
Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

3 respuestas
Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia
Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

The eventual exit from the EU of a possible independent Catalonia would lead to the "collapse of the euro," as representing "more than two percent of GDP in the eurozone" and is "an economy bigger and that central Greece and Finland, "according to Albert Royo , Secretary General of the Council of Public Diplomacy Catalonia (Diplocat)considers, which warns that" anyone isi nterested in exit of Catalonia like part of the EU".

"If possible exit of Greece from the euro zone has put the threshold of the single currency collapse, which would happen with the exit of Catalonia?" Wondered Royo, recalling that the Catalan economy is "an asset and not liabilities, plus net contributor. " All in all, Royo considers reasonable is "a political negotiation between Catalonia, Spain and the rest of the EU" in the event of victory independence S-27, because this election result will have to interpreted as "a clear mandate in favor of independence."

Royo was speaking at Prada (Conflent) in the context of the Catalan Summer University (UCE), where he admitted that Diplocat remains "open channels" with leading European governments, adding that it is necessary to differentiate between "messages fear of the Spanish government to try to influence electoral "and government executive Rajoy after 27-S," which will be much more pragmatic. "


Re: Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

Ciertamente muy preocupante.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

Lo de Catalonia es que como que no lo veo,Catalonia si es que es hasta feo,parece el nombre de una planta o un alga marina...


Re: Collapse of the euro in a European Union without Catalonia

Bueno hay quien tiene un nombre feo, pero está encantado con él. Lo importante es la sustancia no la etiqueta.
Sin ir más lejos Úrsula es un nombre muy feo, pero si te apellidas Andress la cosa cambia.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.

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Guía Básica