Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
NUEVA YORK (Reuters) - Los rendimientos del Tesoro estadounidense a largo plazo aumentaron y los mercados bursátiles mundiales cayeron aún más el viernes, ya que los inversionistas temían que la Reserva Federal no pueda frenar la inflación en los próximos años, incluso cuando los datos estadounidenses mostraron una desaceleración del crecimiento de los salarios en abril.
News in-depth. Retailers feel squeeze in historically tight US jobs market
"Sector had 1.3mn openings in March but filled less than 30,000 in April, data show"
" Wages in retail trade rose by 4.9 per cent year on year in April, the payrolls report said, less than the 5.5 per cent jump for average the US private sector worker. Retail workers on average earned about $684 a week, compared to a private sector average of more than $1,100.
" Wages in retail trade rose by 4.9 per cent year on year in April, the payrolls report said, less than the 5.5 per cent jump for average the US private sector worker. Retail workers on average earned about $684 a week, compared to a private sector average of more than $1,100.
Fears that a hot labour market, and the higher wages that come with it, will exacerbate the acute inflation problem has the Federal Reserve poised to rapidly tighten monetary policy in the coming months. The concern is a potential “wage-price spiral” in which workers demand higher pay in order to keep up with higher consumer prices. "
Nadie quiere currar porque el dinero no vale nada por culpa de la FED.
Lee la revista Time de esta semana: parejas que ganan 125.000 dólares al año no llegan a fin de mes en EEUU.