Si tengo que ir denunciando cada chiringuito ilegal que hay montado en Españistán tendría que dedicarme exclusivamente a eso.
Jotaerre66 participas solamente en el foro para hablar bien de Emgoldex. Si a ti te funciona ¿qué problema hay que la gente hable mal de él?¿No será que este tipo de estafas dependen de que entren nuevos pardillos y en cuanto todo dios ve en internet de que van se os acaba el chollo?
Sacado de la Web de EMGOLDEX, queda bien claro como funciona:
Concept of operations of the table of orders
Table of orders consists of four levels, which includes 15 orders of the buyers. The levels are arranged from top to bottom. Placement of customer orders is from left to right, also taking into consideration the recommendations made.
1st level - 8 orders;
2nd level - 4 orders;
3rd level - 2 orders;
4th level - 1 order.
All incoming customer orders are placed on the first level.
Once the first-level of the table of orders is filled with the customer orders, the table splits into two symmetric tables of orders. The order of the buyer moves down to the second level. At the first level of two new tables of orders 8 new empty places are formed for new customer orders.
As soon as the first level of table of orders fills up with 8 more new orders, the buyer’s order moves down to level 3, and again there is a division of the table of orders into two symmetrical tables. Then, the new filling of the first level with 8 orders, the Order of the buyer passes to 4th level.
PD: Esto no es ni un mensajito gracioso, ni ocurrente ni nada de lo que dices. Es mi opinión, si alguien la lee se fiará más de ella que de la tuya, simplemente porque no descalifico a nadie y tengo muchas menos faltas de ortografía.
Un saludo