
La actualidad de los mercados

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La actualidad de los mercados
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La actualidad de los mercados
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Re: La actualidad de los mercados

EUR: medium-term inflation expectations are far below the ECB‘s target – even though they are 1/10th of a percent higher than at their trough last summer, chart @KarstenJunius

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

U.S. GDP rose at a 6.4% annual rate in the first quarter, expanding a consumer-led rebound from the pandemic.
U.S. Economy Grew Robustly in First QuarterGross domestic product grew at a 6.4% annual rate in the first quarter as the government distributed trillions of dollars in Covid-19 stimulus and consumers stepped up

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

#palantir $pltr Más de 51 NUEVOS inversores institucionales en mayo, 5 De ellos con más de un millón de acciones. 

Este lunes son los earning estado el mercado como está, no me extrañaría que aún siendo muy buenos baje, aún así tengo mucha confianza en el futuro.
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"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Fuerte subida semanal de prácticamente todas las materias, algunas en máximos históricos, tendencia alcista que comento desde el verano pasado y que continuará a medio plazo, aunque en Junio y Julio creo que veremos caídas
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Resumen semanal bolsas, divisas y materias primas: Semana 18 -

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Commodity super-cycle? More like a cyclical uplift, says @warrenpatCMDTY, who thinks a correction might be due, especially in metal prices
Commodities are buoyant but supply concerns are still a worryMetals prices are flirting with record levels, agricultural markets are trading at multi-year highs, and oil has staged an impressive recovery. The…

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Análisis Relativo del Cobre/Oro:

El Cobre supera resistencias del año 2018.

El Oro desde 2018 a Abril 2020 lo ha hecho mejor que el Cobre.
El Cobre desde Abril 2020 a la actualidad lo está haciendo mejor que el Oro. 
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"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Recuerda, el mercado de valores cae ...

~ 10% una vez al año más o menos
~ 20% cada cinco años
~ 30% una vez por década
~ 50% algunas veces por siglo

Los retrocesos "grandes" son más comunes de lo que parece.

Mantén la calma. Lo que importa es la perspectiva a largo plazo.
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"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

¿Cómo invertir según mi edad? Descubre la importancia de tener en cuenta tu edad a la hora de invertir y cómo optimizar tu cartera según tu momento vital 
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¿Cómo invertir según mi edad? (gráficos)

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

¿Dónde invertir en la bolsa americana? Descubre aquí las mejores acciones (mayo 2021)

¿Dónde invertir en la bolsa americana? Descubre aquí las mejores acciones (mayo 2021)

Email. Abre ventana nueva

Escrito por: Departamento de análisis de Bankinter

El Departamento de Análisis de Bankinter comenta su selección de empresas americanas para alinear su posicionamiento en el mercado en busca de una mayor rentabilidad.

Estrategia de
inversión en compañías europeas en mayo

Estratégicamente mantenemos nuestra preferencia por valores con un potencial de crecimiento mayor al del conjunto del mercado. Además, mantenemos intacta la exposición a financieras y a compañías relacionadas con el sector servicios ante la expectativa de que la progresiva normalización de la economía suponga un importante catalizador para su cotización.

Cambios en la selección de empresas americanas 

No realizamos cambios en esta revisión.

Acciones americanas seleccionadas

  1. Micron Technology
  2. JP Morgan
  3. Nvidia
  4. Booking
  5. Microsoft
  6. Salesforce
  7. Facebook
  8. Taiwan Semiconduct
  9. PVH
  10. Southwest Airlines
  11. Marriott
  12. FedEx
  13. Citigroup
  14. VF Corp
  15. Bank of America
  16. Nike
  17. Amazon
  18. Google
  19. Apple
  20. Morgan Stanley
Descárgate el documento adjunto para ver el informe completo y saber cuáles son los motivos por los que es buen momento para comprar acciones de estas empresas americanas, o consúltalo en el apartado de informes en la página de análisis.

Evolución de la cartera Top USA Selección

La rentabilidad de nuestro Top USA Selección alcanza +5,4% en abril vs. +2,7% el DJI-30 y +5,2% el S&P 500. En el acumulado anual el Top USA avanza +6,4% vs. +10,7% el DJI-30 y +11,3% el S&P 500. El sesgo hacia valores tecnológicos pesa en la evolución anual de nuestra selección ante la recuperación de sectores más ligados al ciclo que habían sufrido con fuerza a lo largo de 2020. Sin embargo, en abril la tecnología acelera e impulsa la rentabilidad del Top. Como referencia, Alphabet +14,1%, Nvidia +12,5%, Amazon +12,1%, y Facebook +10,4%.

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

El dogecoin se desploma: Elon Musk dice en televisión que es "un timo"

Elon Musk, representando a un asesor financiero en Saturday Night Live.

  1. Javier Collado
9/05/2021 - 10:29

La criptodivisa nacida como una broma Dogecoin le debe mucho a Elon Musk. Fue el fundador de Tesla quien, a golpe de tuit, animó la cotización de la moneda digital representada por la cara de un perro. Y ahora, cuando está en máximos históricos tras subir un escandaloso e inexplicable 12.000% en lo que va de año, es el propio Musk el que le ha dado un pequeño pellizco a su valoración.

El magnate y gurú de muchos ha presentado este sábado el conocido programa televisivo humorístico 'Saturday Night Live', donde se le requirió en varias ocasiones que explicase qué era el Dogecoin. Tras emular una entrevista en el que Musk hacía el papel de un experto financiero y recitar unos cuantos datos, su personaje acababa admitiendo: "Sí, es un timo".

La criptomoneda, que venía cotizando en el entorno de los 0,70 dólares a lo largo del día de ayer cayó repentinamente hasta por debajo de los 0,5 dólares en esos minutos del programa, aunque luego recortó las pérdidas. En la medianoche del sábado al domingo, el dogecoin acumulaba una caída de más del 20% en las últimas 24 horas y cotizaba hacia los 0,55 dólares.

Previamente en el programa, Maye Musk, la madre del magnate, hizo una aparición en la que aludió a su regalo del Día de la Madre -que se celebraba este sábado en EEUU- y señaló que esperaba que no fuese un dogecoin, a lo que el hijo bromeó diciendo que sí lo era.

La divisa digital nació como una broma en 2013 y se ha revalorizado más de un 20.000% en los últimos 12 meses. Su capitalización actual se aproxima a los 70.000 millones de dólares, lo que situaría su valor a la altura de la compañía de videojuegos Activision y por delante de otros gigantes corporativos como Colgate-Palmolive, Moody's, MetLife o Marriott.

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados


Inflation Risk Intensifies With Supply Shortages Multiplying

May 4, 2021, 11:00 PM GMT+2 Updated on May 5, 2021, 7:58 AM GMT+2

  •  Raw materials surging across tighter markets amid recovery
  •  Consumer prices rising as manufacturers pass on higher costs


Current Time 
0:13/Duration 3:07Loaded: 0%Progress: 0% CaptionsShareFullscreenInflation Risk Intensifies With Supply Shortages MultiplyingUnmuteWATCH: More and more consumer-facing companies are warning that they may be forced to raise prices. Michelle Jamrisko reports.LISTEN TO ARTICLE6:28SHARE THIS ARTICLEShareTweetPostEmailIn this articleLB1Generic 1st 'LB' Future1,670.50USD/1000 board feet+63.00+3.92%JPMJPMORGAN CHASE161.24USD+0.55+0.34%CT1Generic 1st 'CT' Future89.66USd/lb.-0.92-1.02%CLCOLGATE-PALMOLIV82.18USD-0.13-0.16%BACBANK OF AMERICA42.18USD+0.17+0.40%Discover what’s driving the global economy and what it means for policy makers, businesses, investors and you with The New Economy Daily. Sign up hereSigns of inflation are picking up, with a mounting number of consumer-facing companies warning in recent days that supply shortages and logistical logjams may force them to raise prices.Tight inventories of materials as varied as semiconductors, steel, lumber and cotton are showing up in survey data, with manufacturers in Europe and the U.S. this week flagging record backlogs and higher input prices as they scramble to replenish stockpiles and keep up with accelerating consumer demand.As commodities become increasingly expensive, whether faster inflation proves transitory -- or not -- is the biggest question for policy makers and markets. Rising prices and the potential for a response from central banks topped the list of concerns for money managers surveyed by Bank of America Corp.

Breakeven Boom

Commodities inflation is reflected in the front end of the bond market

Source: Bloomberg

Many economists and central bankers, from the Federal Reserve on down, maintain that price gains are temporary and will be curbed by forces such as virus worries and unemployment. Investors remain skeptical, with businesses including Nestle SA and Colgate-Palmolive Co. already announcing they’ll need to raise prices.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, a former Fed chair, entered the debate on Tuesday when she ruffled markets with the observation that rates will likely rise as government spending ramps up. She later clarified she was neither predicting nor recommending an increase.

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The Bloomberg Commodity Spot Index, which tracks 23 raw materials, has risen to its highest level in almost a decade. That has pushed a gauge of global manufacturing output prices to its highest point since 2009, and U.S. producer prices to levels not seen since 2008, according to data from JPMorgan Chase & Co. and IHS Markit. JPMorgan analysts also estimate non-food and energy import prices in the biggest economies rose almost 4% in the first quarter, the most in three years.

“Risk clearly leans to the upside in the current environment,” said John Mothersole, pricing and purchasing research director at IHS Markit. “The surge in commodity prices over the past year now guarantees higher goods-price inflation this summer.”

The IHS Markit analysis across oil, chemicals, steel, copper, zinc, lumber, pulp and rubber expects the price boosts to fade closer to the end of the year. Meanwhile, strategists at Blackrock Investment Institute wrote Monday that they see U.S. consumer-price increases averaging just under 3% from 2025-2030, though that pace is “still under-priced by markets.”

The case for higher-for-longer inflation into 2022 often rests on the trillions of dollars being pumped into infrastructure projects globally in a low-interest rate atmosphere, most notably in the U.S. That has supercharged a rally across raw materials, as major economies recover from the pandemic amid growing signs of shortage across several markets.

Some businesses have found they can’t afford to wait for “temporary” increases to pass. That means consumers can expect to deal with higher costs for a range of daily items, including garbage bags and children’s clothes.

“Straight price increases will continue to be an important element as we look at the back half of the year,” Colgate-Palmolive Chief Executive Officer Noel Wallace said late last month when the company announced earnings. “I anticipate that you’ll see more price increases across the sector, given the headwinds that everyone has faced in this space.”

Higher cotton prices from Chinese producers are pushing clothes-maker Carter’s Inc. to consider how much of the increase it can pass along.

Pricier Cotton

The fabric is still more expensive than usual after recent swings

Sources: ICE Futures U.S., Bloomberg

“We’re beginning to see signs of inflation in product input costs, particularly those related to fabric,” Chief Executive Officer Michael Casey said on an April 30 earnings call. The company will offer “fewer promotions” this year, he said, amid a return of resilient shoppers buoyed by stimulus payments.

Corn, too, is on the growing list of commodities seeing price boosts. Futures surged this week above $7 a bushel for the first time in more than eight years on the Chicago Board of Trade, alongside increases for soybeans and wheat.

The underlying materials shortage has spooked Greg Sharenow, who manages a portfolio focused on energy and commodities at Pacific Investment Management Co.

The premium on near-term deliveries over future deliveries for commodities tracked by the Bloomberg Commodity Index has jumped to the highest in more than 15 years, signaling immediate physical shortages across different markets, Sharenow said. He sees the price surge this time as more organic, rather than the kind of anticipatory demand seen from 2005 to 2008.

Brent Climbing

Oil keeps up its steady rise from late 2020 amid bets on re-opening

Sources: ICE Futures Europe, Bloomberg

Edward Robinson, deputy managing director and chief economist at Singapore’s central bank, said in a speech last week that he’s watching Chinese producer prices closely as an “important upside risk” to his baseline call that inflation should stay in check, helped by labor-market slack.

A surge in copper is crippling some Chinese manufacturers, who have idled units, delayed deliveries and even defaulted on bank loans, data from a Shanghai Metals Market survey show. That’s already rippled through the production chain, delaying projects by power grids and property developers.

Copper Rally

Prices for the metal have surged to highs unseen in almost a decade

Source: London Metal Exchange, Bloomberg

Lumber has been in the spotlight as red-hot housing markets, especially in advanced economies, are driving up costs for the commodity.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said last week the central bank was watching that market closely, even though he doesn’t currently have financial stability concerns around housing. Still, the sector has been emblematic of the K-shaped recovery, with cost surges pricing out middle-income buyers while homeowners reap gains.

Look Out Below

Lumber extends a record run in prices amid surge in housing demand

Sources: Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Bloomberg

Markets have responded more calmly of late to the Fed’s mantra, with bond yields little changed after Powell last week doubled down on his inflation read and still-easy policy stance. The inflation run across so many materials, though, could break that patience, as pressure builds on businesses and officials to ward off price increases for consumers.

“One always has to be careful not to overplay a few anecdotes, and project that onto the broader economy,” Douglas Porter, chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, said in a May 1 report. “But as the anecdotes accumulate, they eventually become data.”

Porter pointed to a sampling of 10 recent datasets, including U.S. employment costs, Canadian wages and still-soaring shipping costs.

“As rising inflation risks suggest,” he said, “when you run things hot, you risk getting burned.”

— With assistance by Phoebe Sedgman, Aaron Clark, Stephen Spratt, and Gerson Freitas Jr

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

This weeks earnings



"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Deuda de margen vs. S&P 500.
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"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]