La valuación de b2k. Como dice en su guía:
The key rule to valuation is that we have to figure out what the peak potential of a company is. Then we got to figure out what that is worth today. Nota: la que hice yo es basándome un poco en esta guía pero me gusta tener la valuación de aquí a 2-3 años más que la actual. Y luego la parte de multiplicar según la fase no lo hago como él, lo hago con porcentajes y algún ajuste más. Lo interesante es que a pesar de partir con datos diferentes y métodos un poco distintos, nos sale una valuación en un rango similar. Por supuesto, su método es más fiable y probado, aunque en este caso el conocimiento de la empresa es bastante inferior ya que el la acaba de empezar a estudiar (y aquí llevamos años).
NVAX my first in depth
I still got more DD to do, but here is my first best guess for this one. I still think it to be a very high risk pick. They have been around many years and have had some serious set backs along the way. If it had no been for their NanoFlu success, I would never have considered them.
I don't know Stanley Erck at all yet. It will take time for me to figure him out. I know he has been in charge of Novavax since 2011. Its been a bit of a roller coaster with some failures and some success.
49 million Americans are over 65
About 69% of Seniors get the Flu shot = 33 million
Give them 30% of the market = 9.9 million
@ $60 per dose = $594 million
Estimated 100 million doses per year
Give them 30% of the market = 30 million doses
@ $25 per dose = $750 million
RSV vaccine Maternal:
Estimated 3 million doses per year
Give them 50% market share = 1.5 million
@ $250 per dose = $375 million
Ebola vaccine:
Estimated 3 million doses per year
Give them 50% market share = 1.5 million
@ $250 per dose = $375 million
CPLB Joint Venture:
They have a joint venture in India of which they on 20%
NanoFlu - $594 million * 3 for phase 3 = $1.782 billion value
Covi - $750 million * 10% for early phase 1 = $75 million value
RSV - $375 million * 2 for phase 2 = $750 million value
Ebola - $375 million * 10% for early phase 1 = $37.5 million value
Cash = $244 million
Total Value = $2.888 billion @ 57,958,587 shares outstanding = $49.82