
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.559 / 3.346

Re: Confirmado... Me gusta porque es lo mejor para Preferentes... Batallar

Due to the actions of the Horsies, it appears all players are cornered unless a deal is reached with Equity very soon. There is no doubt that Rosie and the Horsies were present when this POS POR was planned and put together in early 2009. Even though it would be March 2010 before the POS POR was announced, date times and who was present does not lie and neither do their trade date/times. With one Horsie already deposed either partially or in whole, there is no doubt plenty of evidence due to the actions of the Horsies agreeing to delay their depositions.

I still say the Hedgies will not be deposed unless JPM/FDIC plan on throwing Rosie and the Horsies under the bus. This will do nothing but bring much unwanted attention to the very crimes they have spent almost three years blacking out worldwide. They also used their influence to threaten, scare and ruin anybody that reports anything remotely close to what actually happened. Now the Judge protected the Government Criminals and has attempted to destroy billions upon billions of dollars in assets and claims with her 'fair and reasonable" ruling which will be proven shortly if these depositions go forward. All of the hidden agenda will rise to the forefront of these multiple crimes.

The landscape to me now looks like this. If there is not a deal that Equity can agree too, the depositions go forward and there is only one way to keep this from happening assuming no deal with the criminals. I do not feel any "power player” in this travesty is willing to go to prison for any of their bosses. With that said Rosie at this time has to protect himself as the Hedgies will put him at the table and destroy him professionally, personally and more. I cannot imagine Rosie letting this happen so he has to do this before Friday evening. He tells his bosses that they have until, let’s say high noon on Friday to make a deal or he is filing in one liner with the court saying that WMI is pulling out of the Global Settlement and this MAY buy him some time with Susman.

Without a deal with Equity, this deal may blow wide open as I am beginning to think that this has almost been pre-destined for this case and it is time for this country to have another “Watergate” although this would make Watergate look like child’s play in comparison. The other actions that will happen if no deal is reached are Susman’s objections will come into play along with the Insider Trading that will be shown at the Confirmation Hearing, asset valuation, subs and all the rest. It goes back to what these criminals have hidden for almost three years and I have to believe that there WILL be a deal and that the Confirmation Hearing will be nothing more than a “meet and greet” to sign off and this is ALL buried. I still find it hard to believe that since ALL of these players have committed various forms of crimes/illegalities which are life threatening and destroying, that they WILL NOT make a deal.


Re: Esta en un filing así que es Oficial

Gracias Mr. por postear esto que me tocaba a mí; es que he estado un poco liado hoy.

Suerte a ver si va todo bien...


Re: Confirmado... Me gusta porque es lo mejor para Preferentes... Batallar

Vaya que si lo de las Depositions de los HEDGES resulta que es una pantomima para hacer que hubiese un ultimo rebote y todas las posibles negociaciones no son mas que mentiras para eso mismo mover los precios y que se beneficien unos pocos ya seria la estocada final para la equidad. Lo cierto es que se vuelve al POR anterior que deja fuera de cobro a los accionistas, JPM-FDIC que se encuentran protegidos por esta corte les va muy bien, que se peleen entre los demas actores pero ellos ademas de que han robado el Banco se quedan restos del mismo y ven los toros desde fuera. Simpson como siempre no aciertas una, ni negociacones ni equity in the money, mas retrasos y a sufrir de nuevo los accionistas con mas bajadas probablemente es lo que se vislumbra con este panorama.


Re: Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Its Motion for an Order Compel

El que siga con dudas que busque consejo en un abogado especializado sobre el significado de esta mocion. Susman se ha quitado los guantes y empieza a repartir leña


Re: Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Its Motion for an Order Compel

El EC tiene otro as en la manga y va directamente a por Rosen quien podria llevarle hasta JPM.
Si TPS esta luchando por que le paguen al final sera positivo para preferentes porque el proximo confirmation hearing sera mucho mas duro que el anterior y mucha mas suciedad saldra a relucir.
Vamos a poner el caso patas arriba que ya va siendo hora. El que no sepa donde invertir que se pille unas cuantas preferentes y espere su turno quien sabe igual las ponen hasta baratitas


La hoguera de las vanidades

Eso es lo que va a ocurrir a Rosen, JPM y FDIC en cuanto empiecen a largar los Hedge Funds para no ir a la carcel. De ahi la mocion sellada que envia Susman.
10 abogados de JPM atendieron el pasado hearing en prevision de la que se avecina. La semana que viene alguien se va a quemar en la hoguera de las vanidades y no sera el EC precisamente.
Mucha suerte a todos. Hemos dado un paso atras para coger fuerzas de cara a seguir adelante.


Re: Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Its Motion for an Order Compel

Hola Adruna, ¿qué tal por ahí?

A ver, otro de los motivos por los que he leído que han podido reprogramar los interrogatorios a los SNHs, es porque dichos interrogatorios (depositions) no tienen que avisarse con unos días de antelación, de manera que si nos estamos acercando a fechas de 'fin de plazo' para confirmar si hay o no un POR7, pues como medida de protección, el EC solicita las depositions, total, luego se pueden cancelar en cualquier momento.