
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
14.331 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

TEVA -11% aprox 13$  en israel,

Creo que es por esta noticia, pero es demasiado no?

WASHINGTON, May 11 (Reuters) - Forty-four U.S. states have filed a lawsuit accusing 20 drug companies including Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc of a sweeping scheme to inflate drug prices and stifle competition for more than 100 generic drugs, state prosecutors said on Saturday.
Quizás se sabia y por eso no levantaba...
Si todas reaccionan igual se podría reflejar en el IBB

buen domingo gente



Re: Farmas USA

"Quizás se sabia y por eso no levantaba.."

en mi modesta opinion la habian mantenido en "respiracion asistida" desde hace un mes, en las opciones habia volumen y se pagaban primas muy buenas en los 14, del orden del 6% mes Jun... Habia Vol y no la dejaban acercarse al strike..

NO se era un poco raro (en opcs al menos).

Eso si, los expertten de Tec diran, pero esto abre el melon hasta los 12,5 creo...que los 11,medios de la otra vez parecen excesivos.

VI en subida para en Lun y seguro muy buenas primas por debajo de 14.

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Farmas USA

A ver si mañana recupera algo por qué al cambio me saldría perder los 13 en la apertura ya..
Con un poco de verde la dejan en la clavicular q pones y tan panchos


Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Farmas USA

The Twenty Craziest Investing Facts Ever

Posted March 13, 2019 by Michael Batnick

1. Since 1916, the Dow has made new all-time highs less than 5% of all days, but over that time it’s up 25,568%.
95% of the time you’re underwater. The less you look the better off you’ll be.

2. The Dow has compounded at less than 3 basis points a day since 1970. Since then its up more than 3,000%.
Compounding really is magic.

3. The Dow has only been positive 52% of all days. The average daily return is 0.73% when it’s up and -0.76% when it’s down.
See above.

4. The Dow has spent more time 40% or more below the highs than within 2% of the highs (20.6% of days vs. 18.4% of days)
No pain no gain.

5. The Dow gained 38 points in the 1970s
See above.

6. Why am I using the Dow instead of the S&P 500? They’re effectively the same thing. The rolling one-year correlation since 1970 is .95.
Stop wasting your time on this.

7. At the low in 2009, U.S. stocks were back to where they were in 1996.
Stocks for the long-run. The very long-run. Usually. Sometimes.

8. At the low in 2009, Japanese stocks were back to where they were in 1980.
See above.

9. U.S. one-month treasury bills went 68 years with a negative real return.
What’s safe in the short-run can be risky in the long-run.

10. At the bottom in 2009, long-term U.S. government bonds outperformed the stock market over the previous 40 years
Stocks generally outperform bonds, but there are no guarantees.

11. Gold and the Dow were both 800 in 1980. Today Gold is $1,300/ounce, the Dow is near 26k.
Cash flows > commodities.

12. Over the last twenty years, Gold is up 340%. Stocks are up 208%, with dividends.
You can support any argument by changing the start and end dates.

13. Since 1980, Gold is up 153%. Inflation is up 230%.
See above.

14. CTAs gained 14% in 2008 when stocks lost 37%. Since 2009 they’re up 2.5%. Stocks are up 282%.
Non-correlation cuts both ways.

15. If you had invested from 1960-1980 and beaten the market by 5% each year, you would have made less money than if you had invested from 1980-2000 and underperformed the market by 5% a year ( A Nicky Numbers Special)
When you were born > almost everything else.

16. The Dow lost 17% in 1929, 34% in 1930, 53% in 1931 and 23% in 1932.
Be grateful.

17. Warren Buffett is the greatest investor of all-time. In the 20 months leading up to the dotcom peak, Berkshire Hathaway lost 45% of its value. The NASDAQ 100 gained 225% over the same time.
No pain no premium.

18. Only 47.7% of stocks generated a life-time return that match one-month treasury bills.
The reason why so many mutual funds fail to beat the market is because so many stocks fail to beat the market.

19. Dow earnings were cut in half in 1908. The index gained 46%.
The stock market ≠ the economy.

20. In 1949 the stock market was trading at 6.8x earnings and had a 7.5% dividend yield. 50 years later it reached a high of 30x earnings and carried just a 1% dividend yield.
You can calculate everything yet still not know how investors are going to feel


Re: Farmas USA

No aprendemos: ¿Por qué los mercados sucumben a los ‘faroles’ de Trump?

Por Laura Sánchez -

Pero no aprendemos.

En este complicado escenario, algunos inversores ya empiezan a ‘seguir el juego’ de Trump e intentan sacar tajada. Es lo que recomendaba esta semana JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM):  ¿Sell in May and go away?   De eso nada: aprovechen las caídas, tomen posiciones y compren barato. Y cuando vean que el rebote supera máximos, vendan.

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¿Sell in May and go away? Los analistas aconsejan lo contrario

JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) apuesta por aprovechar estas caídas de los últimos días para posicionarse en valores que están ahora a un precio más bajo. El motivo que dan estos expertos es que este factor de incertidumbre no se mantendrá a lo largo del tiempo, sino que más bien es un riesgo a corto plazo.

Bolsa08.05.2019 15:24


Pues esto que dice aqui es precisamente lo que han hecho las Manos Fuertes y lo que explica el aumento del volumen en verdes velas martillos del IBB y otros indices