En la junta se aprueba lo que viene en la agenda, no más.
De hecho se aprueban dos opciones: primero contrasplit y luego ampliación o ampliación y luego contrasplit.
Con respecto a los valores (lo que interesa) según la agenda lo decidirá el consejo. Según contestó el presidente en la presentación de resultados, lo decidirán los bancos.
(Copio para simplificar).
Teun Teeuwisse - Kempen & Co.
One final question on the rights issue. I assume that in determining the issue price the banks were in the driving seat here. But have you also considered issuing at a somewhat higher price than your nominal value of one cent to leave some of the equity value post rights issue with the current shareholders?
Gerard van de Aast - CEO
Well, nowhere -- I don't know where you get the one cent from but clearly that’s the nominal value – so I mean also to be clear on that, there have been all kinds of debates – couldn’t you have done this earlier and all the other stuff? Let me also remind everybody that we did have the reset -- we had to reset our nominal value to consider a rights issue in the first place. That happened in May at the shareholders meeting, then you have two month legal waiting period. So that whole thing became effective at the end of July, so little over a month or not even four weeks later we do present the full solution. We are not in the driver seat on setting whatever the issue price on the shares is going to be, what we have is a volume – a volume-based underwriting commitment and ultimately after shareholder approval that is something that the banks will set.