
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
6.835 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

A mi el broker ya me ha avisado de un cambio de garantías sobre el rublo.

Nuevo requisito de garantía: 40%, incrementado desde el actual 8% (casi nada!). Recorta horarios para operar con RUB y avisa de que: Podríamos estar a horas de presenciar "restricciones de capital" en Rusia.

Ayer ya se hablaba que su PIB puede descender solo por el factor gas y crudo un 5% o 6%. A ese 5/6% se pueden añadir otros factores, y el golpe será (o es) terrible.


Re: Farmas USA

Seguro que los Soros de turno se han forrado con el desplome y ahora se forrarán con el rebote


Re: Farmas USA

Las ADXS se han acojonado al llegar al superar los 4,50....
Creo que voy a vender, porqué tiene pinta de querer relajar un poco antes de petar definitivamente esos 4,5.....
Vendidas con plus del 13%....
Añado alguna CTIX más, aprovechando las rebajas.....
Y me planeteo reeentrada en ZIOP.....
Lo está haciendo muy bien.....


Añado una pellizquita más de UGAZ a 8, mantengo en cartera en -1%
Y otra pizquita a 8,32....en cartera -1,4%
Y otra más a 8,24.....
Y la última en 8,17....
Ahora a esperar a que venga el fríoooooooooooo





Re: Farmas USA

He deshecho la posición en SBFM....
No soporto la presión y el imaginármela en 0,01 o por debajo....
He tenido que aceptar importantes pérdidas, que me costará un montón recuperar, pero lo primero es la tranquilidad, que aquí estamos para pasarlo bien, y no para sufrir....

He entrado en SYN, esperando un rebote desde los niveles actuales....


Re: Farmas USA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the Intercept Blood System for plasma, the first pathogen reduction system for use by blood establishments in the preparation of plasma in order to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections (TTI).

“The approval of devices like the Intercept Blood System allows blood establishments to prepare plasma that carries a lower risk of transmitting infectious pathogens through transfusion,” said Karen Midthun, M.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

The Intercept Blood System for plasma may be used to reduce pathogens in plasma derived from whole blood and plasma obtained by apheresis, a collection process that separates red blood cells from plasma and then returns the red cells to the donor. Examples of some of the pathogens that may be reduced using the Intercept Blood System include HIV, hepatitis B and C viruses and West Nile virus.

The inactivation of certain potential pathogens in plasma treated using the Intercept Blood System is achieved through a photochemical process involving a controlled exposure to ultraviolet light and amotosalen, a chemical that facilitates the inactivation process. The plasma is then purified to remove the chemical and its byproducts.

While the Intercept Blood System for plasma has been shown to be effective in reducing a broad range of viral and bacterial pathogens that may be transmitted through transfusions, there is no pathogen inactivation process that has been shown to eliminate all pathogens. Certain viruses (e.g. human parvovirus B19) and spores formed by certain bacteria are known to be resistant to the Intercept process.

Plasma prepared using the Intercept Blood System for plasma was evaluated in eight clinical studies consisting of a total of 704 patients. The data to support the use of plasma treated by the Intercept Blood System were obtained from clinical trials conducted in various clinical settings. These settings included acquired clotting disorders associated with liver disease and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), a rare disorder of the blood coagulation system that can cause blood clots to form in small blood vessels throughout the body.

The adverse events experienced by patients who received plasma prepared using the Intercept Blood System for plasma were comparable to those experienced by participants who received plasma that had not been treated with the pathogen reduction device.

The Intercept Blood System for plasma is marketed by Cerus Corporation (Nasdaq: CERS), Concord, California.


Re: Farmas USA

A ver si puedo cerrarlo con buenas plus....
Subiendo en afters +26%, lo mismo que me sube en cartera....
No se si es mejor vender en afters o esperar a mañana....
¿Algún consejo al respecto?
A ver si al menos me quita un poco el resquemor del cierre de la posición de las SBFM....

Un saludo