

138 respuestas
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Re: Pennystocks

Aun sigue calentandola diciendo que se aproveche esta ocasion de comprarlas a 1$, jajaja.

La verdad es que si uno mira algunos foros se ve que hay varios valores que intentan calentar. El ultimo que he visto es RSRS........ A seguirlo los proximos dias.



Re: Pennystocks

Ciertamente a sido la suerte, pero si que voy a consultarselo la proxima vez que hable con ellos si se puede o no operar en el OTC, en concreto en este valor.

Re: Pennystocks

Ha bajado de sobre el 1$, dura lo que dura dura, pillar pellizcar y correr.

Seguramente habrá quien haya entrado con una determinada cifra objetivo, pero como haya sido muy ambisiosa se habrá descalabrado.

Ahora a ver que email mandan ....


Re: Pennystocks

Enhorabuena, deberías pagarle a tú broker una comisión por no haberte dejado comprar ¡¡¡¡¡


Re: Pennystocks

Bueno, finalmente SNPK ha cerrado con una caída de casi el 60% nada menos, aunque en after hours parece que recupera parte de lo perdido:


Re: Pennystocks

Le están dando de precio 9$ joder....dan ganas de entrar. Copy and paste

Yes, SNPK took a beating today. Yes, everyone is angry, including us but we all know better than to let our emotions control us.
This same thing happened about a month ago for those of you who don't remember. SNPK crashed almost 50% and everyone was saying how "SNPK can't keep going anymore".
Well guess what? After it crashed down to 40 cents it ran all the way up to almost $3, and now this very familiar scenario is playing out once again.
Those who weren't able to stay calm last month, and didn't hold missed out on almost 900% gains.
If history is any indicator, before the end of the week, this day will be forgotten and SNPK continue onto another bull run from $1 to its issued target of $9.
Analysts recommended SNPK as a Strong Buy when it was still at around $1.50. Now it is at just $1 so would you say that it's Very Strong Buy then right now?
Smart investors know that day-to-day market fluctuations are very normal, and know that those who stay calm prevail.
The company just announced news that is very important, and could have everyone excited to buy back SNPK at just a dollar.
The companny announced that Clotamin will be available in approximately 60 Walgreens locations in the greater Philadelphia area. On top of that they announced an agreement with the Philadelphia Soul Football team where the company will be able to use the team's name/logo, etc as promotial materials for Clotamin advertising in Philly.
SNPK also just announced that the Arizona Cardinals NFL team will allow their name/logo, etc to be used for promotions in 240 Walgreens locations across Arizona.
Short Sellers hold a HUGE short position right now that will have to be covered very soon.
SNPK is as good today as it was yesterday (when it was still at over $2). Don't let intra-day fluctuations fool you as the longer term prospects are more important.
The importance of patience, and calm as Warren Buffett always says is extremely critical in situations like this.
We plan on continuing to cover SNPK for weeks to come because we still believe in it as strongly as ever, and we feel that there could be MUCH MORE to come!
Remember, analysts still rate SNPK as a Strong Buy, and still predict a $9 target for it!


Re: Pennystocks

Cotizando a menos de 1 dólar puede pasar de todo, que caiga un 60% o suba lo propio. Estas subidas y bajadas salvajes son demasiado para mi, yo me abstengo de entrar. S2

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