
Gamesa for ever

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Gamesa for ever
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Gamesa for ever
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Re: Gamesa for ever

buenas noticias pues¡¡¡¡ a `por los 19 € ¡¡


Re: Gamesa for ever

Hombre primero tiene algunos niveles importante q superar y algunas correccciones q hacer,tranquidad y yo
estoy dentro desde los 11,38 asi q más q yo no quiere nadie....................


Re: Gamesa for ever

Sopla aire fresco para Gamesa: vuelve al radar del mercado y sube un 7% en dos días

Leer más: Ibex 35: Sopla aire fresco para Gamesa: vuelve al radar del mercado y sube un 7% en dos días. Noticias de Mercados


Re: Gamesa for ever

Gamesa sube un 8% en dos días y aún tiene un 34% de potencial - See more at:
.Gamesa coge oxígeno gracias a su diversificación geográfica. En apenas dos sesiones, el valor ha recuperado un 8% hasta reconquistar la zona de los 12,38 euros por acción.
Dos motivos han tirado al alza del valor, por un lado, su apuesta por los países emergentes -ya está presente en 54 países- y por otro, las buenas recomendaciones. La última llegaba de la mano de Citi, tras elevar su recomendación sobre el valor a comprar desde neutral, con un potencial de revalorización del 45%. Estos expertos destacan de la compañía la recuperación de los márgenes productivos y reestructuración de los costes estructurales fijos. Gamesa pude cumplir con un crecimiento del beneficio por acción del 30% en el próximo bienio?, señalan los expertos en el informe.
La gran baza de Gamesa, miembro del Eco10 - el índice de ideas de inversión de calidad de elEconomista desde el mes de junio- ha sido su salida al exterior. Kuwait, Turquía y Chipre son los últimos mercados en los que Gamesa ha conseguido abrirse camino. En los últimos tiempos la compañía ha firmado contratos para instalar aerogeneradores en estos tres países por un total de 72,5 megavatios.
En lo que llevamos de año, los títulos de Gamesa acumulan una subida del 62%, ocupando la primera posición por revalorización dentro del selectivo. En la actualidad Gamesa cuenta con una recomendación de mantener - la mejor de los últimos cinco años-, una buena racha que comenzó en el mes de junio coincidiendo con la aprobación de la reforma energética. "La historia de Gamesa es una historia de transformación. Su último reto no era fácil, batir su plan estratégico. El último batacazo bursátil ha llegado por su alta exposición a China y emergentes, nosotros vemos nuevos niveles de entrada si la acción retrocede hasta la zona de 9-9,5 euros. Puede ser una opción muy interesante", apunta José Lizán, gestor de carteras de Auriga.
Los analistas de Factset cifran su precio objetivo en los 15,84 euros, lo que supone un potencial de revalorización cercano al 34% desde los precios actuales de mercado.
Fuente: Eleconomista
- See more at:


Re: Gamesa for ever
.Gamesa will be the first company to install wind turbines in Kuwait

Zamudio, Spain - Gamesa has signed new contracts to supply 72.5 MW in three countries, expanding its geographic diversification to 54 countries, and its presence in spot markets, which represent 25 percent of the MW installed by the company.

More specifically, Gamesa has signed contracts in Turkey (52.5 MW), Cyprus (10 MW) and Kuwait (10 MW).

In Turkey the company will supply, install and commission 40 MW for Ado Enerji at the Akyurt (seven G114-2.0 MW turbines), Konakpinari (seven G114-2.0 MW turbines) and Karaçayir (six G114-2.0 MW turbines) wind farms.
Under the terms of the agreement, Gamesa will also provide the operations and maintenance (O&M) services for five years. The turbines will be equipped with Gamesa’s MaxPower technology, which increases their nominal capacity from 2.0 MW to 2.1 MW, boosting these turbines’ output to 42 MW. The turbines are slated for supply during the second quarter of 2016, while the facility is scheduled for completion during the third quarter of next year.
Gamesa has also been mandated to supply 12.5 MW of its G114-2.5 MW model to Kazanci Holding. These turbines are scheduled for delivery to the Datça wind farm during the second quarter of 2016; this facility is also due to start up during the third quarter. This order will mark the introduction of Gamesa's G114-2.5 MW turbine into this market.

Aeoliki Akti, a local conglomerate, has ordered 10 MW (five G114-2.0 MW turbines) for the Sanida Kelaki wind farm. These turbines are due for delivery in spring 2016 and the facility is scheduled for completion by the third quarter of next year.

Gamesa has landed its first order in this market, specifically a contract for the supply and installation of 10 MW (five G97-2.0 MW turbines) for Kuwait's début wind farm, which is being developed by a joint venture formed by Elecnor and local partner Alghanim. The wind farm is expected to be commissioned by 2016.


Re: Gamesa for ever

pues no pinta mal ¡¡¡


Re: Gamesa for ever

Buenos días ,cuando presenta resultados este valor

Dá tu opinión ,y deja que los demás den la suya .Gracias muy amable


Re: Gamesa for ever

uffff va como un tiro , creo que tal vez se haya quedado con el contrato de marruecos tambien ..
.Eólica en Marruecos: Retrasan concurso eólico al que aspiran Gamesa y Acciona
.Marruecos tiene un ambicioso plan de desarrollo de energías renovables (eólica, termosolar y energía solar fotovoltaica) según el cual aspira a proveerse en un 42 % del total de su consumo en energías limpias en el horizonte de 2020.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Última hora gamesa se apunta una mas.
Availon wins servicing contracts for 48 European turbines

German wind turbine servicing specialist Availon has signed new contracts with undisclosed clients to service 48 wind turbines totalling 78MW.

The company said the new deals were signed at last month’s Husum Wind trade expo.

The turbines – which are operated by various companies in four different European countries – include Vestas V80 and V90, Gamesa G80 and G58, GE 1.5 and DeWind D6.

Availon said three quarters of the orders are based on partial maintenance and one quarter on full maintenance concepts.

Global sales manager Michael Richter, said: “Our modular contract concepts, in which our customers can individually design the scope of the service, continue to enjoy a great deal of popularity.

“With these new orders, we are very confident that Availon can confirm its leading position as a service company independent of manufacturers in 2015 and build on its strong position.”

The Rhine-based company currently employs a workforce of more than 380 employees in Germany, Europe and the US.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Bourne selectmen approve route for turbines traveling from New Bedford
.iled: October 1, 2015 • Massachusetts
Bourne selectmen approve route for turbines traveling from New Bedford
Credit: By Carrie Gentile | Cape Cod Times | Posted Sep. 30, 2015 | ~~
BOURNE — Selectmen paved the way Wednesday for Future Generation Wind to transport wind turbines on Bourne streets to Plymouth, while the Board of Health continues to question if the small wind farm could create adverse health effects for Bourne neighbors.
The board approved the license to transport the turbine equipment 3-2 during its meeting Wednesday night. Selectmen Michael Blanton and Peter Meier voted against the license approval.
Upon hearing from residents concerned that the company could exceed the scope of the delivery set by the license, Selectman Stephen Mealy, board chairman, said the license could be revoked by the board at any time.
The project’s four turbines will be erected on a cranberry farm in Plymouth, with the entrance to the property off Head of the Bay Road in Bourne. Because of the size of the components, the project requires a convoy-style delivery of about 30 oversized trucks carrying parts as large as 170 feet long and more than 15 feet wide.
The license will allow the turbines to travel from New Bedford through Wareham, down Main Street in Buzzards Bay to Belmont Circle and out to Keith Mann’s cranberry farm on Head of the Bay Road.
According to Will Combs, logistics coordinator of Gamesa Wind, the company hired to transport the equipment, the shuttling of the equipment will occur in late October.
Selectmen, as a condition of delivery approval, are requiring a $1 million bond from the company, which will make it responsible for replacing 80 feet of guardrail that will have to be removed for transport. Fire and police details will also be paid for by the applicant Future Generation Wind, which will need to seek Planning Board approval if trees need to be cut on scenic Head of the Bay Road.
Concurrently, the Board of Health is questioning the impact of the wind farm on some Bourne homeowners whose property would fall within the spinning structure’s flicker shadows. Board members say they have jurisdiction since the blades’ shadows would cross the border from Plymouth to Bourne.
A half-dozen project dissenters spoke against the license approval Wednesday night based on the health implications of the turbines.
Douglas W. Manter, also known as Chief Little Bear, of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Indian Tribe, said the planned route would not only affect the health of a nearby tribal member, but also that the project is close to native sacred sites.
“I ask this matter to be referred to town meeting,” he said.
Selectmen, however, have final say on the license. The Board of Health will discuss the health implications of the project later this month.
Jonathan Fitch, a lawyer with Future Generation Wind, told Board of Health members last week he wanted to be a good neighbor but the turbines do not have to meet Bourne’s regulations since they are located in Plymouth.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de contratos que están haciendo y que se espera una buena subida, creéis que es buen momento para comprar mientras esté entorno a los 13? o mejor esperar un poco.



Re: Gamesa for ever

La ultima vez que presento resultados esta empresa se fue de 16.5 a 11.5. Aprendí la lección día de resultados-->ambulancia en la puerta de casa.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Aqu ihabra q empezara a subir el stop para asegurar plusvalias ...........


Re: Fusion competencia

pues ha sentado bien a gamesa, he oido rumores de que habra otra graan fusion en gamesa , sera con acciona tambien o con vestas??