Re: Farmas USA
Esta el sector en modo toro loco, donde esta el respeto por las shooting star,hombre!!!! Ja ja
Esta el sector en modo toro loco, donde esta el respeto por las shooting star,hombre!!!! Ja ja
Vaya semana más buena! Y hoy ABEO +20% que os divirtáis!
me barrieron stop ayer y hoy sube a ver donde llega
sigo dentro no veo gran cierre de cortos
impresionante subida me la perdí
reboto y no me subí
al final me he quedado a medio gas en esta fiesta
Alguien me puede confirmar si la vela de hoy es una shooting star?
Para que sea Shooting Star debe venir de una tendencia alcista, no es el caso. Por ello, yo diría que es más bien un martillo invertido pero al tener una tendencia tan poco marcada tiene menos relevancia. En definitiva y como casi siempre, debe confirmar.
It was the health care sector that carried the broader equity markets yesterday. The sector itself was led by the biotechs, big pharma and the providers. Senate Republicans unveiled their version of the health care reform bill, and there really is not that much of a difference between this bill and the already passed House bill. Importantly, this bill does seem to protect those with pre-existing conditions, while keeping in place the tax cuts that were included in the House version.
While it's obvious that the market likes the plan, the big question is simply: Can it pass? Much easier said than done. There is opposition on both sides of the aisle. That will force this bill to evolve further. There should be a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) score by early next week. Republican holdouts now hold the most power in the Senate, as the establishment tries to get everyone on board. The Utopian plan would have the amended bill passed sometime in mid-July, with the final product on the president's desk sometime in early August. This story will likely put equity markets in the position of being vulnerable to headline risk throughout the Summer, as the timeline for a finished product gets (in my humble opinion) pushed out, which in turn pushes out the rest of any pro-growth, pro-business agenda. Bear in mind that the 2017 congressional calendar has neither the House nor the Senate in session between July 28 and Sept. 5. Try that one on your boss. Must be nice.
«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»
Fuera a 4,60 con +12%. Hoy los scripts no son tan buenos y parece que el mercado sigue indeciso. Me saldo para cazarla más abajo, idealmente 3,64.
PS: quiero quedarme las DEPO, pero meditando si recolectar también las lechugas y esperar más abajo...
«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»
Ayer el IBB una shooting star, hoy construyendo (por ahora, queda mucha sesion por delante), un hombre colgado .... La proxima semana se va a poner interesante la cosa si uno anda con liquidez ...