
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.197 / 3.346

KKR no para... suma y sigue

"Henry Kravis, Still Shaking Wall Street, Steers KKR Into Lending"

"Kravis was offering Madrid-based Uralita a 320 million euro ($435 million) lifeline from a $2 billion fund that invests in distressed businesses. The catch: CEO Javier Serratosa had to agree to work solely with Kravis’s private-equity firm, KKR & Co. (KKR), and turn down other offers, including one from Blackstone Group LP (BX), trusting KKR wouldn’t pull out or change its terms."

"KKR’s debt funds are reaping big returns. Its special-situations fund had a 47 percent gross average annual return as of March 31, according to company filings. "


A los que dicen que estoy equivocado... les digo dos palabras "KKR" y "SPAV" estos no entran para jugar al parchis.


Re: KKR no para... suma y sigue

De momento a bajar toca.

Saca a los palmeros. Jajaja


Re: KKR no para... suma y sigue

KKR steps in as banks step back... traducido Besugo (estamos asustadisimos! :) :) :)

"If you ask who the new Goldman Sachs are going to be, you can see it already," says Trilantic Capital's Jon Mattson. "KKR is much more of a merchant bank ... They are doing what investment banks in the U.S. did 30 years ago."Once the dominant name in P-E, KKR has been slower than competitor Blackstone to branch out into new businesses, but Henry Kravis and George Roberts - each 70 years old - are busy transforming the company into a credit player that can act as a lender, investor, and syndicator all at the same time - i.e. Goldman Sachs minus the sales/trading.“Our balance sheet gives us that extra firepower,” says Kravis. “We can provide almost any kind of debt product that a company may need. We can provide equity, and we can take minority or majority positions in a company ... I think we're in the 2nd or 3rd inning ... I'm working harder today than I've ever worked in my life."Full Bloomberg article


Re: KKR no para... suma y sigue

Lo que no has perdido con WAMU lo vas a perder con las acciones reconvertidas. Te estará bien por tantos a los que llevaste al redil. Jajaja


Fidelity retira los Bonos hasta 15 Julio

Fidelity Important Bond/CD Redemption Notice
Bond/CD Redemption Notice

This notification is to inform you that a bond in your above-referenced portfolio is expected to be partially called. Please refer to the information below for more details. A letter with complete details of this transaction is available on

CUSIP: 92936PAA8
Security Description: WMI HLDGS CORP SR 1LIEN NT
Interest Rate: 13.000%
Maturity Date: 3/19/2030
Quantity: View online
Price: "100.00"
Principal: View online
Call Date: 7/15/2014

Un email así de simple es lo que Selfbank debería haber enviado a sus cuentas en vez del ticket de Euromillones :)


Mis conclusiones del artículo de Bloomberg

Estamos en la mejor disposición posible con un socio estratégico y actor principal de la industria que está redefiniendo las reglas del juego.

WMIH no necesita un bank Charter porque KKR ya tiene los mecanismos para prestar a otras empresas utilizando sus vehículos de deuda.

WMIH será el vehiculo o instrumento fiscal que KKR va a usar para ahorrarse sus beneficios masivos... tiempo al tiempo y lo dicho... quien ríe último ríe mejor. Yo hablo aportando datos e interpretando lo que estamos recibiendo en las noticias. No me centro en los movimientos diarios porque a la vista está que son controlados hasta el momento que lleguen las noticias.

Mi estilo no es hablar desde el odio personalizado o la envidia que puedas tenerme por estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento idoneo para saber capitalizar una inversión.

El editorial: