The Bank offers term deposit accounts at market leading rates to Maltese citizens and non-residents.
To fully comply with all the paperwork required for an account to be opened with the Bank, we would need you to provide us with the items listed beneath. Where reference is made to a 'suitable certifier', please refer to the notes at the bottom:
- Fully completed application form - page 4 (6 if corporate) of which requires that your signature is verified by a suitable certifier;
- Fully completed CRS - I form, giving details of your tax residence
- Signed Depositors Information Sheet - acknowledging cover given by the Depositors Compensation Scheme in Malta
- Fax and E-Mail Indemnity - if this service is required
- Internet Banking Application - if this service is required
- A copy of your valid, unexpired passport or national/government-issued identity card or driving licence, duly certified by a suitable certifier;
- An original or certified copy of a recent utility bill (no more than 3 months old), duly certified by a suitable certifier;
- An original or certified copy of a recent bank statement (no more than 3 months old) from your main bankers, duly certified by a suitable certifier (please ensure that the address of the bank is visible as we will be writing to them for a Banker's Reference);
- A copy of your latest payslip (or latest annual accounts if you are self-employed), duly certified by a suitable certifier;
- A brief note containing the following:
- your work history;
- other sources of wealth; and the origin of the funds that will be deposited with us (please provide documentation to support your explanation - for example, statement of the former investment / copy of sale of asset etc. - these documents also need to be verified by a suitable certifier).
If any of the documents provided are in your mother tongue (not English), then these should be taken to an independent translator of proven competence, who should translate the document for the Bank. The translation should be dated, signed and stamped with the translator's professional details, and include a confirmation that it is a faithful translation of the original.
el TIN en los formularios es tu D.N.I.
envia tu vida laboral.
.notario 30 euros total por compulsar 3 papeles DNI,factura de suministros(que no comprobante de pago bancario que no le vale)y la hoja 4 del application form (firmada delante del notario). luego enviar todo certificado urgente 15 euros (por el peso)
enviales la declaracion de la renta,papeleos de donde obtuviste tu patrimonio (y una explicacion de esos papeles en ingles),adelantate enviandole (para no perder tiempo despues) vete al banco, que te hagan un certificado de los años que eres cliente y tu IBAN/BIC como que es tu cuenta(en ingles,puedes hacerlo tu y se lo traduces al del banco).tarjeta del director por si quiere llamarlo o escribirle,y ,te pediran tambien un extracto bancario,
al del banco antes de que te pongan problemas dile que vas a trabajar a malta y por eso quieres abrir cuenta alli. (si dices que te llevas el dinero...)
rellena Todos los formularios que te habra enviado Nigel y se los envias.
toda la documentacion la quieren en ingles (los papeleos como la renta,factura,y de donde venia el patrimonio en castellano). compulsar en notaria el dni(envie dni compulsado en comisaria y no la quisieron) y la hoja 4 del application form(esta hoja firmada delante del notario) las 2 cosas con la frase:
The image is a true likeness of ....(tu nombre y apellidos)... and the document is a true copy of the original presented to me’
y compulsar en notaria tambien la factura(factura original no comprobante de pago bancario) de suministros(de menos de 3 meses) de tu casa.
me lo pusieron en español (segun ellos obligado) y lo mismo en ingles que se lo traduje yo.(google traductor)
tal vez se me olvide algo mas.....cuando le llegue el correo a Nigel si aun le faltan datos o no le parecen correctos antes de enviar la 2 y ultima carta certificada urgente confirma con el por email todo lo que le vas a enviar que faltaba para ver si ya esta te da la confirmacion envias.
y pregunta en el foro de IIG las dudas que te queden y la gente te respondera.