
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
621 / 3.346

Re: MM´s en control

Pero si ni escribe, debe estar en el barco del arroz y aun no ha llegado a Haiti.


Re: MM´s en control

Yo voy a ir a Delaware a ver si veo a Rosen que le tengo ganas.


Re: MM´s en control

Pues yo creo que haré algo parecido a Mr_simpson y me ire a esquiar y respirar aire puro a la coordillera , siempre que este tiempo tan horrible que tenemos hoy en asturias me lo permita.
y por supuesto esta tarde noche tomarme unas copas tranquilamente con los colegas para celebrar la confirmación del EC.


Persigamos a los directivos (post USA)

**I want to Go After The Directors**
« on: Today at 07:28:40 AM » Quote


Seriously. I think because of the underhanded attempt to screw equity. At some point, I think we should band together to sue the directors and anyone else responsible or connected including attorneys.

If in fact (and we know it will happen), recovery is made down to the common, I think spending some of that money to go after these turncoats is appropriate. We are not there yet, but I say we dont forget to do this.

Wanted to put it out there to you all, and see what you think. I am extremely pissed about this as Rosen and other anti-EC speakers did not mention the settlement negotiations and pretended like we cant read the f'n billing statements. I hope EC does a full audit of the accounting MOR and value of subs....because I have lost complete faith in Wiel after the arguments yesterday. It became perfectly clear that when the WMB bond holders aligned with Wiel and WMI Creditors, that there was a ploy to screw equity.

What do you think? DO you have any idea or input on whether or not we can go after the WMI director's and anyone else involved in this scam against Equity?

Note- I have no evidence that WMI director's or management is involved, but highly likely since they are the employer of Weil. The above are questions I think we as shareholders should consider and act upon whether with the EC atty or with a different one. I want those who are responsible for this scheme to pay.


En este lado del oceano...

Simplemente paseare en mi Journey, cortesía de WAMU !



Re: En este lado del oceano...

Lehman también le da por subir...

Creo que ayer alguien anticipó la subida aquí.


Re: Persigamos a los directivos (post USA)

Si la Equidad tiene suficiente poder lo que tienen que hacer es liquidar a los abogados y quedarse con Venable. Que cojones tanto gasto en abogados 65 mill. de dolares esto ya representa 0.04 $ sobre la accion comun que nos cuesta a nosotros. Multiplicar esto por las acciones que teneis y vereis que a vosotros tambien os estan guindando esta pandilla de chorizos.


Re: Persigamos a los directivos (post USA)

Ya tenemos el EC. Ahora para que siga subiendo hace falta que Warren Buffett haga una OPA.