
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

26,5K respuestas
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.171 / 3.346

YCAP Management incrementa su posición en WMIH®ion=usa&culture=en-US&ownerCountry=USA

Y/Cap Management, LLC
2,362,600 acciones 362,600 nuevas 1.17% WMIH 5.73% Activos YCAP 03/31/2014 Fecha informe

Besugo ¿Tu crees que estos Suizos se chupan el dedo?... ¿Que nos apostamos? dale un poco de aliciente a tanto pesimismo a ver si así aprendes a poner el $$$$$ donde pones la crítica.


Re: YCAP Management incrementa su posición en WMIH

Estos bombean también solo que de una manera mas profesional que la tuya. WMIH la están inflando con noticias falsas para seguir captando incautos.
Ya bastante gente ha perdido dinero contigo, desde Ten Shin hasta los desaparecidos, pero parece que quieres montar otro reguero de sangre en Rankia, esta vez no lo tienes fácil porque estas mas que etiquetado.


Re: YCAP Management incrementa su posición en WMIH

Eres un rajao...:) Si tan claro lo tienes mojate la critica fácil no sirve de nada.
Apuestate algo tangible... abre tus cortos y pon una cifra en la mesa que ya tenemos $2 como tu dato a seguir.

4 junio... 2 semanitas a la vista


LT recibira otros $45 Millones

LT waterfall: CA tax settlement > PIERS

The first attached image shows my LT waterfall model updated with numbers from the 4/30/14 LT quarterly report, showing LTI balances remaining after the 5/1/14 distribution of RONs. The waterfall has become much less complex because all tranches above 4b have now been paid in full. Tranche 4b has total claims of ~$204M, of which 76.8% (~$157M) is due to PIERS, which works out to $6.83 per PIERS (assuming all 23M PIERS provided releases).

Upon review of all factual information and after good-faith arms’ length negotiations, subject to this Court’s approval and final documentation, WMILT, JPMC and the FTB have determined that the California Claim and California Objection should be compromised and settled as follows:
• The California Claim and the California Objection will be deemed withdrawn, with prejudice;
• The FTB will make a $225 million cash payment to JPMC and WMILT, with WMILT receiving a $45 million cash payment (20% of the recovery pursuant to the GSA); and
• Resolution of the outstanding dispute between WMI (as successor in interest to H.F. Ahmanson & Co.) and the FTB, solely with respect to pre- 1998 taxable years, will be deferred, with both parties reserving all rights with respect to such dispute.

The second attached image shows how the distribution of the $45M in cash from the CA tax settlement would affect PIERS. If the entire settlement amount is distributed, PIERS would get $1.50 per share in cash, with the remaining PIERS claim amount at $5.32 per PIERS.


Follow the $$$$$$...o mejor a los Tiburones Blancos :)

MoversTop Holders
Holder Shares % Held

Appaloosa Management LP: David Tepper
as of 31 Dec 2012
17.03m 8.43%

Greywolf Capital Management LP: Jonathan Savitz
as of 31 Dec 2013
14.93m 7.39%

Y/CAP Management LLC: Los Suizos
as of 31 Mar 2014
2.36m 1.17%

Dalton Investments LLC
as of 20 Aug 2013
985.09k 0.49%

Cougar Trading LLC
as of 31 Mar 2014
480.00k 0.24%

Flaherty & Crumrine, Inc.
as of 30 Nov 2013
258.40k 0.13%

Fidelity Management & Research Co.
as of 28 Feb 2014
21.77k 0.01%

Investors Trust, Inc.
as of 31 Mar 2014
1.80k 0.00%

Juristernes og Økonomernes Pensionskasse (Invt Mgmt)
as of 31 Dec 2012
841 0.00%

Concorde Asset Management Ltd.
as of 28 Jun 2013
821 0.00%

Per cent of shares
held by top holders
Data from 31 Dec 2012 - 31 Mar 2014


Sigue a los Insiders... estos no trabajan para que sus acciones no exploten


Third Avenue Management LLC has 1.4M shares as of 1/31/2014, has a 3.1B under management and is 5 stars institution in morningstar®ion=usa&culture=en-US

Insider Holders*

Most Recent Trans. Shares Owned
Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Feb 10, 2014 363,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Feb 10, 2014 313,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Aug 13, 2013 263,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Aug 13, 2013 263,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Feb 10, 2014 313,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Aug 13, 2013 263,193

Director Acquisition (Non Open Market) Feb 10, 2014 347,696

And let us not forget !

Fees Earned or PAID IN CASH ////

Michael Willingham $163,125

Eugene I. Davis $130,000

Diane B. Glossman $111,250

Timothy R. Graham $108,750

Mark E. Holliday $126,250

Michael Renoff $110,000

Steve D. Scheiwe $118,750

P-20 of the last 10K
On October 18, 2012, WMIHC issued a total of 1,156,078 restricted shares of WMIHC’s common stock under the 2012 Plan to outside directors. On August 13, 2013, 686,273 restricted shares of WMIHC’s common stock were issued under the 2012 Plan to outside directors. The restricted shares vest in three equal installments commencing on the date of grant over a three year period (subject to continued service as a director through each vesting date and subject to certain stock ownership guidelines in which the director must at all times during service on the board hold shares of WMIHC’s stock equal to 50 percent of the aggregate number of shares awarded to the director as director compensation and that have vested, and such shares may not be sold without the prior approval of the Compensation Committee). Effective February 10, 2014, we increased the number of shares reserved and available for awards under our 2012 Plan from 2 million to 3 million shares of WMIHC’s common stock and issued 250,000 restricted shares to members of our Corporate Strategy and Development Committee and our Chairman, Michael Willingham. We issued these shares relying on Section 4(2) of the Securities Act, and Rule 506 of Regulation D thereunder

Director compensation has three components:

(1) annual cash retainer for board service;

(2) annual cash retainers based on committee chair positions and committee membership; and

(3) annual restricted stock grants. The annual cash retainer for board service was $100,000. Annual retainers for committee or chair service include:

(i) $10,000 for each non-Chair member of the Audit Committee;
(ii) $10,000 for each non-Chair member of the Corporate Strategy and Development Committee;
(iii) $5,000 for each non-Chair member of the Compensation Committee;
(iv) $5,000 for each non-Chair member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee;
(v) $50,000 for being Chairman of the Board;
(vi) $25,000 for the Audit Committee Chair;
(vii) $25,000 for the Corporate Strategy and Development Committee Chair;
(viii)$12,500 for the Compensation Committee Chair and
(ix) $12,500 for the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Chair. All retainers were paid in quarterly installments, in advance, on the last day of the prior quarter. WMIHC also reimburses directors for their travel expenses for each meeting attended in person; however, reimbursement amounts are not included in the totals above.


Third Avenue Management LLC le gusta WMIH :) :) :)

Third Avenue Management LLC
1,407,040 shares as of 1/31/2014
new position.

David Barse's background:

Mr. Barse has overseen Third Avenue’s expansion into investments outside of the U.S. including developed markets in Europe and Asia as well as emerging and frontier markets worldwide. Drawing on his background as a bankruptcy attorney, he has worked on Third Avenue’s most high profile distressed investments, including Kmart, USG, and Covanta Energy. In each case, Third Avenue either controlled or had elements of control in the reorganization of the company. Mr. Barse currently serves on the board of Covanta Holdings Corporation, a market leader in energy from waste technology.

Mr. Barse frequently appears in the financial media, including CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business News, Forbes, Fortune, Business Week and Bloomberg. Mr. Barse has spoken about value investing, corporate finance, corporate governance, business ethics and bankruptcy law.

Mr. Barse holds a J.D. from Brooklyn Law School and a B.A. from George Washington University. He is a member of the Brooklyn Law School Board of Trustees and sits on the Board of Directors of the City Parks Foundation.

Besugo tienes que seguir a los Lobos de Wall Street...perderas tu apuesta. :)

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