
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.052 / 3.346

Re: GS Hearing 17 Junio

Rosen ahora trabajando en beneficio de WMI LT (el mundo al revés)
A ver si liquida pronto los claims y seguimos avanzando.

Otro forero USA tiene esta visión de los acontecimientos.

WAMU had $307B assets and $188B deposits on the day of the seizure, FDIC said so on their press release. Maybe not $32B remaining assets, more or less, even on the lowest margin, there has got to be something left.

We know JPM paid $1.9B buying the bank only, WMB, they claimed that they did not purchase the whole bank. With WMB gone, WMI still has lots of other assets (unicorns). Now, we have only WMIH and WMI LT left, we know there were no unicorns in WMIH other than we already know ($5.9B NOL, $75M cash, $200M anytime loan at will), so where do unicorns go other than WMILT? If unicorns don't exist, why others (Marta, employee pensions, etc.) trying so hard fighting and shooting in the dark? Maybe they are trying to steal the unicorns?

So, is WMILT really worthless?

IMO, I also believed that the significant recovery is coming from WMILT.


Re: GS Hearing 17 Junio

Message from Don (fsshon)

Hedge funds do not buy into a BK company to lose money, they buy in because they see a way too make $$$ for the clients they have a vested interest in making money for.
Of course they are interested in M&A, there are just too many large financial dollars in this corner deli, so I expect it to eventually expand its operations and become the "SUBWAY" we all have been talking about once it emerged from BK.

With the valuable NOL's and the POTUS (spread the wealth) message in the mainstream, I see a good financial future for WMIH. With the talent on that board and potential of M&A, how can these well-connected directors not succeed? I love the fact that TPS is still with us, you have to realize that is major plus. Keep in mind the "change of ownership" rules.

I recently read an article about Mortgage Insurance and Servicing being two of the hottest and fastest growing industries on Wall Street. We are poised to enter back into them and work the numbers in our favor. I have been out of the loop lately, so I am going by what I have read and heard since emergence. I do not intend to mislead. I am trying to catch up, but life is moving very quick.




Goldman Sachs está esperando a que los Claims desaparezcan

"Goldman Sachs and the Trust have agreed to postpone judicial resolution of this motion and the parties are currently attempting to negotiate the terms of a voluntary production of material by Goldman Sachs that would eliminate the need for a ruling on the motion. "


Hearing 24 Junio

El próximo 24 de Junio sabremos si ha habido una nueva extensión a GS que mande a Septiembre una posible resolución extrajudicial que pende de la terminación de los Claims. Todos los indicadores son positivos de cara al valor que los últimos días parece estar recuperando terreno.

Este potencial acuerdo con GS sería muy beneficioso para los poseedores de Escrow si el valor de la entidad de Reinsurance que era propiedad de GS que hay en juego fuera de $1 Billón. Al final parece que los NOL´s se maximizan tras los 2 años de la salida de BK así que no auguro una resolución total hasta Marzo 2014 que permita recoger el 100% del potencial de los mismos.


Re: Hearing 24 Junio

Si, todos los indicadores son positivos por eso estas acciones no rentabilizan un carajo en relación incluso a las mas conservadoras de USA.
Eres una joya recomendando acciones.


Re: Hearing 24 Junio

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Confirmation On Marin Bancorp (BMRC) Acquisition By WMI Holdings (WMIH) Imminent Predicts Sierra World Equity Review. Watch For Both WMIH And BMRC Share Price To Rise For The Rest Of The Week Prior To Official News Release Forecasts Sierra!
HEADLINE: Confirmation On Marin Bancorp (BMRC) Acquisition By WMI Holdings (WMIH) Imminent Predicts Sierra World Equity Review. Watch For Both WMIH And BMRC Share Price To Rise For The Rest Of The Week Prior To Official News Release Forecasts Sierra! Sierra Following Up, Check Back For Instant Updates!

OJO... yo solo soy el mensajero... estos podrian estar equivocados pero no se porque ponen este tipo de anuncios.


Re: Hearing 24 Junio

Ponen este tipo de anuncios porque son unos chorizos bombeadores de noticias interesadas, que no lo veas o que te hagas el ciego viene a ser lo mismo de cara al foro.


Reflexión sobre posible estrategia de WMIH

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:52:56 PM
Re: Mobiaus post# 387534

Post # of 387539

I don't care about predictions from a model in florida, what I care about is whether or not the apology from a board member in charge of acquisitions holds any fruit? What I care about is whether or not this Board is going to put the value of the NOL's to work in the sector that WAMU was in.

Bank of Marin looks like a good target for many reasons, one is obvious. IT IS A BANK!
You have to start somewhere and we have the $$$ and M&A material to get this deal done. What is important, is that we get started in the financial sector and start creating wealth for shareholders by smart M&A. The Board seemed to reiterate this fact, I guess we can say if this prediction holds true, we would have taken the first step in moving back into the banking sector.

Wishes from Don!
Now if we could only get our hands on the WMMRC run-off funds we would be in much better financial shape! "Pipe Dream"
I've never seen a FDIC accurate accounting of the expenses associated with the taking/stealing/selling of WAMU 1 and 2 to JPM. I would like to see that, we could be owed some serious dough if they would be willing to give it up. "Pipe Dream"
GS to settle with WMILT showing all the others that this is the correct thing to do now that the dust has settled.

Not a Pipe Dream
Write new business in the Mortgage Insurance market through WMMRC and Get into the Mortgage Servicing Market as a sub. Because the mortgage market bottomed and prices are starting to rebound, it means the odds of new loans defaulting without homes selling on the open-market has largely decreased in most sections of the country. Open WMMRC up for business and use a subset for Mortgage Servicing. Look at the numbers for this company in this industry. It is ripe for us to enter it.

Grab a bank and write loans and mortgages through the bank. As part of the TARP act, the government made it mandatory that all mortgages written with a government guarantee have mortgage insurance protection for a minimum of 5 years even if they beat the 80/20 LTV. That means all loans that are through Fannie-Freddie-VA etc must have MPI on them. Someone has to provide the insurance, someone has to collect the fees and someone has to write the mortgage. BINGO! We can do it all, if we acquire the right company, i.e Long Beach Mortgage w/o the subprimes and low LTV's. A Bank will allow us to write the loans with a funnel to WMMRC to write the mortgage insurance and do the loan servicing. If the loans are sold, so be it, we still hold the loan servicing and insurance rights. We also collect the origination fees through our mortgage unit, along with new customer application.


P.S. I do agree that this Board will make a solid acquisition within 90 days. California is west-coast and great place to start. Although I would prefer the Pacific Northwest to put the foothold in place.