
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.064 / 3.346

Re: $117 Millones podrian ser distribuidos para WMILT Escrows próximamente !!!

Si suena la flauta y llega algo de calderilla para los escrow de Wampq solo jabria ese reparto unicamente. Me explico en un futuro podrian volver a repartir algo o ya se dan por cerradas y desaparecidas dichas escrows


Re: $117 Millones podrian ser distribuidos para WMILT Escrows próximamente !!!

Si Manzanita, Mr Simpson ya se ha encargado de enviar una carta pidiendo que a ti especialmente te mantengan una pension por tus scrows que ademas podras dejar en herencia a tus nietos. Santa Claus al lado de los Scrows Wamu es una minucia. Es como un Plan de pensiones a lo yanqui, puedes dormir tranquilo majete. Haces una preguntas que ni Ten Shin Jan de los mejores tiempos te supera.


Próximas fechas

4 Sept : Motion to release excess motion due to be heard the 24th

4 Sept : Claim objection due

17 Sept: Objection deadline para 24 sept

23 Sept: Claims Deadline

24 Sept: Claims Hearing, Motion of distributing excess funds

1 Octubre: GS Hearing (2004 Discovery) ¿será extendida de nuevo? dependerá de Claims

8 Oct : WMI Omnibus


WMILT: Moción denegada...Walrath le dice No a Rosen.

**Ordered that WMILT shall (within 30 days from the entry of this order) file a declaratory judgment action (naming the FDIC, FRB, and all claimants) seeking a determination whether WMILT is precluded by 12 U.S.C. 1828 (k), 12 C.F.R. 163.39, 12 C.F.R 359 or any other similar provision from paying any of the claimants if their claims are allowed by this Court, whether after trial or approval of a settlement. **

Actually, the main point Rosen tried to make to JMW in the hearing is that WMILT was in total agreement with the FDIC and that he was not the right party to file for a declaratory judgment because of that. He insisted that the claimants file it since they were the ones who did not want the FDIC to intervene. Even though you say there's nothing negative, from Rosen's position it puts him in the initiator position. Not sure if that would limit him in any arguments in support of the FDIC. I'd trust Rosen's judgment on the position he's in. In fact, remember Rosen even told JMW that she could write the order but he would have to decide how to deal with it after she did.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Gulf United Energy Inc (OTCMKTS: GLFE ) $0.003

BREAN MURRAY Price target ----> $0.72 US

lo que seria un upside de 24,000% o 240 veces el precio actual


WMIH hoy no cotiza?

Hola foreros, la cotización de WMIH en yahoo finanzas está parada al 3o de agosto. Sabéis porqué? Gracias, saludos


Re: Calendario de festivos en Wall Street

:) - gracias!