
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
462 / 3.346

Re: Llego la hora

Pero por lo menos sin tanta pena


Otro artículo de Kirsten Grind

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, will be among the first officials to testify Wednesday at the two-day hearings of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a Congress-appointed panel designated to examine the financial events of the past several years.

It’s unclear whether Dimon — or other participants — will be asked about JPMorgan’s purchase of Washington Mutual from the government on Sept. 25, 2008. Commissioners reached by the Puget Sound Business Journal say they have not decided whether the Seattle-based bank’s seizure — the largest in U.S. history — will be among topics discussed.

Sheila Bair, the chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. who oversaw WaMu’s sale to JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), will testify Thursday morning, according to information released by the commission.

Tucker Warren, a spokesman for the commission, said topic areas will not be released by the group, which is headed by Chairman Phil Angelides, a Democrat who is a former California state Treasurer.

Dimon is slated to begin speaking between 6 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday. His testimony will be broadcast live on C-Span and will be streaming on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission’s website. The website is scheduled to go live Monday night.

JPMorgan bought WaMu from the FDIC for $1.88 billion after WaMu was seized by federal regulators in the tumult of September 2008.

According to commissioners who spoke on background, if WaMu is not a topic of conversation at this hearing, that doesn’t mean it won’t come up in future hearings that will be held throughout much of 2010.

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was created as part of the Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act of 2009. Congress established the 10-member, bipartisan panel.


Re: Llego la hora

Si pero al final han tirado las Wampq casi 8 dólares con una venta brutal, siempre tienen que dejar mal sabor de boca.


Re: Llego la hora

Tal vez la incertidumbre en el precio de hoy, no es por lo que dijo el abogado.

Podría ser más bien, el hecho que no se sabe todavía los nombres de los miembros del Comité.


Re: Llego la hora

El mejor sabor de boca es este.

"EC has chosen their 7 members. Pulled over on I-95 right now for this update. Out of the 7 members, there was only one hedge fund. I will not list the names on here, but spoke with Peg Brickley from WSJ and she noted down the names when I got out of the meeting. Will update more later"

Tenemos los 7 miembros del EC elegidos !!! y 6 de ellos son inversores minoristas solo hay 1 Hedge Fund. Esto si que son buenas noticias.

PD: La ultima vez q



EC FORMED - NO NAMES YET 1 minute ago
The seven members of the EC have been chosen.
Only one from Hedge Fund.
No details or names at this time.
Posted with permission from Ghost board.


Re: Llego la hora

¿Es bueno que sean inversores minoristas?¿No seria bueno que estuviese TPG como mayor accionista?
Yo entiendo que al ser minoristas estamos mas desamparados.


Re: Llego la hora

De eso nada, el EC decide si lo que nos ofrecen es justo y toma decisiones que favorecen a todos. Es muy probable que si los grandes no han querido estar ya sepamos que tenian conflictos de intereses por doquier. Estar representados por "retail investors" creo que es muy positivo sobre todo si hay gente del grupo Ghost of Wamu.

No nos pueden hablar más de momento pero creo que las noticias son positivas.