GSA tiritando
From Mary:
"The GSA purports to 'settle' litigation with allegations very similar to the ANICO litigation allegations regarding the JPM Chase Bank conspiracy. Moreover, the GSA settlement effectively PAYS JPM to settle the litigation by gifting billions of dollars in tax refunds to JPM Chase Bank. The Delaware bankruptcy court issued an opinion on January 7 in which the GSA was found to be a fair and reasonable resolution of the litigation against JPM Chase Bank and the FDIC. However, in light of this new opinion of the Court of Appeals, which lets the ANICO lawsuit proceed, the bankruptcy court will be compelled to re-evaluate its 'fair and reasonable' determination of that portion of the GSA. This will certainly be a major issue at any confirmation hearing if the debtors attempt to go forward with the confirmation of POR v6 but more likely is this is the effective end of POR v6 and the GSA which has taken so many other body blows recently."