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No veo nada nuevo bajo el sol más allá de que parecen centrar (como es lógico) sus mayores esperanzas en la fase 3 del RSV en infantes via maternal immunization. Lo del RSV en ancianos va para largo, pues han vuelto a fase 2, probando distintas combinacions de dosajes, con y sin Matrix, con y sin aluminio, ...
RSV infantes
"Our global Phase 3 RSV clinical trial in infants via maternal immunization continues to gain momentum as we enroll participants in multiple countries around the world to take advantage of both the Northern and Southern hemisphere RSV seasons. Execution of this Phase 3 trial is a key focus in 2017."
RSV adultos
"With respect to our RSV program in older adults, you likely saw that last month we initiated a Phase 2 trial to evaluate one and two dose formulations, vaccine formulations with and without our proprietary Matrix-M adjuvant, and also with and without aluminum adjuvant."