
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
168 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
7.282 / 18.970

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

parece que falsa alarma, solo unas horas

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

La verdad es que es, como dices un tema complejisimo, con muchísimos matices y múltiples intereses de por medio. Hace muchos años (principios del 2000) leí este libro:

Afronta una explicación de los orígenes y evolución del yihadismo en todo oriente medio, país por país, desde mediados de s. XX hasta principios de 2000. Es un libro muy largo y con muchos datos, pero si te interesa el tema ayuda a entender las diferentes ramas del islam, los grupos en cada pais y sobre todo de donde vienen y el papel tan importante que han tenido y tienen Irán y Arabia Saudí en todo ellos (junto con ingleses y americanos).


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

CONSOL Energy Announces Investment in Coal-to-Products Space

CANONSBURG, Pa., Jan. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- CONSOL Energy Inc. (NYSE: CEIX) announced today that it has made an initial investment in the coal-to-products space by acquiring a 25% equity interest in CFOAM Corp., a newly-formed US-based holding company whose wholly-owned subsidiary, CFOAM LLC, has manufacturing facilities in Triadelphia, West Virginia. CFOAM Limited, an ASX-listed company, owns the remaining 75% of CFOAM Corp. CFOAM LLC manufactures high-performance carbon foam products from coal and focuses on meeting demand for high-grade materials in the industrial, aerospace, military and commercial product markets.

"This is our first major step in the coal-to-products area, which leverages certain attractive properties of coal but with significantly lower emissions and greater value uplift potential than conventional combustion applications. These products not only provide a high-margin revenue stream but also provide an intriguing new opportunity to utilize the vast resource base that our country is endowed with" said Jimmy Brock, President and Chief Executive Officer of CONSOL Energy Inc. "Consistent with our capital allocation process, the CFOAM investment is part of CONSOL's measured investment bucket earmarked for innovative and alternative uses of coal as a pathway for diversification. Today, CFOAM products are used or being developed for a wide range of markets including composite tooling for the aerospace sector, as well as energy absorbing, structural, and defense applications. We estimate that the total addressable market ("TAM") for such products is over $15 billionannually."

"We are very excited to partner with CONSOL Energy. This investment and collaboration will offer the technical support and business acumen CONSOL Energy has demonstrated for decades and will enable CFOAM to advance as a reliable partner in the material science industry" said Flemming Bjoernslev, President & CEO of CFOAM LLC.

Some of the major highlights of the transaction include:

  • CEIX has invested $3.5 million in return for a 25% equity ownership in CFOAM Corp. 
  • CEIX has also provided a $1.1 million term loan to CFOAM LLC for working capital and invested another $0.4 million to acquire a first lien note of CFOAM LLC from one of CFOAM LLC's first lien noteholders. 
  • CFOAM Corp. has a four-member board, comprised of two members appointed by CFOAM Limited and two members appointed by CEIX. 
  • CFOAM Corp. has also retained CEIX as an advisor to provide strategic, management, and operational advice. 
  • CFOAM Limited has also provided CEIX with certain preemptive and anti-dilution rights, including the first right to provide any future debt financing and the right to match certain offers for the sale of equity or assets of CFOAM Corp. and CFOAM LLC.

With the completion of this transaction, CONSOL Energy is now pursuing alternative uses of coal in the following different areas:

  • The CFOAM Corp. investment which is geared towards high-performance engineering materials, which we estimate has an over $15 billion TAM. 
  • CONSOL is also partnering on a DOE-funded project with Ohio Universityand other industry partners to develop coal plastic composites that are geared toward the engineered composite decking and other building products markets. Studies show that the global market for such plastic composite materials is expected to exceed $8 billion by 2023. 
  • In addition, CONSOL has partnered with OMNIS Bailey LLC to develop a refinery that will convert waste coal slurry into two products: a high-quality carbon product that can be used as fuel or as a feedstock for other higher-value applications, and a mineral matter product that has potential to be used as a soil amendment in agricultural applications.


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Qué buena pinta! Muchas gracias Jorge.

Re: Tankers,gráfico Vessel Supply

Gracias por las aportaciones Telepata, ¿puedes confirmarme si el dividendo de DHT es retención 0? Esta domiciliada en Bermuda si no me equivoco. Estoy pensando en abrir una pequeña posición también en DHT y con el dividend payout tan grande que tiene este dato es muy relevante, Gracias!

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Buenas a ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Tengo acciones de Carbo Ceramics que han pasado al OTC. DEGIRO me dice que no opera en ese mercado. O sea tengo la acciones pero no puedo hacer nada con ellas. Me dicen que las traspase a otro Broker. A alguien le ha pasado? Sabéis algún Broker que funcione con el OTC? Gracias 

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Se ha estrellado otro boeing 737 max por teheran, se desconocen las causas, pero dicen que es probable que sea por las fallas de diseño de la aeronave. 

Ya van 2 veces que se estrella un aparato de esos y mata gente, ademas de al menos otros 4 fallos reportados por todo el mundo. 

Mientras tanto la cotizacion de boeing esta en maximos historicos...., esto solo pasa en USa, y la hipocresia de estados unidos, que a las empresas europeas las multan por cualquier cosa, ya sea subenciones o por cualquier tonteria, y las suyas pueden matar gente, monopolizar el mercado y demas, y no pasa absolutamente nada. 

luego preguntais porque USA cotiza tan cara, y es por eso,  si quereis ganar dinero, nunca aposteis contra estados unidos. 

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Porque existe el concepto de marca y calidad, no lo olviden nunca, paso, pasa y pasara, con cualquier buena marca que se aprecie, de momento, todas estan bien caras en el mercado. 
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