Eso "pienso" yo, pero nunca se sabe. Me gustaría que si alguien sigue el tema de MF Global, y se entera de algo, podríamos saber de verdad lo que ocurre.
Yo hoy he leído esta nota del Chicago Mercantil Exchange (CME):
Comunicado oficial de CME:
Effective immediately, and until further notice, CME's Emergency Financial Committee, in accordance with rule 975, is limiting all trading for customers of MF Global for liquidation only.
In addition, and until further notice, CME Group will no longer recognize MF Global or any of its divisions as a guarantor for purposes of floor trading privileges. Accordingly, floor brokers and traders guaranteed by MF Global or its divisions may not access the trading floor. The foregoing actions have been taken based on circumstances regarding the financial condition of MF Global.
CME Clearing will process any transfers at the last settlement price at the request of customers. Such positions will need to be re-margined at transferee firm. Customers wishing to execute a liquidating trade should contact MF Global.
Y Cárpatos dice esto:
Parece que el CME niega el acceso a sus empleados y solo admite órdenes para cancelar posiciones de sus clientes. Un escándalo monumental esta quiebra, y van dos superbrokers USA en pocos años, primero Refco y ahora ellos.