
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.128 / 3.346

Re: Peg Brickley report out

Ahora que tocas el tema del toreo,tan mancillado estos dias por la manipulacion politico nacionalista me viene a la cabeza aquello de que las prisas no son buenas excepto para los delincuentes y los malos toreros.pues si ya no vendra de 2 semanas de pues de haber agunatado tanto.


Waterfall Analysis

Venerando: Me baso en el hecho que para contentar a WMB tendran que contentar a preferentes tb... hay muchos supuestos pero veamos como se desarrollan estas 2 semanas y a ver como actua nuestro nuevo equipo de Superlawyers

La clave está en ver hoy como reaccionan los Bonos


Analisis brillante de la situación

Keep it in simple terms. Rosen as the sole representative of WMI equity prior to EC formation removed us from the D.C. court along with WMI bondholders. Why? because he was going to kill equity and WMI bondholders who he is primarily working for were going to make out like bandits. The proposed POR attempted to funnel a small amount 37 to 50 cents on the dollar to the WMB bondholders via WMI tax refund to FDIC. WMB bondholders did not accept this. Now WMB has made the argument that WMI did not accurately portray financial status at purchase time = fraud. Judge Mary has responded with two key points (1) Who owns the bonds both WMB and WMI and when did they buy them and (2) You have the right to pursue those fraud claims if the FDIC does not.

The impact is simple whether it is WMI or WMB bonds as to time of purchase. If you are an original pre-seizure holder this is good news as you can show the entire loss and might have a case. If you bought post-seizure you do not have a case and will not see the pennies to dollars profits you were looking at before. Secondly those holding WMI bonds and WMB bonds will be exposed indicating who is really behind the POR. Finally to pursue the fraud angle there are two key points (1) If fraud is proven WMI BOD and executives are in the position of facing criminal charges and (2) to defend themselves from this fraud charge they must show valuation which will uncover the true assets of the holding company and the bank which will put FDIC in hot water for seizure and possibly bring to light the evil behind-scenes actions from JPM. Thus the Triple Entente is broken apart as each has to look out for their own skins.

The impact to equity is an indirect positive in that unless WMB bondholders are taken care of the fraud argument to include valuation will be brought forward. At this point the only way to take care of WMB bondholders is three ways (1) FDIC - can't do it or they are admitting wrong and then equity can roll in, (2) WMI - will not do it - See yesterdays court arguments, and (3) JPM settles or buys out WMI taking care of everyone. Judge Mary put everyone in a Mexican standoff requiring three way cooperation to enable a global settlement.

Side note - NO equity friendly PR again. How about "Equity sides with WMB bondholders in requesting valuation". When will we learn to start fighting the dirty fight. WMB bondholders do not seem to have a problem getting good
press out there reference the Peg Brinkley article.


Re: Analisis brillante de la situación

De momento 5% en Frankfurt no está nada mal. Se ve bien la audiencia de ayer


Re: Analisis brillante de la situación

Travesía por el desierto,... vagando en el entorno de los 40$USA las Preferentes y entorno a 0,17$USA las comunes.

Queremos curvas!!! ¿Cuándo viene la acción? :-P


Re: Las curvas

No sabemos nadie pero 13 abril hay comite WAMU en washington


Re: Analisis brillante de la situación

Y tan travesia, en esta accion la gente solo comprara y por tanto calentara la accion cuando se vean cosas tangibles.


Re: Analisis brillante de la situación

Logico. Despues de tanta especulacion con el valor de la accion, a ver quien es el guapo que entra ahora a invertir en ella.