
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
13.293 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Mucho mejor de lo esperado.

Si hasta OMER le han metido la intemerata,,,

El lunes más.

Un saludo.

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno ...pues salvo KERX (y SGYP) ... Que la tengo como candidata permanente a metesaca ... voy andar tan liado este mes que voy a poder seguir el tiempo real mas bien poco o nada. Espero que esto me ayude a desarrollar mi atrofiado musculo de la paciencia y me permita aspirar a cotas mas altas en mis recientes entradas.

Ya veremos ...


Re: Farmas USA

Buen sábado equipo Farmas USA,
Buscando sobre un bufete que defiende una que sigo he encontrado un artículo de un abogado que parece especializado en defender biopharmas.
Myths & Misconceptions of Biotech Securities Claims: An Analysis of Motion to Dismiss Results from 2005-2016.
Conclusiones varias, tampoco muy sorprendentes :

"76% of the decisions in the study set from 2012-2017 resulted in complete dismissals" ,
"this analysis indicates that federal securities claims brought against biotech companies regarding the regulatory approval process actually are dismissed more frequently than average at an early stage in the litigation"
Defendants placing ‘an unjustifiably positive spin on the data available at the time of the [first interim analysis] by using terms like “encouraging” and “bullish[.]”’ Such vague and general statements of optimism constitute no more than puffery and are understood by reasonable investors as such. Accordingly, they are immaterial and not actionable..referring to [the drug candidate’s] ’excellent’ or ‘compelling’ risk/benefit profile, or statements to the effect that the trials had shown ‘remarkable’ safety and efficacy, . . . are simply vague assertions of corporate optimism and therefore are not actionable . . . .”

[N]umerous courts have concluded that a defendant pharmaceutical company does not have a duty to reveal interim FDA criticism regarding study design or methodology. Indeed, such courts frequently reason that interim FDA feedback is not material because dialogue between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies remain ongoing throughout the licensing process, rendering such criticism subject to change and not binding in regards to ultimate licensing approval.”