
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
13.562 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

soltadas a 4,65 muy buenas plusvalias , gracias igonber !!!




Re: Farmas USA


Especulación sobre el halt relativo al método de edición de Cas9

in January 2018 one of the strongest critiques of the effectiveness of CRISPR-Cas9 was circulated from a yet-to-be-reviewed-and-published portal called bioRxiv. The report did cast doubt on the durability of the therapy over time, suggesting the body could build immunity to it. The concern was particularly heightened at some phase because the Cas9 enzyme that is crucial in this therapy is derived from two bacteria has high rate of infection in humans and accordingly some immune systems could develop immunity against them. At that time other scientist and biopharma companies, including Crispr, were not much bothered about it and they presented their extensive plans to solve the problem. It is also true that scientists have worked for decades on evading immune recognition.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


Ayer pude vender y hoy no puedo comprar, solo vender :(((  mierda Bkrs.


Re: Farmas USA


De nuevo dando alegrias. 10% para arriba. 


Re: Farmas USA



 hay esas XBI se me escaparooooonnn...joer...y no se si es tarde ya para engancharse.....


 framus dime otra asi que este a punto de dispararse pero que aun no lo haya hecho.. jiji


    se que no es lugar este ...pero casi casi seguro que me meto en Tesla....

 a ver que farma hay por ahiii







Re: Farmas USA

Que pasa con REGN?  a ver si se confirma el BreakOut!