Un tipo al que suelo leer y tomar en serio por lo cabal de su speech ( un oasis de cordura dentro del salvaje y anarquico foro de Yahoo) es a "harveyspecter357" . Cuanta razon tiene ....
3 Reasons why ADCOM Panel can be called upon...
1 - Safety
2 - 1st in Class drug in the Space
3 - Large patient population
Those are the simple FACTS ppl.. Now I realize the speculators are going to try to point to #1 (safety)..... However, even though there are never any guarantees with any biotech the following is true in regards to safety..
1 - Vascepa in Anchor data has proven both in Primary and Secondary endpoints to be VERY SAFE...
2 - The Anchor data came out in April 2011.. So 2 years have passed and the FDA has NOT come back to AMRN with any concerns
3 - When the sNDA was accepted the FDA had NO CONCERNS arrive
4 - The 74 day letter from PDUFA was "CLEAN" and still over 2 years later showed NO Concerns arrive
5 - ANCHOR trial was a S-P-A Trail with a P-value of .0001 (sorry but for those that don't know what this means YOUR BEAT bc you shouldn't own AMRN if that's the case)
So in conclusion although with the FDA anything is always possible, we weigh RISK and Reward based upon information, FACTS and odds... And in AMRN's case they are as solid as you can be going forward to get the job done at ADCOM...
Reduce-it is TOTALLY SEPARATE and too long to break down so I'm not going into it... All you need to know is it has ZERO to do with anchor/adcom