
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

26,5K respuestas
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.179 / 3.346

Re: Contactar con WMITRUST

Gracias Mr Simpson!!


Solicitar documentos Conversion

Buenos dias Antonio:

Prueba con este contacto, seguro que te lo soluciona.

David M. Sharp
Director, Public Securities
[email protected]

599 Lexington Ave, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10022
tel 917.281.4820
fax 917.281.4920
[email protected]

Estos son los Codigos de las acciones Escrows

WAMPQ CUSIP 939ESC992 (Class 19)
WAMKQ CUSIP 939ESC968 (Class 22)
WAMUQ CUSIP 9393ESC84 (Class 08-12229 M FW)

Ya nos cuentas cuando te pasen enlace. Suerte


WMILT (Finalización del P&A por la FDIC en Septiembre 2014)

Creo que la mejor manera de valorar si esto va a ocurrir no es ver los Tramos 4, 5 o 6, sino ver si la FDIC cambia la fecha de finalización del Purchase Agreement P&A un año más o dos. No creo que esto ocurra puesto que ellos quieren este tema liquidado para Sept/2014.

Así que con esa fecha acercandose, todo lo que la FDIC tiene que hacer es poner un escrito explicando porque los settlements para los claims de los empleados no pueden ser pagados ni habilitados dado que violan las reglas de la FDIC que Susman ya dejo en evidencia en un escrito explicando los motivos por los que la FDIC no tenia que pagarlos. Si sucede que la FDIC haga esto entre agosto y medios de septiembre, eso llevará el proceso a un frenazo para lo que queda de proceso.

No hay que preocuparse de MARTA ya que tal Claim es falso y fue admitido por la Corte para bloquear y que esto se retrasara todo lo que la FDIC quisiera. Ya han cobrado en otra Corte de todas maneras, así que los anularan. Si Sept/2014 es la fecha de finalización del P&A, veremos como el Caso se mueve rapidamente a partir de ahora.


Re: Solicitar documentos Conversion

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda (aquí y en los foros USA) Mr Simpson !!;-)
Cuando tenga respuesta la haré pública

Un saludo

Pd : creo que la relación entre los antiguos ticker (de las clases 19 y 22 de WAMU) y los escrows actuales es la ss:

WAMPQ CUSIP939ESC992 (Class 19)
WAMKQ CUSIP9393ESC84 (Class 08-12229 MFW)
WAMUQ CUSIP939ESC968 (Class 22)


Re: Solicitar documentos Conversion (Email de Edgar Sargent)

1 WAMPQ recibirá 19.80 acciones de la New Co
1 WAMKQ recibirá 0.495 acciones de la New Co
30 WAMUQ recibirá 1 acción New Co

From: Edgar G. Sargent [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: Wamu
Here's information I just received from Alvarez showing conversion ratios:

142,500,000 (75% of 190,000,000) are distributed to holders of preferred securities as well as claims subordinated to the level of preferred. Total disputed claims at the preferred level are $106,514,585.09. For those claims, 2,109,051 shares are reserved. The remaining 140,390,949 are distributed evenly by liquidation preference across the $7.5 billion of preferred shares. However, while the TPS are denominated in 1,000s, the Series K has a face amount per share of $25.
For the TPS, 3,729,658.260 shares provided releases and will receive 73,849,406 shares or 19.80058 new shares per old share. This share count is after giving effect to the mandatory exchange.
For Series R, 2,906,421 shares provided releases and will receive 57,548,829 or 19.8005825 new shares per old share.
For Series K, 18,166,565 shares provided releases and will receive 8,992,714 shares or 0.4950146 new shares per old share.
For the common shareholders, they are receiving 47,500,000 shares of which 4,165,750 shares go to the Dime Warrant holders, 2,631,933 shares are reserved for disputed equity claims, 693,806 shares will be distributed to Principal Financial on account of their claims and existing common will get 40,008,511 shares. For each share of existing common granting releases in the total amount of 1,194,340,178 shares, they will receive 0.03349842 shares.
Because no fractional shares are being issued, the percentages for each holder may vary due to rounding. I’m not sure what you are using this information for, but that’s an important point for holders.

Hope this gets you what you need. I'm out until tomorrow so if you have any follow up I will probably respond then.



Shareholders Meeting: 4 Junio New York

I'm developing an obsession trying to decide why the annual meeting (which seemed to work just fine last year at the Roosevelt Hotel near Grand Central Station) was moved to the larger, and presumably more expensive, Sheraton Times Square.


1. By moving away from Grand Central Station to a mid-town location it makes it harder for non-Manhattan people to attend. You have to take a train into Manhattan and then take a subway or taxi to the hotel. This could reduce the number of small shareholders and their stupid questions.

2. Interestingly, KKR's offices are on 5th Avenue and 57th. The hotel is at 7th Avenue and 53rd, within easy walking distance of one another. Was the new location chosen by KKR? Are they paying for the meeting? Will breakfast be provided?

3. And why the early 9:00AM start time, before the stock market opens for trading?

4. OT: my wife asked me what could go wrong at this point. I told her that if Mike Willingham was voted off the BOD that would be a cause of concern for me. We know from last year's voting results that institutions control the voting and can basically vote in or vote out whoever they want, without retail shareholders having a real say in the matter.


Puede ser una coincidencia pero KKR tambien hara una presentación para inversores ese mismo 4 de Junio a las 9.30 am

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KKR & Co. L.P. (NYSE:KKR) announced today that William J. Janetschek, Chief Financial Officer, and Craig Larson, Head of Investor Relations, will present at the Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Asset Management Conference on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 9:30 AM EDT."


Re: Shareholders Meeting: 4 Junio New York

Tambien estuviste anunciando meeting de acionistas Wamu durante largo tiempo para que despues se hundieran sus acciones.
Saca a tus muñecos Macnamaman y Kaka Kala para darle vidilla al hilo. Jajaja


Re: Shareholders Meeting: 4 Junio New York

Ali Meshkati (Analista) sobre WMIH

A similar transaction (WMIH current market cap is approximately $600 million, with the
expectation that they will acquire a company, at least, twice the value of their current market cap) for WMIH is the minimum expectation. The Faneuil acquisition was constructed by a management team, board of directors and investment banking help that pales in comparison to what WMIH has assembled. With KKR, Blackstone and a veritable who's who of financial restructuring experts, WMIH is likely aiming for a leveraged transaction that will be 3-4X its
current market cap. That is $1.5 to $2.5 billion. If you assume a 20% profit margin, then you are looking at a company that can generate net income of $300 million per year. On a non-diluted basis that would mean that the current market cap is valuing an operating entity under the WMIH umbrella at a paltry 2x earnings.

Even assuming that the combination of BS/KKR/BOD are only able to make an acquisition that is 2x current market cap, a 20% margin would put current valuation of WMIH at 2.5x earnings. Average multiple on insurance companies ranges
from 12-15x earnings, with the potential for expansion as the bull market continues. A 12x multiple would put WMIH market cap at 2.4 billion on a $1 billion acquisition and 3.6 billion on a $1.5 billion acquisition. And that is just to start. Assuming a max dilution scenario where the outstanding share count blows up to 300 million shares that would put the share price at $8 for a $1 billion acquisition and $12 for a $1.5 billion acquisition. Again, this is to start, without growth, multiple expansion and the numerous favorable winds that are at the back of insurance companies, in general.

This entire scenario assumes that WMIH is going to morph into a P&C insurer (I've highlighted
the reasons this will be the target industry for M&A in the past)