
Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
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Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Esta pandemia exige nuevas medidas que refuercen la coordinación entre países para futuras situaciones como la vivida. Mayor financiación, rapidez y apoyo a nivel global para minimizar el impacto de una futura crisis sanitaria. Espero que empresas como Novavax estén dentro de tan selecto grupo y que puedan prosperar con menores restricciones en un futuro.

Reducing the impact of future pandemics by making Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines available within 100 days. A report to the G7 by the pandemic preparedness partnership.

Building on the target set by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) - to have effective vaccines within 100 days of a pathogen being sequenced - we propose an Apollo Mission for the modern age to galvanise the international community


And while we applaud the noble goal of the IPPPR that COVID-19 be the last pandemic we face, we believe the science and evidence suggests we must prepare for the worst and - in doing so - make it less likely

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Canada announced agreement with Novavax to produce vaccine in Montreal

Canadá anuncia un acuerdo para producir la vacuna de Novavax en Montreal.
Además ha anunciado que va a donar 7 millones de dosis de la vacuna de Novavax.

Según Bloomberg, Novavax  presentó la EUA la semana pasada.  El MOA ahora se ha firmado con Novavax frente al anuncio de financiación del año pasado.

Edito. Aunque la noticia aparece como nueva en Bloomberg este acuerdo es del mes de marzo. De hecho se ve a Trodeau bastante abrigado al anunciar el acuerdo.
Sorry….  Miré la fecha pero no presté la debida atención a los detalles. 

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Tras visionar el vídeo creo haber entendido que:

La fábrica estará lista para julio
La producción empezaría para finales de año
Novavax presentó hace una semana la EUA y deberían tardar unos dos meses en aprobarla
Canadá tiene a un 2.5% de su población vacunada y siguen con retrasos en cuanto a abastecimiento de vacunas procedentes de Moderna y Pfizer 

Gracias @patoulax!! 

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Si eso parece, pero teniendo en cuenta que el acuerdo es algo ya conocido hay que dar la credibilidad justa a lo de la solicitud de la EUA..

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Este otro dato del G7 me tranquiliza:

From G7 post: World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and other public health officials commended the vaccine pledge but said it’s not enough. To truly end the pandemic, he said, 11 billion doses are needed to vaccinate at least 70% of the world’s population by mid-2022.

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Acabo de soltar el 33% de la carga a 214,41 en el pre.

Tengo orden para soltar hasta el 60% ahora en 214,41.

Seguro que hoy se disparan!! jajajajaja Pero no puedo mantener tanto riesgo. Ya vale!!!

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Aprovecho para preguntar, cuales eran los brokers que permiten operar en PM,AM?


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

IB lo permite

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Yo trabajo con IB.

Edito: Liquidadas, lo que me quedaba de orden. A una media de 214 creo que ha sido!!!

Han sido semanas muy tensas tras el batacazo con el retraso. Mantengo posición pero estas ya se quedan hasta ver datos PH3 e iremos viendo como se maneja el precio y el gráfico.


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo


Enhorabuena a todos los que habéis aguantado !!!

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

  • 93% efficacy against predominantly circulating Variants of Concern and Variants of Interest
  • 91% efficacy in high-risk populations
  • 100% efficacy against variants "not considered Variants of Concern/Interest"
  • All COVID-19 hospitalizations/death occurred in the placebo group
  • Company to host investor conference call today at 8:30 am ET

GAITHERSBURG, Md., June 14, 2021 /CNW/ -- Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ:NVAX), today announced that NVX-CoV2373, its recombinant nanoparticle protein-based COVID-19 vaccine, demonstrated 100% protection against moderate and severe disease, 90.4% efficacy overall, and met the primary endpoint in its PREVENT-19 pivotal Phase 3 trial. The study enrolled 29,960 participants across 119 sites in the U.S. and Mexico to evaluate efficacy, safety and immunogenicity, with an emphasis on recruiting a representative population of communities and demographic groups most impacted by the disease.

"Today, Novavax is one step closer to addressing the critical and persistent global public health need for additional COVID-19 vaccines. These clinical results reinforce that NVX-CoV2373 is extremely effective and offers complete protection against both moderate and severe COVID-19 infection," said Stanley C. Erck, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novavax. "Novavax continues to work with a sense of urgency to complete our regulatory submissions and deliver this vaccine, built on a well understood and proven platform, to a world that is still in great need of vaccines."

The company intends to file for regulatory authorizations in the third quarter, upon completion of the final phases of process qualification and assay validation needed to meet chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) requirements. Upon regulatory approvals, Novavax remains on track to reach manufacturing capacity of 100 million doses per month by the end of the third quarter and 150 million doses per month by the end of the fourth quarter of 2021.

"PREVENT-19 confirms that NVX-CoV2373 offers a reassuring tolerability and safety profile," said Gregory M. Glenn, M.D., President of Research and Development, Novavax. "These data show consistent, high levels of efficacy and reaffirm the ability of the vaccine to prevent COVID-19 amid ongoing genetic evolution of the virus. Our vaccine will be a critical part of the solution to COVID-19 and we are grateful to the study participants and trial staff who made this study possible, as well as our supporters, including the U.S. Government."

Click here to view multimedia content, including B-roll, an illustrated fact sheet and other resources that accompany this press release.

Results: Consistent, high efficacy among circulating variants

In the placebo-controlled, observer-blinded study randomized 2:1, NVX-CoV2373 demonstrated overall efficacy of 90.4% (95% CI: 82.9, 94.6), achieving its primary endpoint. Seventy-seven cases were observed: 63 in the placebo group and 14 in the vaccine group. All cases observed in the vaccine group were mild as defined by the trial protocol. Ten moderate cases and four severe cases were observed, all in the placebo group, yielding a vaccine efficacy of 100% (95% CI: 87.0, 100) against moderate or severe disease.

Efficacy endpoints were accrued from January 25 through April 30, 2021 — a time when the Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant, first identified in the U.K., became the predominant strain in the U.S. Other strains, including Variants of Interest (VoI) and Variants of Concern (VoC), were also on the rise during the PREVENT-19 endpoint accrual window. Click here for CDC definitions of variants.

Sequence data are available for 54 of the 77 cases. PREVENT-19 met its key secondary endpoint, demonstrating 100% efficacy (95% CI: 80.8, 100) against variants not considered VoC/VoI. Of the sequenced cases, 35 (65%) were VoC, 9 (17%) were VoI, and 10 (19%) were other variants. Against VoC/VoI, which represented 82% of the cases, vaccine efficacy was 93.2% (95% CI: 83.9, 97.1), achieving a key exploratory endpoint of the study. Thirty-eight of the VoC/VoI cases were in the placebo group and 6 were in the vaccine group.

NVX-CoV2373 also showed success among "high-risk" populations (defined as over age 65, under age 65 with certain comorbidities or having life circumstances with frequent COVID-19 exposure): vaccine efficacy was 91.0% (95% CI: 83.6, 95.0), with 62 COVID-19 cases in the placebo group and 13 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group.

Results: Reasserting a favorable safety profile

Preliminary safety data from PREVENT-19 showed the vaccine to be generally well-tolerated. Serious and severe adverse events were low in number and balanced between vaccine and placebo groups. No single adverse event term was reported by more than 1% of participants. In assessing reactogenicity 7 days after Dose 1 and Dose 2, injection site pain and tenderness, generally mild to moderate in severity, were the most common local symptoms, lasting less than 3 days. Fatigue, headache and muscle pain were the most common systemic symptoms, lasting less than 2 days.

Study Endpoints

The primary endpoint for PREVENT-19 was the first occurrence of PCR-confirmed symptomatic (mild, moderate or severe) COVID-19 with onset at least 7 days after the second dose in serologically negative (to SARS-CoV-2) adult participants at baseline. The statistical success criterion included a lower bound of 95% CI >30%.

Novavax expects to share further details of the PREVENT-19 trial results as additional data become available. Further analyses of the trial are ongoing and will be shared via preprint servers as well as submitted to peer-review journals for publication.

The placebo-controlled portion of PREVENT-19 continues in adolescents from 12 to less than 18 years of age, which recently completed enrollment with 2,248 participants.

Variant Virus Strains

The CDC has defined Variant of Interest (VoI) as a variant with genetic markers that have been associated with changes to receptor binding, reduced neutralization by antibodies generated against previous infection or vaccination, or predicted increase in transmissibility or disease severity. A Variant of Concern (VoC) is defined as a variant for which there is evidence of an increase in transmissibility, more severe disease, significant reduction in neutralization by antibodies generated during previous infection or vaccination, reduced effectiveness of treatments or vaccines, or diagnostic detection failures. 

About PREVENT-19

PREVENT-19 (the PRE-fusion protein subunit Vaccine Efficacy Novavax Trial | COVID-19) is a 2:1 randomized, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of NVX-CoV2373 with Matrix-M™ adjuvant in 29,960 participants 18 years of age and older in 119 locations in the United States and Mexico, compared with placebo.

PREVENT-19 is being conducted with support from the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at HHS. BARDA is providing up to $1.75 billion under a Department of Defense agreement.

Conference Call

Novavax will host a conference call today at 8:30am ET. The dial-in numbers for the conference call are (866) 652-5200 (Domestic) or (412) 317-6060 (International). Participants will be prompted to request to join the Novavax, Inc. call. A replay of the conference call will be available starting at 7:30 p.m. ET on June 14, 2021, until 11:59 p.m. ET on June 21, 2021. To access the replay by telephone, dial (877) 344-7529 (Domestic) or (412) 317-0088 (International) and use passcode 10157478.

A webcast of the conference call can also be accessed on the Novavax website at A replay of the webcast will be available on the Novavax website until September 14, 2021.


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Madre mia que ojico tengo!!!

Otra vez que me pasa!!!

Enhorabuena a todos!!!

He liquidado otras poquitas a 236. EL resto me lo quedo.
