
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.037 / 3.346

Re: WMIH llega a $1.00

Tal como comenta Maximunae si no es por Nate, los accionistas no cobran ni para un mendrugo de pan.
Aun asi no han dejado mas que para que muchos recuperen unicamente un 20 o 30% como mucho de la inversion
Felicidades Simpson eres una joya en la eleccion de acciones BK.


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.86

There have been a number of options discussed including timing and possible amounts. I don't pretend to have a full grasp of many of the nuances of these different scenarios but I'm grateful she can spend time sharing what she does.

From what I think I understand, in general with only capitalization, there would be a significant increase in pps. This increase however is not the end game. It may be an exit point for some and perhaps $5 pps is what one would get. With announcement of a purchase/merger of sorts, there would be an increase as well. There would also be an increase in pps over time as gains from NOL usage are realized. It was also stated that she was considering many options and some made more sense (for the HF's) to make money in the differing processes. We are a tick around the neck of a big dog. We don't want to irritate so much to be scratched off but just to hang on as long as we can.

Just picking a price target really cannot do a thought process justice.

Really no one has real information on when or specifically what actions WMIH will be taking. More and more I'm convinced that firms with a lot more money than me are interested in WMIH and the longer it takes for me to get my first buck out, the longer it is taking the HFs to make their additional monies.


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.86

$5 pps

No te cansas de postear basura sin mas argumentos que NOLs y mediocres expectativas


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.86

Debes de tener un problema con el idioma y no debes entender muy bien el inglés.
El texto está en condicional... ozu ! :)


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.86

En condicional o en presente continuo eres un joya recomendando la compra de acciones :) OZU


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.89

Yeahhhhh baby yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

The LTI has about $400M in assets. But $180M is locked into allowed claims account which is assumed that 100% will be paid out. So there is only $240M left (of which $130M is WMMRC loans). That $240M is not enough to pay PEIRS in whole so they are projected to only get $7/$10. But their claim is still for $10.70 there is just only $7 of immediate value at the time the statement was sent.

Well there was $35M of senior and junior notes as of March that had not signed releases. If they didn't by month's end then they lose all that money which goes to paying lower classes like the PIERS. No one has said yet how many signed. So that raises the amount in the pot by whatever of that $35M did not sign. Plus as the $180M of allowed claims are either allowed or expunged that frees up more money to go into the pot, money not previously counted at $7. Plus the WMMRC is paying about $12M in interest a year that is not accounted for. I think the new amount you are seeing represents what was freed up from a combination of no releases in March, interest paid, and allowed claims that have been resolved.

Considering that there was originally $700M in allowed claims and only a small fraction has been paid out so far and what is remaining is now down to $180M there's a good chance a lot of that will continue to stream down to the PEIRS, hopefully paying them off before the WMMRC loans which will take 5 years at least to unwind (though @ 13% interest is really nice). Once PEIRS are paid off in whole then everything remaining goes into class 18..

Class 18 is owned by WMB at $15M and then MARTA can take another spin at the wheel of litigation. If any money survives that gauntlet then class 19 gets something. If MARTA takes $0, expect about 1-3% recovery for preferred.


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.89

Si yeah baby, genial, comunes y preferentes si les dejan algo son restos de migajas duras y negras.
Mike y Susman pactaron lo que les vino en gana con tal de cobrar ellos y sacarse el muerto de encima.
Cada dia que pasa veo que o no te enteras o estas en el ajo de los bombeadores que se dedicaron a postear informacion interesada para que compraran quien no tenia conocimientos al respecto y se fiaba de vuestros DD.
Sin duda tal como comentan hay que hacer lo contrario de lo que predicas.


Re: WMIH hoy retrocede hasta 0.89

Susman : Acuerdo con GS para Escrows
Capitalización o Merger: Subida WMIH

Próxima semana será interesante para conocer algo más acerca del futuro.
Pues haz lo contrario... tu eres de todas maneras mi indicador contrario así que... :) :)
Enhorabuena! ya vuelves a perder tu energia