
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
977 / 3.346

Los 10 motivos por los que aun esta TODO por decidirse

1) EC/Venable is in excellent vantage point after 3/12 Friday, IMHO. Now, they just need to show their might in the fight.

2) The court agenda for Friday 3/12 was primarily to decide on the $4 Billion and wmi got it. That's all the judge cares and that's the bottom line for EC/Venable. The “settlement offer” is just a side show gimmick by JPM/FDIC and Judge/EC/Venable fully understand that tactic.

3) JPM/FDIC agreed that 30-40% of NOL belong to wmi. Good starting point to demand up to 100% of the NOLs when the “real settlement” negotiations occurs that involve EC/Venable also.

4) JPM/FDIC and creditors are acting like there is no EC and EC/Venable was excluded form the “settlement talks”. Anyone really think that Judge will be okay with such a lame tactic ?

5) UST/Judge constituted the EC in spite of objections from JPM/FDIC/creditors, because UST/Judge realize the importance equity holders in the overall resolution. Judge/UST will not ignore the public opinion and the voice of wamu’ers in this fight.

6) UST/Judge and EC/Venable know that any settlement without involving EC is never a viable settlement. Friday’s “settlement offer” by JPM/FDIC was merely a ploy and PR move, to circumvent the judge from making an obvious summary Judgementt on the $4 Billion. Anyway, who cares about a offer as long as

7) EC/Venable can now start their fight and PR campaign. They should announce that current wmi BOD is not acting in the best interest of the share holders and hence force a annual share holders meeting. EC/Venable has already thinking in this angle.

8) EC/Venable should announce their intend to continue the legal battle.
Peter J. Solomon will come up with the assessment that wamu was worth so much more and wmi should be compensated accordingly.

9) Next MOR will reflect additional Billions of Dollars. There is no shortage of cash for wmi to continue the legal fight as long as necessary.

10) Judge could extend the exclusivity period in order to obtain a feasible POR that includes input from EC/Venable also. In any case, I don’t think Judge will approve any POR without involving EC.


Re: locura total

Resulta que las comunes suben un 5% y las preferentes caen un 10%.
Cada dia entiendo menos.

Ahora creo que la mayoria aceptaria 2$ por las comunes a ojos cerrados.
Como cambian las cosas en una semana.


Re: locura total

si no lo veo no lo creo!!! esto reforzaría lo que decía Venerando de que las preferentes estaban sobrevaloradas...


Re: locura total



Re: locura total

Esto es lo que pasa cuando hay manos debiles en un valor.
Solo cambiara la cosa con la llegada de la mocion del EC y posterior denegación de la Juez a la propuesta siniestra


Re: locura total

¿Sabes cuándo es el turno del EC para plantear sus argumentos ante la jueza?


Re: locura total

Bufff, vaya sangria en las comunes.¿Cuando es la mocion del EC?PORQUE como tarde mucho vemos las comunes a menos de 0.10 el viernes.¿Que opinas Mr_ Simpson?


Re: locura total

Me gustaría que fuera esta semana, pero prefiero que se tomen su tiempo (tienen hasta el 25 de marzo) para responder y que sea una respuesta contundente antes de esperar el POR.

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