
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

92,6K respuestas
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
176 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
6.906 / 11.627

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Me he salido de SRNA con muchos beneficios

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Te aconsejo que te metas ahi algo rascas seguro, estudiatela... pero hay que ir con cuidado que es muy falsa o volátil dicho más fino


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

A esta la veo con ganas de subir; ya la puse ayer:


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Si tienes paciencia,,,,,BRQS

La unica analista de la que me fio y sigo es portera de mi casa.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Entro en SCON  a 0.56

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Yo la llevo, ha estado una buena temporadita dando por s.... pero parece que ya ha cambiado de ruta y estos dias se  esta comportando bien, casi recupero ya las pérdidas


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Bqrs                                                                          sniper mirate esto.                                                          
Attached to this report on Form 6-K as Exhibit 1 is a copy of the press release of the Company, dated August 3, 2020, announcing that the Nasdaq Hearings Panel on July 28, 2020 granted the Company’s request to extend the automatic 15-day stay of suspension from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”), pending the hearing scheduled for August 27, 2020 and a final determination regarding the Company’s listing status.
As previously disclosed, on July 9, 2020, Nasdaq staff had notified the Company that it had determined to delist it as the Company had failed to comply with Nasdaq’s filing requirements set forth in Listing Rule 5250(c)(1) because it had not filed its Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2019.
The Nasdaq Hearings Panel has decided to maintain the status quo of the Company’s shares and allow trading to continue on Nasdaq pending the hearing and the final decision from the panel.



Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Al final no hubo lluvia. Solo aparato electrico.
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