
Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

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Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value
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Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value
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Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Gabriel ya que has tenido algún contacto con la directiva de golar lng, podrías sugerir que compraran varios millones en puts de new fortress out of the money, vencimiento hasta un poco más que termine el plazo durante el cual no pueden vender las acciones. No sé si será legal pero si lo es deberían hacerlo creo yo...Yo no sé operar con opciones, aparte de que no tengo liquidez y por eso no lo hago personalmente.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

He estado mirando fotos del señor Tor Olav Troim y parece terminator. No sé si es bueno o malo.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Jajaja, yo también tengo mis dudas, tiene buena percha el tío. Pero por si acaso, ayer me salí de Golar al inicio de la sesión. A no ser que en el futuro nos notifiquen algún tipo de cobertura de la posición en NFE (tal como me insinuó @gabcasla en twitter), no creo que esta operación haya creado valor para los accionistas de Golar.


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Buenos días,

Tal y como aparece en el tweet mio que puso Salva,  soy accionista de ambas compañias, así voy a comentar ligeramente mi opinion al respecto del Deal por si sirve de algo de ayuda.

Lo primero, despues de leer algunos comentarios, New Fortress es una muy buena compañia, mucho más madura que Hygo y con una perspectivas para el futuro espectaculares. Si se valora New Fortress simplemente diciendo que no vale eso porque ha perdido dinero en el pasado, entiendo que la valoración de Hygo tampoco es de $2200 MM exactamente por lo mismo, hay que comparar peras con peras. Con Puerto Rico 5&6 ya en operación y Nicaragua y La Paz entrando este 1Q21, los resultados ya van a ser positivos. Van a ganar otra terminal en Ecuador (25 años), tiene MOU en Philippinas, se acaban de llevar Hygo...el elevado multiplo es por la velocidad de expansión, a FY22E ya no es tan grande (estamos hablando de contratos de 20-25 años, así que quizás en este tipo de empresas tenga sentido mirar esto)

Troim (Golar) y Edens (New Fortress) son dos soñadores, y muy buenos amigos, con una visión muy parecida. Desde principio de 2019 ya había habido comentarios respecto de un posible fusión entre ambas compañias. Tiene bastante lógica, unen expertise, crean sinergias y se complementan geográficamente. 

Pienso que el deal para ambos ha sido bueno, mejor para New Fortress? creo que también, puesto que entran en Brasil que es un mercado con muchisimo potencial y han podido pagar una gran parte en acciones. Además, compran el LP, que les soluciona un problema logistico y da pie a ahorros (por el FRSU Golar Freezer pagaban $85k/d para que os hagais una idea) y tienen exposición a FLNG con una parte de Hilli. La contraparte es la deuda que han acquirido para ello, que entiendo que será al 6.75% en línea con la que tienen actualmente.

Por parte de Golar, entiendo que  tanto problema de liquidez como el posible daño de lo sucedido en Septiembre de cara a una potencial segunda IPO han sido la clave. Con este deal Golar tiene solucionado su problema de liquidez a corto plazo (Si necesita dinero, vende un % de las acciones de NFE) así que puede centrarse en sus objetivos a medio plazo. Por otra parte, tenian que hace la IPO antes del 1 de julio de 2021 sino debian pagar adicionalmente $200MM a StonePeak, Sergipe esta al 60% por una incidencia + el NO GO de la primera IPO + el declive del real (actualmente en $5.5) entiendo que son factores que probablemente les harían recibir una menor valoración (opinion personal). New Fortress, por el contrario, les ha mantenido la valoración de la IPO (supongo que tambien influido por estar la valoración en $57 y no en $40).

Llevo varios días haciendo números con el modelo de New Fortress + Hygo + Partners y aún me queda cosas por mirar, pues estoy entrando en mucho detalle. Pero por lo que estoy viendo, en terminos de valoración. New Fortress ahora, no vale mucho menos de lo que cotiza ($48), yo mantengo mis acciones, es una compañia con un potencial enorme en la parte del gas e invirtiendo en hidrogeno lo cual gusta mucho al inversor (pienso que aún son cantos de sirena y no lo cuento en la valoración)

Colgaré a lo largo de la semana los números en la web 

Espero que haya servido para tener una visión un poco diferente de lo comentado actualmente.

Un saludo

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Muchas gracias por el aporte.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Gracias por la información. Estoy invertido en Golar y no soy profesional de la inversión. Si ya de por sí me resulta difícil entender Golar, tener que estudiar New Fortress sería tarea imposible Así que gracias

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

el grafico pinta fatal, el de new etcetera.yo por tecnico no compraria ahora este valor.ha multiplicado por seis en pocos meses.yo tengo golar, un 2% de mi cartera. n o me atrevo a mas. espero k acerteis.saludos y.salud.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Resultados de Golar el 25

Golar LNG's 4th Quarter 2020 results will be released before the NASDAQ opens on Thursday, February 25, 2021. In connection with this a webcast presentation will be held at 3:00 P.M (London Time) on Thursday, February 25, 2021. The presentation will be available to download from the Investor Relations section at
Our platform providers highly recommended that participants join the conference call via the listen-only live webcast link provided. Sell-side analysts interested in raising a question during the Q&A session that will immediately follow the presentation should access the event via the conference call dial-in information below.  Please dial in 10-15 minutes prior to the start time to allow time for call handling.
Information on how to ask questions will be given at the beginning of the Q&A session. There will be a limit of two questions per participant.

Dimite el CEO de Golar

The Board of Golar LNG has today received a resignation notice from its CEO Iain Ross. The contractual termination period is 6 months however the final duration can be prolonged or reduced upon mutual agreement.
Golar LNG is currently in the final stages of closing the announced sale of its 50% interest in Hygo Energy Transition Limited (“Hygo”) and 32% interest in Golar LNG Partners LP (“GMLP”) to New Fortress Energy Inc. (“NFE”) for a total enterprise value consideration for the two companies of approximately USD 5 billion. The NFE transactions will simplify the Golar group structure, crystalize underlying value and strengthen the balance sheet. The majority of the closing conditions have been completed, including prepayment notices issued to several of GMLPs lenders. Closing of the transactions is expected shortly.
The Board of Golar LNG will immediately start the process to recruit Mr. Ross’s successor.

(Última Hora) Golar vende Hygo y GMLP

Comunicado de la compañía
@gabcasla5 @roadtofreedom

  • Golar LNG Limited (“Golar” or “GLNG”) received $50 million in cash and 18.6 million Class A common shares in New Fortress Energy Inc. (“NFE”) worth $878 million based on the April 14 closing price as consideration for the sale of its 50% interest in Hygo Energy Transition Limited (“Hygo”).
  • Golar received $81 million in cash for the sale of its 32% interest in Golar LNG Partners LP (“GMLP”).
  • Together, the transactions crystalize part of the value built in the Golar asset portfolio since 2015 and will generate a book gain to Golar of approximately $740 million based on Q4 2020 book values.
  • These sales complete a significant step in Golar’s corporate simplification process. 
  • As previously announced, Golar’s Board has initially approved a $50 million common share buy-back program to seek to maximize value for shareholders created by the large gap between Golar’s market value and the underlying value of its long-term contracts and businesses.
April 15, 2021 – Golar LNG Limited (Nasdaq: GLNG) today announces the completion of its sales of Hygo, a 50-50 joint venture between GLNG and Stonepeak Infrastructure Fund II Cayman (G) Ltd., a fund managed by Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners (“Stonepeak”), and Golar LNG Partners, LP (Nasdaq: GMLP).
“The NFE transactions have simplified the group structure and crystalized part of the value of our downstream business” said GLNG Chairman Tor Olav Troim. “We are impressed with what the Chairman and CEO, Wes Edens, and his team in NFE have created over the last five years. They have, through dynamic, fast track solutions to the energy transition, outcompeted the traditional energy companies. Golar is excited to become a major shareholder in NFE and working even more closely with NFE. NFE’s expanded portfolio of cash generating assets and international project opportunities in the advanced stages of development put them in a strong position to accelerate the realization of the profitable growth ambitions Golar has for its downstream business.
Golar has materially strengthened its balance sheet as a result of the NFE transactions. This coincides with rising energy prices, and with a global focus on cleaner energy. Golar is now in a strong position to use its unique FLNG capability and experience to produce low cost LNG and meet this rapidly expanding opportunity. This can take place through tariff-based production for oil and gas companies, but can also be achieved through direct gas ownership. The cost of buying or farming into proven reserves of stranded or associated gas is currently very attractive. Together with our proven FLNG technology, this creates an opportunity for Golar to be a leading low-cost producer of LNG with very attractive earnings potential. The Board is further encouraged by the improving market conditions for the midstream shipping business and the opportunities this might create to separate our midstream and upstream businesses”.
Sale of Hygo Energy Transition Ltd.
Under Hygo’s agreement with NFE, NFE acquired all of the outstanding shares of Hygo for 31,372,549 shares of NFE Class A common stock and $580 million in cash. The transaction is valued at a $3.1 billion enterprise value and a $2.18 billion equity value at announcement. GLNG received 18,627,45 shares of NFE Class A common stock and $50 million in cash and Stonepeak received 12,745,098 shares of NFE Class A common stock and $530 million in cash.

Resultados Golar

Golar LNG Limited: Interim results for the period ended 31 March 2021

20   May   2021
NFE transactions closed, strong shipping rates despite seasonality, and gas prices supportive of upstream activities
The first quarter and subsequent months have been positive and eventful for Golar. With the announcement of the sale of Golar LNG Partners LP (“GMLP”) and Hygo Energy Transition Ltd. (“Hygo”) to New Fortress Energy (“NFE”) on January 13, and closing of the transactions on April 15, Golar has made significant progress simplifying its business, crystalizing the value of its asset portfolio, and strengthening its balance sheet.
We are encouraged by the strength of shipping rates during what is normally a seasonally weak period, with TFDE1 spot rates currently around $70,000 per day. The negative impact of potential EEXI regulations on the viability of up to 254 steam turbine carriers relative to a global on-the-water fleet of 597 vessels and a 130 vessel orderbook means that Golar’s longer term view of the shipping business has also materially improved. The few shipyards capable of building LNG carriers are filling with container newbuild orders and we do not see potential for significant new LNG carrier orders before 2024. Over the same timeframe LNG trade is expected to continue to grow by a 4% CAGR. This should allow for improved earnings from our carrier portfolio and create a supportive backdrop for this as a stand-alone business.
Current and forward energy prices are also strengthening, increasing the attractiveness of LNG upstream investments and our FLNG technology. We continue to pursue FLNG growth projects including both tolling arrangements and opportunities to develop hydrocarbon exposure through ownership of gas molecules suitable for production by our FLNG technology.
Finally, we are pleased to have appointed Mr. Karl Fredrik Staubo as CEO and Mr. Eduardo Maranhao as CFO. With their GMLP and Hygo backgrounds both have been intimately involved with the business for some time and will be familiar faces to Golar stakeholders, allowing for a seamless transition.
Financial Summary
(in thousands of $) | Q1 2021 | Q1 2020 | % Change | Q4 2020 | % Change
  |   |   |   |   |  
Total operating revenues | 125,827 | 122,559 | 3% | 118,684 | 6%
Adjusted EBITDA | 77,612 | 76,208 | 2% | 78,031 | (1)%
Net income/(loss) attributable to Golar LNG Ltd | 25,364 | (104,247) | 124% | 8,126 | 212%
Golar's share of contractual net debt1 | 2,062,580  |   | 2,202,108 | (6)% | 2,065,826 | —%
  |   |   |   |   |   |  
Q1 highlights and recent events
  • Net income of $25.4 million for the quarter.
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $77.6 million, in line with Q4.
  • Entered into merger agreements for the sale our interest in both Hygo and GMLP to NFE. Upon closing on April 15, Golar received a total of $131 million in cash and 18.6 million Class A shares in NFE in combined merger consideration.
  • 1.2 million Golar shares bought back and held as treasury shares at a cost of $13.7 million.
  • 18.6 million Class A NFE shares valued at $780 million as of May 19, 2021, the equivalent of $7.08 per Golar LNG share.
  • $45 million drawn down against FLNG Gimi debt facility.  Total of $345 million drawn down as at March 31, 2021. A further $65 million drawn in early April.
  • Agreed a one-off debt payment of $60 million spread evenly across four LNG carriers and an accelerated lease profile resulting in cashflow net savings of $42 million and a total reduction to Golar's remaining debt principal of $102 million.
  • Published comprehensive ESG report including audited emissions data and ambitious performance targets.
  • Q1 2021 average daily Time Charter Equivalent (“TCE”)1 earnings of $61,700 for the fleet, in line with both expectations and the TCE1 achieved for Q1 2020.
  • The TFDE1 TCE1 for the quarter was $65,100.
  • Utilization at 97%, up on the 77% achieved in Q4 2020 and the 94% realized in Q1 2020.
  • Revenue backlog1 of $187 million as at March 31, 2021.
  • FLNG Hilli Episeyo (“Hilli”) currently offloading 56th cargo, with 100% commercial uptime maintained.
  • Executed all remaining documentation required to remove the cap on gas reserves available for liquefaction by the Hilli, enable production above the current contract capacity, and advanced discussions on additional production by Hilli anticipated to start-up in Q1 2022.
  • FLNG Gimi conversion project 69% technically complete - on track and on budget. Nine million man-hours have now been worked, with around 2,400-yard workers currently allocated to the conversion on a daily basis. The vessels fifth and final drydock that has seen all remaining sponson blocks attached to the vessel is on schedule to complete at the end of Q2.
  • Progressing engineering work on a smaller, cheaper, and faster delivering Mark II FLNG design, in addition to our larger Mark III newbuild solution and assisting NFE with their FAST LNG jack-up designs.
  • Renewed focus on growth prospects with an emphasis on potential gas acquisitions for integrated FLNG projects.
LNG Shipping:
Based on fixtures to date and inclusive of an upward adjustment for loss of hire revenue expected in respect of an ongoing claim for one of the vessels, Golar currently expects a Q2 TFDE1 TCE1 of around $50,500 per day. The market outlook for shipping is improving on firming underlying LNG demand and higher prices. Ton miles are increasing, the likelihood of any summer 2021 cargo cancellations has been reduced, charterers seeking spot tonnage are facing competition from those looking for term charters, all of which are improving the rate outlook. Tighter emissions regulations expected from 2023 may also require slower steaming for a substantial portion of the existing fleet. The market strength can be illustrated by our recent fixture of a 1-year time charter at a level of return not seen in the LNG market since 2010/2011.
Golar will pursue opportunities to use its FLNG technology and unrivalled operational experience to increase its upstream exposure. Focus will be on investments into stranded gas assets or partnering with companies that have associated gas that can be liquefied using existing FLNG assets or a quick delivering, smaller and lower cost alternative. The target will be to enter into LNG off-take agreements sufficient to support financing requirements and retain remaining production for merchant sales. We will continue to pursue pure tolling projects with oil majors where the return is attractive. Our FLNG solutions out-compete almost all onshore facilities in terms of cost per ton, schedule, and carbon footprint.
On Hilli, dialogue with Perenco and SNH to increase throughput continues. Although drilling has not yet commenced, current plans to bring on incremental production from Q1 2022 remain likely. Golar has an economic interest in around 87% of any incremental earnings from increased throughput of train 3. In addition to the train 3 discussions, Hilli is expected to generate Brent Oil linked cash flows, in which Golar has an 89% economic interest, from Q2 2021. The contractual Brent Oil linked component of Hilli's currently contracted production generates incremental cashflows equivalent to approximately $3.0 million per annum for every dollar the Brent Oil price is above $60/barrel, up to an agreed but undisclosed ceiling.
Our FLNG segment has a contract earnings backlog1 of $3.4 billion (Golar's share), an unparalleled operational record and attractive growth prospects. In order to capture hidden value in this segment and to potentially accelerate FLNG growth projects we will consider partnerships at either a project, asset or business level.
Closing the sales of Hygo and GMLP to NFE represent significant steps toward simplifying the group structure, crystallizing value, and strengthening the balance sheet. With $149.9 million of unrestricted cash on hand as at March 31, 2021 and $130.8 million of cash proceeds subsequently received from the sales of Hygo and GMLP on April 15, Golar's balance sheet has been materially strengthened. Golar is now well positioned to meet its existing capital expenditure commitments and to fund attractive investment propositions, including continuation of its share buyback program.
The 18.6 million NFE shares valued at $780 million based on the closing price on May 19 create additional optionality. We see significant potential for the NFE business case driven by their strong growth, track record, and the solid platform NFE has built and acquired through the Hygo and GMLP acquisitions. Subject to the relative share prices of NFE and Golar, near-term growth initiatives, and the absolute share price of Golar, we intend to use the NFE shares for a combination of:
  1. Debt optimization, including refinancing of the convertible bond;
  2. Fund growth projects;
  3. Return to Golar shareholders either by way of direct distribution or by way of a tendered exchange for Golar shares.
In terms of financial reporting, a gain on disposal1 of our equity investments in GMLP and Hygo will be recognized on April 15, 2021. The estimated book profit on the disposals is expected to be in excess of $650 million as of this date. Earnings from these two affiliates, previously impacted by BRL/USD FX changes, will cease to be recognized in the statement of operations from April 15, and our investments in them, classified as ‘held for sale’ on March 31, 2021, will be removed from the balance sheet. Thereafter, while NFE shares continue to be held and dividends declared, dividend income will be recorded in the statement of operations, as will mark-to-market changes in the value of the NFE shares held.
 Financial Review
Business Performance:
  | 2021 | 2020
  | Jan-Mar | Oct-Dec
(in thousands of $) | Shipping | FLNG | Corporate and other | Total | Shipping | FLNG | Corporate and other | Total
Total operating revenues | 62,866  |   | 54,397  |   | 8,564  |   | 125,827  |   | 50,727  |   | 62,489  |   | 5,468  |   | 118,684  | 
Vessel operating expenses | (15,901) |   | (12,301) |   | (2,499) |   | (30,701) |   | (14,629) |   | (11,677) |   | 89  |   | (26,217) | 
Voyage, charterhire & commission expenses | (7,317) |   | (150) |   | (16) |   | (7,483) |   | (5,792) |   | —  |   | —  |   | (5,792) | 
Administrative expenses | (136) |   | (143) |   | (8,119) |   | (8,398) |   | (795) |   | (871) |   | (6,921) |   | (8,587) | 
Project development expenses | —  |   | —  |   | (1,633) |   | (1,633) |   | (8) |   | (1,363) |   | (1,416) |   | (2,787) | 
Other operating income | —  |   | —  |   | —  |   | —  |   | 2,730  |   | —  |   | —  |   | 2,730  | 
Adjusted EBITDA | 39,512  |   | 41,803  |   | (3,703) |   | 77,612  |   | 32,233  |   | 48,578  |   | (2,780) |   | 78,031  |  

  | 2020
  | Jan-Mar
(in thousands of $) | Shipping | FLNG | Corporate and other | Total
Total operating revenues | 62,985  |   | 54,524  |   | 5,050  |   | 122,559  | 
Vessel operating expenses | (16,503) |   | (13,892) |   | 162  |   | (30,233) | 
Voyage, charterhire & commission expenses | (4,827) |   | —  |   | —  |   | (4,827) | 
Administrative expenses | (460) |   | (310) |   | (9,371) |   | (10,141) | 
Project development expenses | (13) |   | (1,132) |   | (2,544) |   | (3,689) | 
Realized gains on oil derivative instrument(1) | —  |   | 2,539  |   | —  |   | 2,539  | 
Adjusted EBITDA | 41,182  |   | 41,729  |   | (6,703) |   | 76,208  |  
(1) The line item "Realized and unrealized gain /(loss) on oil derivative instrument" in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income/(Loss) relating to income from the Hilli Liquefaction Tolling Agreement is split into, "Realized gains on oil derivative instrument" and "Unrealized gain/(loss) on oil derivative instrument". The unrealized component represents a mark-to-market gain of $10.6 million (December 31, 2020: $5.7 million loss and March 31, 2020: $27.8 million loss) on the oil embedded derivative, which represents the estimate of expected receipts under the remainder of the Brent oil linked clause of the Hilli Liquefaction Tolling Agreement. The realized component amounts to $nil (December 31, 2020: $nil and March 31, 2020: $2.5 million gain) and represents the income in relation to the Hilli Liquefaction Tolling Agreement receivable in cash.
Golar reports today Q1 Adjusted EBITDA of $77.6 million compared to $78.0 million in Q4.
Total operating revenues increased from $118.7 million in Q4 to $125.8 million in Q1, partially mitigated by an increase in voyage, charter hire and commission expenses, from $5.8 million in Q4 to $7.5 million in Q1. Of the $7.1 million increase in total operating revenues, $12.1 million was attributable to an improved shipping performance. Partially offsetting this is reduced revenue from FLNG. Revenue from Hilli reverted to normalized levels in Q1 following the billing of 2019-2020 overproduction in Q4.
Revenue from shipping, net of voyage, charterhire and commission expenses was $55.5 million and increased by $10.6 million from $44.9 million in Q4. The quarter began with quoted TFDE1 carrier headline spot rates at around $160,000 per day and ended with rates at around $33,000 per day, in line with seasonal patterns. Full fleet TCE1 earnings increased from $48,800 in Q4 2020 to $61,700 in Q1 2021, in line with both prior guidance and Q1 2020.
Operating revenues from the Hilli, including base tolling fees and amortization of pre-acceptance amounts recognized, decreased from $62.5 million in Q4 to $54.4 million in Q1 as expected given the billing of 2019 and 2020 overproduction of $8.0 million in Q4. Any potential overproduction for 2021 will be billed in January 2022 and recognized in Q4, 2021.
A full quarter's costs in respect of the FSRU LNG Croatia, for which Golar receives management fee compensation, together with unscheduled repairs of the FSRU Golar Tundra contributed to a $4.5 million increase in vessel operating expenses from $26.2 million in Q4 to $30.7 million in Q1. Administrative and project development expenses decreased $0.2 million and $1.2 million to $8.4 million and $1.6 million respectively. 
The mark-to-market fair value of the Hilli Brent oil link derivative asset increased by $10.6 million during the quarter, with a corresponding unrealized gain of the same amount recognized in the income statement. The fair value increase was driven by an upward movement in the expected future market price for Brent Oil. The spot price for Brent Oil increased from $51.80 per barrel on December 31, 2020 to $63.54 on March 31, 2021.
Depreciation and amortization, at $26.5 million was in line with the prior quarter.
Net Income Summary:
  | 2021 | 2020
(in thousands of $) | Jan-Mar | Oct-Dec
Adjusted EBITDA | 77,612  |   | 78,031  | 
Depreciation and amortization | (26,506) |   | (26,826) | 
Unrealized gain/(loss) on oil derivative instrument | 10,600  |   | (5,700) | 
Other non-operating income | —  |   | 5,682  | 
Interest income | 34  |   | 140  | 
Interest expense | (14,546) |   | (15,217) | 
Gains on derivative instruments | 23,351  |   | 2,120  | 
Other financial items, net | (310) |   | (3,538) | 
Income taxes | (257) |   | (383) | 
Equity in net losses of affiliates | (682) |   | (148) | 
Equity in net (losses)/earnings of affiliates from discontinued operations | (6,192) |   | 4,481  | 
Net income attributable to non-controlling interests | (37,740) |   | (30,516) | 
Net income attributable to Golar LNG Limited | 25,364  |   | 8,126  |  
In Q1 the group generated $25.4 million of net income, compared to Q4 net income of $8.1 million. Key items contributing to this are:
  • A $23.4 million Q1 gain on derivative instruments compared to a $2.1 million gain in Q4, mainly due to an increase in LIBOR rates and the impact this has on the Company's fixed interest rate swaps.
  • The $6.2 million of equity in net losses of affiliates from discontinued operations primarily comprises the following:
    • $12.8 million net loss in respect of Golar's 50% share in Hygo; and
    • $6.6 million net income in respect of Golar's 32% share in GMLP.
Net losses attributable to non-controlling interests relate to the Hilli, the Gimi and the finance lease lessor VIEs.
Financing and Liquidity:
Our cash position as at March 31, 2021 was $298.9 million. This was made up of $149.9 million of unrestricted cash and $149.0 million of restricted cash. Restricted cash includes $54.1 million relating to lessor-owned VIEs and $75.9 million relating to the Hilli Letter of Credit, of which $15.2 million has been classified as short-term and is expected to be released to free cash in June.
After closing the sale of Hygo to NFE in April, our interest in NFE, valued at $780 million as of market close on May 19, replaces our interest in Hygo as security for the $100 million revolving credit facility.
Golar has agreed to make certain amendments to its sale and leaseback arrangements for four of its LNG carriers, the Golar Ice, Golar Kelvin, Golar Glacier and Golar Snow. These amendments include a prepayment of $60.0 million in July 2021, evenly split, across the four sale and leaseback facilities, increased daily debt service and a resulting accelerated lease profile on the Golar Ice and Golar Kelvin, and an obligation to repurchase the Golar Glacier and Golar Snow in April 2023. As a result of these changes we have agreed with the lease counterpart a net saving to Golar of a total of $42 million in combination of reduced remaining debt principal and remaining charter hire due under the remaining sale leaseback period.
Notable cash movements expected in Q2 2021 are summarized as follows:
(in millions of $) |  
Opening unrestricted cash balance | 149.9  |  
Cash merger consideration - Hygo transaction | 50.0  |  
Cash merger consideration - Golar Partners transaction | 80.8  |  
Golar's share of expected Gimi CAPEX net of drawdowns | (61.0) |  
Repurchase of 1.2 million shares under the share buyback program | (13.7) |  
Release of Hilli LC | 15.2  |  
Total | 221.2
Inclusive of $10.5 million of capitalized interest, $44.6 million was invested in FLNG Gimi during the quarter, taking the total Gimi asset under development balance as at March 31, 2021 to $702.8 million. Of this, $345.0 million had been drawn against the $700 million debt facility. Both the investment and debt drawn to date are reported on a 100% basis. Based on cash spent as at March 31, 2021, Golar's expected share of contributions to remaining conversion costs up to the point that commissioning hire becomes receivable in 2023 is approximately $164 million.
Included within the $1,354.9 million current portion of long-term debt and short-term debt as at March 31, is the December 2021 maturing $100.0 million credit facility, $387.7 million in respect of the February 2022 maturing convertible bond, and $851.9 million relating to lessor-owned VIE subsidiaries that Golar is required to consolidate in connection with nine sale and leaseback financed vessels, including the Hilli.
Corporate and Other Matters:
As at March 31, 2021, there were 110.1 million shares outstanding. There were also 1.7 million outstanding stock options with an average price of $23.33 and 0.7 million unvested restricted stock units awarded. Subsequent to the quarter end, 1.2 million shares were repurchased at a cost of $13.7 million. Of the initial $50 million approved share buyback scheme, $36.3 million remains available for further repurchases, which are considered attractive at current price levels. 
On April 12, 2021 Iain Ross resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer. Karl Fredrik Staubo has been appointed to replace Iain and assumed his role as CEO on May 13, 2021. Eduardo Maranhao, formerly CFO of Hygo, has been appointed to replace Karl as CFO.
Golar has also published its ESG report. Containing industry leading levels of disclosure, this report includes audited emissions data and long-term measurable reporting targets that will further aid Golar in fulfilling its commitment to be at the forefront of delivering LNG as an alternative to more emission-intensive fossil fuels.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Golar LNG Limited (“Golar” or “the Company”) announces today that it has agreed with Perenco Cameroon (“Perenco”) and Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (“SNH”) to increase utilisation of the FLNG Hilli Episeyo (“Hilli”) (the “Agreement”).

Commencing 2022 the capacity utilisation of Hilli will increase by 200,000 tons of LNG, bringing total utilisation in 2022 to 1.4 million tons. The tolling fee for the 2022 incremental capacity is linked to European gas prices at the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (“TTF”). At current average 2022 TTF gas prices (avg. $8.70/MMBTU for 2022) the increased capacity utilization represents an expected US$26.1m in incremental Adjusted EBITDA. For each US$1.00/mmBtu change in TTF, this Adjusted EBITDA will increase (or decrease) by US$3.7m.

In addition to the 2022 capacity increase, Perenco and SNH intend to drill and appraise 2 to 3 incremental natural gas wells during 2021, and subsequently upgrade upstream facilities in 2022 to support further sustained increases in production from 2023 onward.
Under the Agreement, Perenco and SNH are granted an option (“Option”) to increase capacity utilisation of Hilli by up to 400,000 tons of LNG per year from January 2023 through to the end of the current contract term in 2026.  This has the potential to increase total annual LNG production from Hilli to 1.6 million tons from January 2023 onwards. The tolling fee for the 2023+ incremental capacity will also be linked to TTF. Based on current average 2023 TTF gas prices ($6.72/MMBTU avg. future price for 2023) the additional 400,000 tons of production would generate US$30.4m of incremental annual Adjusted EBITDA. For each US$1.00/mmBtu change in TTF, this Adjusted EBITDA will increase (or decrease) by US$7.4m. The Option must be declared during the third quarter of 2022.

At current TTF future prices, and assuming the Option is exercised, the incremental Adjusted EBITDA backlog of the potential increase in capacity utilization for Hilli from 2022 until July 2026 is expected to be around US$113m.
Golar has an 86.9% economic interest in the incremental Adjusted EBITDA generated as a result of the Agreement. The Agreement will not change any existing terms, conditions, tolling fees or the Brent Oil link associated with trains 1 and 2.

Golar CEO Karl Fredrik Staubo commented “We are pleased to announce increased capacity utilization of our FLNG Hilli, unlocking embedded value to our shareholders by utilizing more of Hilli’s 2.4 million tons of liquefaction capacity. The innovative tolling fee arrangement delivers on our announced strategy to increase our upstream LNG and gas exposure. Today’s announcement is a further testimony to Hilli’s strong track record of 100% commercial uptime since delivery in 2018 and will benefit all stakeholders involved in the project, as well as bringing us closer to our target to reach full capacity utilization of Hilli.”


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Golar LNG's 2nd Quarter 2021 results will be released before the NASDAQ opens on Monday, August 9, 2021. In connection with this a webcast presentation will be held at 3:00 P.M (London Time) on Monday, August 9, 2021. The presentation will be available to download from the Investor Relations section at
We recommended that participants join the conference call via the listen-only live webcast link provided. Sell-side analysts interested in raising a question during the Q&A session that will immediately follow the presentation should access the event via the conference call dial-in information below.  Please dial in 10-15 minutes prior to the start time to allow time for call handling.
Information on how to ask questions will be given at the beginning of the Q&A session. There will be a limit of two questions per participant.
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