
Cuidado con la lira turca

4 respuestas
Cuidado con la lira turca
Cuidado con la lira turca

Cuidado con la lira turca

Os dejo con este artículo de Bloomberg donde se resume los últimos acontecimientos: 

Investors dumped Turkish bonds and stocks on Wednesday after the nation orchestrated a currency crunch to prevent the lira from sliding days before an election that will test support for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule.

The cost of borrowing liras overnight on the offshore swap market soared past 1,000 percent at one point on Wednesday because local banks are under pressure not to provide liquidity to foreign fund managers who want to bet against the lira. A government official said the measures are temporary.

                                                                       lira turca

This has forced investors who want out of their lira positions to instead sell other Turkish assets to get the cash they need to close those trades. The yield on two-year Turkish bonds jumped above 20 percent and stocks slid the most since July. Fund managers including Japan’s Daiwa SB Investments Ltd. said they are rethinking investments in the country.

“I’ve never seen a move like this in the 21 years I’ve been watching this market,” said Julian Rimmer, a trader at Investec Bank Plc in London. “This amounts to sacrificing long-term pragmatism for a short-term political expedient. Such tactics will make many traders question the investability of the lira.”

By engineering a situation whereby investors can’t move out of liras easily, Turkish authorities have averted a currency slide before a March 31 vote that’ll determine who governs Turkey’s cities. That’s good for Erdogan, who’s already contending with a recession, soaring inflation and opposition parties trying to undermine him. But it comes at the cost inflicting pain on the investors Turkey needs to roll over $177 billion of foreign-currency debt coming due within the next 12 months.


Re: Cuidado con la lira turca

Este tema es interesantísimo.....

La lira está al borde del abismo.


Re: Cuidado con la lira turca

No le faltaba al mercado más que una crisis turca de caballo.


Erdogan se carga al presidente del Banco Central y hunde la lira

Erdogan ha despedido al gobernador del Banco Central lo que hace desplomar la lira turca (TRY) en la apertura del domingo más de un 3% en relación con el USD. Ahora cotiza en zonas de 5,73 dólares por lira.


Re: Cuidado con la lira turca

Esto es lo que suele suceder cuando se invierte en países con monedas débiles como Turquía o Argentina. El riesgo divisa es muy alto.