
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.053 / 3.346

Sierra on Fire! Estos si que tienen peligro...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Joint Press Conference Coming Scheduled For The First Week Of July Where WMI Holdings (WMIH) Will Announce Purchase Of Marin Bancorp (BMRC) Ventures Sierra World Equity Review. Remember When It Happens Sierra Called it First!
HEADLINE: Joint Press Conference Coming Scheduled For The First Week Of July Where WMI Holdings (WMIH) Will Announce Purchase Of Marin Bancorp (BMRC) Ventures Sierra World Equity Review. R


Fsshon sobre WMIH y su enorme potencial

Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:42:40 AM
Re: fsshon post# 387538

Post # of 387549

Thanks I wasn't running. If the shareholders needed a good rep other than Mike, they would go looking. As for the potential.

When it was decided that WMMRC was nothing but a run-off model and not writing new business as per the lawyers and BK plan, it was forseeable that values on LTV's on Gov backed mortgages would not rise in relation to appraisals within districts.

So in essence if you have a mortgage that has MPI on it and it is put into run-off mode, many thought the housing market would filter out the MPI over a set period of time. "Not anymore!"


In 2007 I bought a house for 400K with 5% down. Mortgage 380K. I was required by the govt backing contract for MPI to add $400 per month to my monthly payment. In 2008 I lost 40% of the value of my home. That translates to my owing more than my home was worth. Instead of ruining my credit I decide to pay my mortgage like a good citizen and hope housing values come up to 400K again. It has been 5 years and my home has regained 60% of the lost value. 96K added to the value of my home. 240+96K= 336K. After paying 5 years on a 380K mortgage at 5% for 30 years , I owe in Principal 348K. Now how does that translate to my MPI being lifted when I hit the 80% LTV rate? It doesn't and the BK plan did not take any of this into consideration. They were saying WMMRC was in run-off mode. As it stands 60-70% of all mortgages in WMMRC coverage protection could well being paying past 10 years. I think WMMRC was only 8 years and then done. Look into it BOD!

WHO GETS THE MONEY? If it goes to WMILT, then good, because it will trickle to the parent eventually.



GS extendido pero esta vez solo 1 mes... ¿Settlement a la vista?

Looks like GS matter was rescheduled again.

docket #11288
Notice of Agenda of Matters Scheduled for Hearing on June 24, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. (EDT)

26. Motion by WMI Liquidating Trust for an Order Authorizing an Examination of Goldman Sachs Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 [Docket No. 10869; ?led 11/30/12]
Objection Deadline: December 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (EST);
Extended to February 13, 2013 at 4:00 pm. (EST);
Extended to April 15, 2013 for Goldman Sachs;
Extended to June 17, 2013 for Goldman Sachs;
Extended to July 18, 2013 for Goldman Sachs

Objections/Responses Received: None to date.

Related Documents:

Status: The hearing regarding this matter is continued to July 25, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. (EDT).


"Goldman - which made billions of dollars last year by shorting the subprime mortgage bonds that its bankers were pumping out in volume - seems to have timed its latest calls right. Both the WaMu and Fannie-Freddie short calls have made investors money, as shares in all three companies have since fallen.

Even so, one hedge fund portfolio manager who spoke on condition of anonymity, describes the practice of recommending that clients short sell a stock as "playing with fire." Leave it to Goldman to do so without getting burned - at least not yet. "

"Kessler, the former Morgan Stanley analyst, notes that Goldman Sachs has more freedom than other Wall Street firms to take such an aggressive stance. The WaMu recommendation by Goldman's mortgage finance specialist, James Fotheringham, he notes, was also "a statement about the fact that his clients are hedge funds, as opposed to mutual funds." Hedge funds almost always seek to be long one asset and short a similar one against it - and Fotheringham last week advised clients to buy WaMu debt while shorting its stock."

It is not just about GS, it is also about their clients who comfortably naked shorted allegedly while GS was the facilitator of naked shorting allegedly. Who were these clients?


Re: GS extendido pero esta vez solo 1 mes... ¿Settlement a la vista?

La acumulación continua...

La acumulación continua...


Re: GS extendido pero esta vez solo 1 mes... ¿Settlement a la vista?

¿La acumulacion continua? Hoy 65.000 acciones, Como te luces.

¿Settlement a la vista? Simpson no se si lo sabes pero Washington Mutual es ya 100% de JP Morgan y la andadura de acuerdos ya terminó hace tiempo.

Sigues soñando, pero claro tu solo te empapelas de articulos y post americanos. Jajaja


Re: GS extendido pero esta vez solo 1 mes... ¿Settlement con WMI LT a la vista?

James Burrell I'm not sure who they did or are working for or with, but I do believe they had some inside knowledge... and have decided to lay low. In my opinion, something is coming and soon.. 3 - 4 weeks... I base this on a few observations:

1. Long time posters laying low... Uncharacteristic.
2. Stock activity... The heavy trading before the Shareholder meeting... plus the recent activity... relatively high price... moderate volume.
3. GS Postponement... This time on 1 month, as opposed to the first three postponements which were all 2 months each.
4. Escrow Shares being made available in our Margin accounts. I actually set up a Margin account just to verify this fact.
5. Employee claims are being dealt with...

¿Quieres más?


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

No me lo voy a leer todo como comprenderéis. Exactamente cuánto llevas ganado????

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