
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.054 / 3.346

WMIH tendrá un crecimiento via M & A

Cajero Malencarado:

En estas acciones hubo 2 momentos clave...

1. Antigua WAMU: Donde mucha gente compro deuda y preferentes a precio de saldo ejemplo mis preferentes de aquella epoca hoy tendría +500% ganados...pero además me han dado una posición Escrow para el valor de lo que aun queda por liquidar por parte de WMILT que podré cuantificar sus ganancias en el futuro.

Los que compraron en esa fase ganaron mucho dinero... los que compraron a posteriori cuando subieron disparatadamente perdieron mucho dinero.

2. Nuevas WMIH: Su valor de salida hace 1 año tras la conversión fue de $1...
hoy cotizan a $0.865... llegaron a bajar hasta $0.40 y empezaron a subir... el potencial de su subida a futuro radicará en posibles M & A que se materialicen para sacar tajada de los $5.97 Billones en NOL´s.

A partir de ahi ya saca tu bola de cristal y afina la puntería.



Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Sinceramente, lo mejor que podrías hacer es leerlo todo así sabrás quien sabe del tema y dio buenos consejos de inversión y quien no, aquí han habido auténticos consejos de inversión con latentes plusvalías hoy en día y auténticos fracasos, tu mismo ;).



¿Blackstone Mortgages? ¿Estará relacionado con WMIH?



Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Financial Statements

Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.
On May 13, 2013, Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. (the "Company") formed a new joint venture, 42-16 Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture") with Blackstone Holdings Finance Co. L.L.C. ("Holdings Finance"), an affiliate of The Blackstone Group L.P. ("Blackstone"), for the purpose of warehousing eligible assets in anticipation of closing of the Company's previously announced public offering of class A common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Class A Common Stock") and entering into related financing arrangements. BXMT Advisors L.L.C., an affiliate of Blackstone, serves as the Company's manager and as of May 6, 2013 an affiliate of Blackstone owned approximately 17.1% of the Company's outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock.

In accordance with the terms of the limited liability company agreement dated May 13, 2013 (the "JV Agreement") between the Company and Holdings Finance that governs the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture, the Company owns 16.667% of the interests in the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture in the form of voting limited liability company units and Holdings Finance owns the remaining 83.333% in the form of non-voting limited liability company units. Subject to certain limitations set forth in the JV Agreement, the Company, in its capacity as managing member of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture, controls and manages the activities of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture.

Under the terms of the JV Agreement, the members have agreed to make capital contributions in proportion to their respective percentage interests in the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture, provided that the Company is not required to make capital contributions in excess of $10.0 million and Holdings Finance is not required to make capital contributions in excess of $50.0 million. The requirement to make capital contributions will expire on September 30, 2013, or such later date as the members of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture may agree. The net cash flow of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture will be distributed to its members pro rata in proportion to their respective percentage interests each month.

Pursuant to the terms of a letter agreement dated May 13, 2013 (the "Letter Agreement") between the Company and Holdings Finance, the Company has agreed to purchase for cash Holdings Finance's interest in the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture (the "Holdings Finance Interest") contemporaneously with the closing of the Company's previously announced public offering of Class A Common Stock, such that the Company will own 100% of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture. The purchase price for the Holdings Finance Interest will be equal to 83.333% of the difference between (x) the fair value of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture's consolidated assets and (y) the consolidated liabilities of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture as of the date of the closing of the public offering.

The foregoing descriptions of the BXMT/Blackstone Joint Venture and Letter Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby contained in this Item 1.01 do not purport to be complete and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the terms and conditions of the JV Agreement and the Letter Agreement, copies of which are attached as Exhibit 10.1 and Exhibit 10.2 and incorporated herein by reference.

Information set forth in this Current Report on Form 8-K (including the exhibit hereto), including with respect to the Company's public offering of Class A Common Stock, contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. A discussion of factors that may affect future results is contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company disclaims any obligation to update forward-looking statements, except as may be required by law.

Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.
(d) Exhibits

No. Description

10.1 Limited Liability Company Agreement of 42-16 Partners, LLC, dated as
of May 13, 2013, by and between Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. and
Blackstone Holdings Finance Co. L.L.C.

10.2 Letter Agreement, dated as of May 13, 2013, by and between Blackstone
Mortgage Trust, Inc. and Blackstone Holdings Finance Co. L.L.C.


Se acabo la fiesta en Weil Gotshal & Manges

Big Law Firm to Cut Lawyers and Some Partner Pay

Tina Fineberg for The New York Times
The headquarters of Weil, Gotshal & Manges are in the in the General Motors building in New York.
One of the country’s most prestigious and profitable law firms is laying off a large number of lawyers and support staff, as well as reducing the pay of some of its partners, a surprising move that underscores the financial difficulties facing the legal profession.

The leadership of Weil, Gotshal & Manges, a New York-based firm of 1,200 lawyers that counts General Electric and Sanofi as marquee clients and handled the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, informed its employees Monday morning about the reductions.

Sixty junior lawyers, known in law firms as associates, will lose their jobs. That amounts to roughly 7 percent of Weil’s associates. Roughly 30 of the firm’s 300 partners are having their annual compensation reduced, in many cases by hundreds of thousands of dollars. And 110 staff employees – roughly half of them legal secretaries – are being let go.

Although publicly traded companies, including Wall Street banks, often cull their ranks during fallow periods, it is rare for large law firms, especially elite ones like Weil, to fire employees en masse.

“While we have been able to avoid these actions in the past, and it is very painful from a human perspective, the management committee believes that these actions are essential now to enable our firm to continue to excel and retain its historic profitability in the new normal,” Barry M. Wolf, Weil’s executive chairman, wrote in an e-mail to its employees.

The “new normal,” in the view of Weil’s management and echoed by legal-industry experts, is that the market for high-end legal services continues to shrink. In the years leading up to the financial crisis, profitability exploded and the number of lawyers expanded at the country’s top firms as demand increased about 4 percent a year. But demand has been flat to down for the past five years, according to several industry reports, and shows little sign of picking up.

Dan DiPietro, chairman of the law firm group at Citi Private Bank, said that there were too many lawyers at the country’s largest firms, estimating the excess capacity at as much as 10 percent of the lawyer population. He believes that the profession could possibly experience a wave of job cuts.

“My guess is that a good number of firms have been thinking about right-sizing and waiting for someone to provide them cover and we’ll see more of these moves,” Mr. DiPietro said. “As difficult as layoffs are, it seems that they will be necessary for some firms to get in synch with the current market dynamics.”

The market dynamics at Weil, whose partners make, on average, about $2.2 million a year, are rather unique. During the depths of the financial crisis, the firm avoided the layoffs that some other firms were forced to make. That was largely because of its pre-eminent bankruptcy practice, which advised both General Motors and Lehman Brothers on their Chapter 11 filings. Those assignments, particularly Lehman, generated hundreds of millions of dollars in fees, not only in bankruptcy work, but also from the ream of litigation that flowed from them.

In an interview last week, Weil’s chairman, Mr. Wolf, said that the firm thought that as the crisis-related work wound down and the economy recovered, it would see a pickup in its “transactional business,” the lucrative practice of advising corporations and private equity firms on acquisitions, as well as performing legal work for stock and bond offerings. But transactional activity at Weil remains soft and has not returned to anywhere near pre-2008 levels.....



Thank You Fisshon


Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:47:22 AM
Re: None

Post # of 387612

Commenting on the Sierra thing only gives credence to the pump and dump scheme that has befallen this group of investors many times over. Learn the lesson. We have to go by what the Board is saying. The have looked at many opportunities. They want to make sure to acquire a company (Most likely a Bank) that is revenue neutral (not losing money). We have to focus on that for now, let the "pump and dump" crew do their thing, we have to stay of sound mind and figure this Board out for ourselves.

It is true, they have had plenty of time to make an acquisition and I for one can not figure out why they did not use the M&A structure to take full advantage of the NOL when it was a lump sum and not a 20 year write-off. When the IRS wrote the rules for the banks that had either been acquired or "taken" by the FDIC, they put in a specific rule that there could be a lump sum Ordinary Loss for the acquirer. HUM! Why this Board choose to not pursue the avenue of being acquired for the 5.8 Billion OL puzzles me! Anyone in the Sector could have acquired WMIH.

Now here we are in 2013 and they still have not acquired a bank to do business and we have to ask ourselves
Surely there must be many banks out there that are ripe for the taking, yet we labor along on this "well we want to make sure" point. I for one am not happy with this, but I am willing to give them a chance, the financial world is in shambles and when the FED pulls back, interest rates are going up. and debt will more expensive.


I have one sentence for the Board. I know they are reading the boards..

HOW'S That? And as for Sierra. Hun no one will take anyone serious who shows a thong butt on an investment website. Yes, you may get some new followers, but not the ones who will back you when the chips are down! So, please refrain from Pumping and Dumping here, you are looking at Seasoned WAMU Investors and we just do not have the time nor the inclination to listen or follow your investment advice. Now go back to Surfing, the Water's warming up and the sharks are coming in closer!

Hang in there WMIH Investors. "Light between the trees!"



NOL´s & Tpg

NOLS son más valiosos de lo que la gente cree...

TPG invested 135 million to take advantage of both improving real estate market and impact of 128 million of NOL (deferred tax assets ). Their timing is pretty good as they know they would double their investments in a couple of years.

This is the nature of NOL. If no positive earning, deferred tax assets are offset by a valuation allowance of the same value negating any positive impact on balance sheet. However, AV Homes is on the verge of having income as opposed to loss and this is the time where the impact of NOL would really kick in. TPG knows this is the opportune time...

Since TPG already has made a large percentage increase in the change of 5% holdings for sec 382 purposes, the management is establishing right plans so that Nols remain not limited under the regulation.


La inversión de TPG en AV Homes y comparación WMIH

Comparación de TPG en AV homes vs nuestro Plan de adquisiciones:

AV Homes:

1)Company is in “turn around” mode and close to or slightly profitable, but prospect is good with continuing improvement in the housing sector

2)TPG invested $135 MM for a 41+% stake in anticipation that its $128 MM NOL will be used expeditiously in the near future

3)Deal is made via a combination of convertible preferred and common

4)AV Homes explicitly disclosed its awareness of the 382 limitation and appeared to have devised a workaround


1)Eugene Davis mentioned WMIH is not looking at ANY TURNAROUND company to acquire.

2)Both MW and G Davis STRESSED on avoiding excessive stock DILUTION

3)Per WMIH annual report, it stated WMIH can issue one or a SERIES of preferred up to 5MM shares ( page 4)

That’s the backdrop for my broad brushed comp and thinking…