me parece que van a tener que pelear duro con el sr McDonalds y el sr Lidl para subirles los precios, ya avisan de inflación en las materias primas. Debe de ser por lo que está bajando la acción, imagino que van a tener que tragarse parte de la subida de sus suministros:
"Inflation is real and widespread as economies recover and re-open after COVID-19
restrictions, which is driving increased demand through a supply chain severely
disrupted by COVID-19. Significant pricing is required in the coming periods where
contracts are renewed or new successful tenders won to reflect inflation trends.
Dairy ingredients, flour and packaging account for approximately 50% of raw material
costs of ARYZTA’s total raw material purchases and all are experiencing
significant price inflation. ARYZTA’s has a well-structured and professionally
managed procurement process whose sole aim is to protect margins and ensure all
tender pricing recovers cost inflation. In addition, active customer communication
on inflation is underway. The combination of experience from managing previous
raw material inflation spikes and the Group’s professional procurement de-risking
strategy should enable the Group to manage the current inflation challenge provided
market players act rationally in terms of pricing."