
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
12.851 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

TEVA. Yo tambien la tengo entre ceja y ceja. Pero voy a esperar al Viernes para decidirme. Ha vuelto a chocar con los 15$

Ya tengo a Dic :3vput a 17,5 4vput a 15 ... Pero, no rebota fuerte o hace un amago al inicio de sesion, me pensare alguna mas a 12,5, quiza 5 contratos.

Y no me importaria nada que me adjudicaran.

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Farmas USA

Trump to cut off ACA subsidies to health insurers

Just hours after Pres. Trump signed an executive order that paves the way for a proliferation of pared-down insurance plans for individual buyers, the administration says it plans to cut off billions of dollars in payments to health insurers that offset their costs for providing subsidies to consumers.

The payments will stop immediately, with no transition period, Acting HHS Secretary Eric Hargan and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma said tonight; the next payments were due next week.

Given the ongoing uncertainty over the payments, many health insurers had dramatically raised the premiums they planned to charge for next year in anticipation of not getting the funds.

The moves mark the start of what promises to be a long and contentious campaign to unravel the Affordable Care Act.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


Panel de la FDA unánime.


FDA Panel Endorses Gene Therapy For A Form Of Childhood Blindness

We may soon have our first $1 million drug. Who will pay for it? And how?

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


Resultados para principios de noviembre también. Sus mínimos actuales supongo que responden a esto, y ayer anunciaron también una de esas demandas clásicas. ¿Alguien ha hecho números? El problema es que tiene pinta de querer perder los 5 y empezar la desbandada de fondos. Mi idea es esperar a eso.

As a result of the ongoing disruption to manufacturing operations in Puerto Rico arising from Hurricane Maria, the Company’s third quarter product revenue was negatively impacted by approximately $2 to $3 million.  Furthermore, as a result of the temporary delays in the packaging and delivery of certain dosage strengths of NUCYNTA ER at the facility in Puerto Rico and based on the information available to it at this time, the Company currently expects its fourth quarter product revenue may be negatively impacted by less than $10 million.  The Company will provide an update to its full year 2017 financial guidance and on the NUCYNTA ER supply situation during its third quarter conference call in early November.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

ovavax (NASDAQ:NVAX) announces that Barclay A. Phillips will resign as Senior VP, CFO and Treasurer, to pursue an expanded opportunity in the industry, effective November 10. He will provide financial, accounting and transition services as a consultant until December 31.
• Stanley C. Erck, President and CEO of Novavax, will act as the interim CFO pending completion of a search for a new CFO.


Re: Farmas USA

SLD 5 TEVA Dec15'17 12.5 PUT 0.38 USD AMEX 15:36:57 OptTrader 3.97

Vendidos 5 contratos mas a Diciembre, strike 12,5. Van tres, el cuarto no se, no se 


Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Farmas USA


Vendí putt cuando estaba la semana pasada a 15,82 strike 12,5 a 15 diciembre. No me fiaba de los 15 por si acaso. Veo que los está perdiendo. No debería caer mucho más.


Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.