
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
12.939 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Vaya, me han saltado unos stops que tenía en bitcoins por ahí y tengo liquidez para esta tarde.

Voy a limpiar las pistolas, encerarlas, acariciarlas y a preparar los tiros de hoy.



Re: Farmas USA

JNJ va acabar con beneficios alredededor de los poco más de un 1% esos 175m... En todo caso no entiendo nada toda esta escinificación y offering por el total de cromos como si tuvieran prisa... Cuando un insider/institucional quiere irse lo dice, se hace público y a partir de ahí, salvo que tenga necesidad de cash (que ni de coña es el caso) va desinvirtiendo poco a poco, sin offerings ni gaitas (hasta en bloques fuera de mercado al precio que pacten las partes), y va reportando que ya no tiene el 10% de la empresa, luego el 5% y luego cuando ya no tiene cromos.

Me parece que hay mejores maneras de hacerlo sin tanto terremoto y JNJ no tiene ninguna necesidad de hacerlo así, salvo que deba favores al que va a comprar los cromos o los obtenga ahora para canjearlos en el futuro



Re: Farmas USA

Habia pensado en algo relacionado con tax selling pero esos numeros que comentas poca cosa son 175 kilos.

En fin, creo que parece claro que a 2,75 el que compre va hacer pasta. Yo me conformo con recuperarla.


KERX y TGTX, a esas dos si que las quiero sacar unos dineros. KERX tiene que mirar al gap de frente (por los 5medios), para ya pensarse si lo quiere cerrar o no.


Re: Farmas USA

ACHN, dese luego, si, el que las compre a $2.75 es un chollo. 

Yo seguro venderé un lote en diciembre, esté al precio que esté, porque tengo que compensar ganancias, pero otro me lo dejo para vender en 2018 por encima de $4.




Re: Farmas USA


copiado literal de un comentario en el último articulo de Bret, en el que este apuesta por un "hostile takeover":

I have worked as a consultant with Synergy and while I understand fingers being pointed at the CFO of Synergy, the reality is he didn't start until the latter part of April and it was way too late in the game to correct the course of this ships direction. He has been the first person I have noted in the two years I have worked with this company to ask any intelligent questions about spending, No one to day (aka the CCO) have monitored the ridiculous burn of case from marketing and sales. The VP of Sales, in particular, signs off on expenses that aren't necessary (live meetings for hundreds of people while you are still launching, leadership meetings that could be accomplished via webinars, employees who have full time jobs of spirit (sending out birthday cards is full time work?) or putting out a weekly news letter. And when you are cronies with the VP of finance and the VP of HR, no one is checking her irresponsibility. It wasn't until this CFO came in and started looking at budgets That some changes started to take place. But unfortunately the over sight is not swift enough or deep enough. Personally, I think they launched with too large of a sales force. They think they are small (compared to Ironwood) but they should have started with half the reps and half the RBDs. They didn't need 22 regional trainers that are paid upwards of 20K more than the regular representative. The two Area Business Directors (also part of the Shire fraternity) don't appear to have the skill sets that they brag about. I have never seen worse management or lack of strategic direction. I believe that the VP and the two ABDs all have launch experience, but all through big pharma so don't know how to be successful without a bundle of cash and an army of people. The CEO/CCO would have done better hiring someone for those three positions that had experience with small teams as this is start up. So irresponsible. Then do a line by line item check on things like promotional materials, random leadership meetings that are taking place in person rather than using technology, the volume of consultants they're using at exorbitant cost to the company. No one is checking what the leadership clowns and have been signing off on. Deeper oversight immediately is required but likely the CEO and CFO will take the hit (maybe rightfully so?) and the real offenders on why they burned 100M in a quarter will keep their jobs.