
Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

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Arcelor Mittal (MTS)
49 suscriptores
Arcelor Mittal (MTS)
3.740 / 6.343

Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Lo que mas me ha gustado del artículo es esto: “ArcelorMittal es una compañía que no está quemando caja y tiene cubierta su deuda gracias a su posición de caja hasta 2018”.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Noticias desde el Pais Vasco:

La ACB de Sestao, de Arcelor, volverá a partir del 9 de septiembre

ArcelorMittal ha decidido retomar la actividad productiva en la acería vizcaína de Sestao -la ACB- a partir del 9 de septiembre, ha informado hoy la multinacional, tras reunirse con el comité de empresa.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Esta semana el sector acero ha de mostrar algun tipo de interés comprador


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Dado la fortaleza de los 5,50€ aumento posición de nuevo en 5,6€ el
objetivo 5,9€,se me ha escapado la última vez,lo importante vendrá en
sept,creo q ahora la inversión consiste en especular asi q haremos
lo mismo,salvo superación con fuerza de ese nivel, cosa q no creo ahora en agosto
vta s/ 5,9€ y compra s/5,6€.Saludos........


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Mal dia hoy para todos los accionistas de ArcelorMittal quizas haya afectado esta noticia negativa:

Steel giant ArcelorMittal to pay $110 million fine in South Africe price fixing case
Published 4 hours ago

Steelmaker ArcelorMittal has agreed to pay a $110-million (88-million-euro) fine for illegal price fixing in South Africa, the country's competition watchdog announced Monday.

The Competition Commission launched a probe into steel producers in the country in 2008 following concerns around high steel prices, and found that the company colluded with its competitors in "fixing" prices and allocating customers.

The company "admits having been involved in the long steel and scrap metal cartels, and agrees to pay an administrative penalty of 1.5 billion rand" ($110 million), it said in a statement.

The local unit of the company will pay the fine in five annual instalments of at least 300 million rand each.

The South African government said it welcomed the punishment of the country's largest steel maker in what it ranked the "largest single" fine imposed so far against an individual firm by the competition authorities.

"The action by the competition authorities is part of a crackdown against abuse of market power and price-fixing that undermine the performance of the economy," Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel said in a statement.

The watchdog's chief commissioner Tembinkosi Bonakele said the "penalty sends a strong message of deterrence and is an important milestone in the Commission's enforcement against cartels".

ArcelorMittal South Africa is the continent's largest steel producer, supplying more than 61 percent of the steel used in Africa's most industrialized country.

Son 110 millones de dolares que se pierden en la cuenta de resultados anunal.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Pues parece que esa noticia ya estaba descontada o no le ha afectado. El caso es que sube un 1 %