
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
9.687 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

KERX ,,,,sigo pensando que puede doblar desde este nivel,,,,,hay muchos boletos cortos por cubrir.

La unica analista de la que me fio y sigo es portera de mi casa.


Re: Farmas USA


MannKind (MNKD) & Sanofi (SNY): Why Afrezza Sales Are Likely To Climb

MannKind has been a major topic of conversation for biotech investors for quite some time now. However, if you're new to the stock, the conversation is relatively easy to explain. Early in the year, MannKind received FDA approval for an inhaled insulin, known as Afrezza. MannKind and its investors expected Afrezza to fly off of the shelves. Unfortunately, the launch of the treatment hasn't gone nearly as well as anyone expected. As a result, MNKD has fallen quite a bit in the market. This is where Sanofi comes in.

Sanofi is the company that MannKind partnered with for the commercialization of Afrezza. It is up to Sanofi to create marketing plans and perhaps more importantly, work with insurance companies for the coverage of Afrezza. You see, in today's society, few consumers pay for the cost of their medical treatments 100% out of pocket. There's quite a bit of reliance on insurance companies. This is where problems start with regard to sales of Afrezza.

MNKD & SNY Need Stronger Insurance Coverage

Many investors are bearish on MNKD because of the insurance issue. In fact, many believe that Afrezza isn't covered at all. However, that's not the case. In fact, most insurance companies cover MannKind's prized product in one way or another. What's causing the tears to fall in this case are, well... tiers!

Generally, insurance companies have four tiers with regard to prescription coverage. These tiers decide how much money insured patients will have to pay out of pocket for their medications. Tier 1 is generally for low cost generics, tier 2 is for preferred brand name prescription medications, and tier 3 and 4 are for higher cost prescription medications and medications that may be deemed to be effective, but not the best choice for most patients. So, MannKind and Sanofi want Afrezza to be listed in tier 2. In this tier, patients would have the lowest co-pay and doctors are free to prescribe medications without having to worry about restrictions.

Unfortunately for MannKind, Sanofi, and their investors, Afrezza is currently listed as a tier 3 medication with most insurance companies. This means that consumers who would like to try MannKind's product will have to pay a higher co-pay and possibly deal with restrictions, which is harming sales volume on the treatment. However, this is not an uncommon issue. In fact, many treatments are listed as tier 3 medications until insurance companies have the ability to properly gauge cost and effectiveness. At which point, solid candidates are generally moved to tier 2; something MNKD, SNY and their investors want to see happen relatively soon.

Why Afrezza Is Likely To Move To Tier 2 In 2016

This is where things get interesting. For MannKind's Afrezza to be moved into tier 2, Sanofi will need to negotiate with the insurance companies and answer two very important questions. Questions which, if answered correctly, could prove to be major profit drivers for MNKD and SNY.

Is Afrezza Priced Competitively – First and foremost, insurance companies, as you would imagine are worried about medication prices. Unfortunately, Afrezza is priced relatively high when compared to injected insulin. However, for the tier 2 position, SNY would have no problem reducing the price of the treatment as this would build more demand and lead to more sales of Afrezza. So, this question's in the bag.
Does Afrezza Meet Needs Not Currently Met By Competition – The answer to this question is a big “Yes”! You see, MNKD created something phenomenal when they created Afrezza. To use this product, patients don't have to inject themselves. Considering about 10% of the population, including myself, are afraid of injections, this is an adequate need! Also, it is estimated that 14 million people work outside without access to public restrooms; and therefore have trouble finding places to give themselves injections. 9% of this population is estimated to be diabetics. The product offering by MNKD addresses this need!
At this point, the fate of MNKD and SNY with regard to Afrezza is in the hands of Sanofi as the company negotiates with insurance providers. However, it seems as though this is going relatively well. In a statement made during the Q2 MNKD earnings report, Hakan S. Edstrom, CEO of MNKD had the following to say...

“ coverage continues to slow the process. At this point, permanent formulary placement decisions have not yet been made by most plans. These decisions are typically made 6 to 12 months following the launch. The good news is that, we are now in that period, and Sanofi's discussions with managed care organizations are ongoing, and we expect the insurance coverage to improve.”

Considering where we are in the launch of MannKind's inhaled insulin product, things look like they are going to start moving in the right direction. Also considering the numbers, if MNKD and SNY do get Afrezza into tier 2, there is quite a bit of money to be made here. Here's a brief overview of the numbers...

Diabetic Population – There are 318.9 million people in the United States, 9% of whom are estimated to be diabetic. That works out to be about 28.701 million people.

Population Where Afrezza Would Be A Great Match – It is estimated that 10% of consumers are afraid of shots. Therefore, 2.8701 diabetic consumers would be a great match for MannKind's Afrezza! Considering that 14 million people are limited by their work with regard to places to inject themselves and 9% of them have diabetes as well, this ads another 1.26 million people for a total of 4.1501 million prospective patients.

If MNKD and SNY got their treatment prescribed to just 1% of the population that would be a great fit, the company would see prescriptions amounting to 40,000 plus! However, 1% is an incredibly small number. It would be a reasonable expectation that around 10% would be likely to look to MNKD for their treatment, which works out to 400,000+ prescriptions; considering of course, that Afrezza does make it to tier 2. All in all, there is incredible potential here!


Re: Farmas USA

Inovio, Regeneron y Novavax fondos para el Mers, supongo que en unos meses lo anunciaran


Re: Farmas USA

RENTA 4- Bueno señores, me llamaron los de renta 4 cuando ya empezó la sesión y me dijeron que vendiera a mercado las dichosas acciones que tenia por la no entrada de mi stop loss. dicen que me reintegraran las perdidas ya que fue fallo suyo. Hoy he hecho un intra y estaba acojonao mirando el stop loss... pufff.
Bueno, aunque no canto victoria hasta no ver en mi cuenta lo que es mio. De todas formas no me ha gustado el tema de que me intentaran colar o engañar con el tema del stop loss, y mucho menos la chuleria con que una de las operadoras me ha atendido; diciendome incluso que había puesto un stop loss muy ajustado y por eso pasó ese error. Puse el stop loss a 6.98 cuando estaba la acción a 7.20...le digo ajustado???? menos mal que luego hablé con alguien coherente, pues si no hubiera perdido los papeles.
Perdón por la chapa chicos, pero necesitaba desahogarme. quizas hay alguien de renta 4 que lee en algun foro en los que escribo y no les conviene tal publicidad y por eso dan el paso, jijii, no se, no se.
Saludos a todos. y gracias por todo.


Re: Farmas USA

Buenos días, yo no me atrevería a trabajar con gente así la verdad. Es un sin vivir pensando cuando será la próxima jugarreta...


Re: Farmas USA

Como desayuno esta no es muy agradable , es aquí donde el A.T, tiene ese gran valor, la cotización venia dando síntomas de debilidad y ni en los mejores momentos del IBB conseguía levantar aunque en ocasiones hacia rebotes del 5% ,8, y 10% que daba lugar a confusión pero la fiesta demoraba poco de nuevo volvía hundirse ,, suerte que no aumente posición como a veces llegue a pensar dado las F III que tiene y la proximidad de catalizadores el buen estado de sus finanzas, supongo esto sera un buen palo a la cotización y ya en AH se dejaba un -14 %, pero esperar por otros 6 meses de estudio implica evidentemente un aumento de gastos a pesar de que no esta mal de finanzas , pero venir con esto después de un RS 1/8 realmente pinta feo. Creo solo ahora vale hacer una entrada de corto plazo buscando salir en el rebote de GAP bajista o tal vez estar bien cubierto con opciones, o tal vez con mucha paciencia después de esa operación de corto plazo buscar promediar a la baja, cuando haga lateralidad, si confiás en su AT y buscando un largo plazo de esos 6 a 8 meses ,, pero falta ver como la afecta el erarning report Q3/2015 cuyo anterior report fue muy superior a las estimaciones y porque si se va por debajo del dolar evidentemente trataran de subirla que espero no sea con otro RS porque lo acaba de hacer en Julio 2015.

Zogenix (NASDAQ:ZGNX) reports that the FDA has requested additional information pertaining to its proposed Phase 3 program for ZX008 for Dravet syndrome, specifically information related to normative ranges for echocardiograms performed during the trial and an amended study protocol to include a required follow-up echocardiogram three to six months after patients discontinue treatment with ZX008. The company has responded to the agency's request and expects to initiate the Phase 3 study this quarter.

Shares are down 14% after hours on light volume.