture"), between the Company and Wilmington Trust, National Association, as Trustee. Additionally, the Company issued $20 million aggregate principal amount of its 13% Senior Second Lien Notes due 2030 (the "Second Lien Notes" and, together with the First Lien Notes, the "Runoff Notes") under an indenture, dated as of March 19, 2012 (the "Second Lien Indenture" and, together with the First Lien Indenture, the "Indentures"), between the Company and Law Debenture Trust Company of New York, as Trustee. Under the Indentures, the Company is required to provide, to the holders of the Runoff Notes, unaudited monthly financial statements with respect to WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc., the Company's subsidiary. The unaudited financial statements for WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc., as of and for the period ended January 31, 2014, are attached to this Form 8-K as Exhibit 99.1.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This Form 8-K and the exhibits include forward-looking statements, within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this report that address activities, events, conditions or developments that we expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give our current expectations and projections relating to our financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business and these statements are not guarantees of future performance. These statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements may include the words "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "plan," "believe," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results or performance to differ materially from those indicated by such statements. These risks are identified and discussed in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012 under Risk Factors in Part I, Item 1A. These risk factors will be important to consider in determining future results and should be reviewed in their entirety. These forward-looking statements are expressed in good faith and we believe there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that the events, results or trends identified in these forward-looking statements will occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we do not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, except as required by law. Readers should carefully review the statements set forth in the reports, which the Company has filed or will file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits.
(a) Not applicable.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) Not applicable.

(d) Exhibits:

99.1 Unaudited condensed balance sheet and condensed statement of operations of WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. as of and for the period ended January 31, 2014


MR Simpson que piensas de este comentario de un forista de Usa

File this under "No kidding, Sherlock" but as I look at this chart I I see that this will either go up a lot or it will crash. The recent activity looks eerily familiar to the exuberance that was in place prior to the first Plan or Reorganization (when Brian Rosen stuck the knife in the back of equity). The jumps, combined with the relative trading volumes, tell me that this is unsustainable unless there is new information presented to change the economics of the underlying investment.

You can say "But this time it will be different" and that's fine but there is a lot of excitement. And excitement is dangerous in the short term


Re: MR Simpson que piensas de este comentario de un forista de Usa

Sin comentarios... estamos esperando las noticias de la primera adquisición. Siempre habrá los que digan que es el fin del mundo.


Un meneito del arbol para cepillarse a las manos debiles...

Esta jugada ya viene siendo habitual de vez en cuando... esta claro que no se puede crecer en linea ascendente para siempre. Nos suben a 3.74 y nos bajan a $3 para trincar a los pobres que no entienden de que va esto...volvemos a rebotar a 3.30 y el yoyo que vuelve a subir :) :)


KKR no para... $4.9 Billones para un Fondo Europeo

12 Mar, 11:56 AM • KKR Report: KKR looking to raise up to $4.9B for European fund
KKR's 4th European buyout fund would be smaller than the most recent one of $6.1B raised in 2008. reports Bloomberg. The reduced size is a trend in P-E, with Carlyle looking to raise €3B for its 4th Europe fund, less than €5.3B for the previous one, and Bridgepoint also expecting to go after a smaller amount than the €4.8B it raised in 2008.KKR European Fund III (from 2008) had $1.7B of capital left to invest as of year end, and was producing a 7.8% IRR


$3.30 es el nuevo soporte de WMIH

Como ya la fue $2.70 durante un par de semanas...
Estamos esperando la próxima ignición del Cohete WMIH.


WMIH puede estar buscando listado en NASDAQ

Estos son los requerimientos... Standard 4 Assets with Equity... Solo hay que llegar a $4