
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
7.947 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Ahí siguiendo tus pasos. te sales de AMRN y yo detrás, entras en THLD y yo detrás... Que poca personalidad que tengo :)

La verdad es que ya lo tenía pensado, largar las AMRN tras esos earnings para mi gusto bastantes malos y con el verano acechando (habrá tiempo de entrar sin duda), y entrar en algo de cara al ASCO. Mi primera opción fue INO, pero la veo muy flojucha tras la última dilución, así que THLD si cerraba el gap parecía una excelente opción.

Luego INO será la rehostia y THLD aburridísima como siempre y yo maldicidiendo en arameo, pero así es la bolsa.


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno pues he leído que las MNKD, cuidado con ellas por que se nos escaparan, esperan verlas en 2 dígitos en el medio plazo.


Re: Farmas USA

CTIX empieza a animarse....+6,64%
Tiene presentación comfirmada en ASCO....


Kevetrin is a small molecule compound with a structure that is distinct from other anti-cancer agents currently on the market. One of the main causes of failure in the treatment of cancer is the development of drug resistance by the cancer cells. Kevetrin has been studied extensively (in vitro and in vivo) demonstrating potent anti-cancer activity against various cancer cell lines. It has consistently shown activity as good as or better than standard chemotherapeutic therapies, given at approximately equitoxic doses. Kevetrin has demonstrated potent anti-tumor efficacy against various carcinoma xenograft models: lung, breast, colon, prostate and squamous cell carcinoma, and in a leukemia tumor model. In drug-resistant cell lines, Kevetrin has shown excellent activity, galvanizing the Company to focus on Kevetrin’s development potential in this area.

Kevetrin’s primary mechanism of action has been shown to induce activation of p53, often referred to as the “Guardian Angel Gene” due to its crucial role in controlling cell mutations. p53 is a tumor suppressor protein that is encoded by the TP53 gene in humans and has been widely regarded as possibly holding a key to the future of cancer therapies. p53 has been shown to play critical roles in the homeostatic health of the human body by activating proteins required to repair DNA and plays a major role in the life cycle of cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis to maintain cellular and genetic stability. Please click here for more detailed information about Kevetrin.

Kevetrin is water-soluble and easily synthesized from commercially available starting materials. Cellceutix holds a patent covering pharmaceutical compositions comprising Kevetrin.

- See more at:



Licensed from the University of Pennsylvania. Brilacidin is the first of a completely new class of antibiotics called defensin-mimetics. The defensin-mimetic antibiotics are modeled after host defense proteins, which are the “front-line” of defense in the human immune system. Brilacidin kills bacteria in the same manner as the human immune system, and in this regard, can significantly reduce the risk of bacterial resistance. Brilacidin is a small-molecule that is easy to synthesize from commercially available starting materials.

- See more at:

Key Features

•Unique mechanism of action on bacteria – resistance unlikely to develop

•Active against multiple drug-resistant bacteria, including MRSA and VRE

•Active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

•Active against stationary-phase bacteria

•Robust sub-MIC activity

•Extended half-life after single dose

•Two Phase 2 studies completed in a total of 430 subjects with ABSSSI

- See more at:


Prurisol™ is Cellceutix’s anti-psoriasis drug candidate. It is a small molecule (MW=344) that acts through immune modulation and PRINS reduction. Prurisol has been found to be effective against psoriasis in animal models, both in induced psoriasis as well as a xenograft model with human psoriatic tissue. Prurisol is synthesized through a five-step process using commercially available starting materials. A patent application covering Prurisol was filed in January of 2012 and is pending.

Clinical Development
Cellceutix is developing Prurisol under FDA guidance that a 505(b)(2) designation is an appropriate development pathway. The initial clinical research will be a brief Bio-equivalence crossover study expected to last approximately 45 days with the primary endpoint of demonstration that Prurisol converts to abacavir in humans, as it has been shown to do in animal models. Upon successful completion of the crossover trial, the Company will initiate a larger Phase 2/3 clinical trial under a 505(b)(2) designation, which would permit Prurisol to move to advanced trials because the active moiety of Prurisol is that of a drug already approved by the FDA.

- See more at:


Re: Farmas USA

NYMX - Parece que se quieren animar hacia el final de la sesión: de nuevo a 1.70

"Le haré una oferta que no rechazará" - Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) El Padrino


Re: Farmas USA

Additionally, Cellceutix announced that the Scientific Program Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (“ASCO”) has selected for presentation Cellceutix’s abstract on the Phase 1 clinical trial of Kevetrin for treatment of advanced solid tumors being conducted at Harvard’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The abstract was selected from nearly 6,000 abstracts and will be presented at the 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting, May 29 – June 2, 2015 at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois. - See more at:



Re: Farmas USA

Es un torero de los de puerta gayola, ya lo he visto.
Ojo con El Economous que es griego, Sietesoles lo tiene controlado.


Re: Farmas USA

Bueno, me han cerrado a un -3.50% sobre mi compra, esperemos los recoja mañana en la sesión, o en los minutos locos de apertura. La verdad, ni he mirado lo que he comprado, he visto solo el histórico de precios, el gráfico de hoy, y me ha parecido buena entrada para esperarla en los 0.90.

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"