Asunto Ebola Workshop de ayer. Mi parecer, en resumidas cuentas: NVAX no existe.
Tuvo que salir a preguntar/comentar/debatir Gregory Glenn sobre la cepa actual ( vital!) para que alguien escuchara el nombre de NVAX. Y, claro esta, ir a dar con el dedo en el ojo pues no es que sea del agrado de que presenta y vende en la conferencia, porque se va a eso, a vender ... recibir fondos.
Solo se conocen las farmas que ya han concluido ensayos en humanos, las demas no cuentan y hasta puede parecer que solo buscan publicidad.
El tiempo, de una manera u otra, pone las cosas en su sitio ...
Edito: copio/pego post usano sobre la intervencion de G. Glenn:
"... Glenn was aggressive to the point of arrogance. But, can you blame him? The doc to whom he addressed the "question" may have appeared humble, but only on the surface. The way he (the panel doc) explained how Ebola should be attacked is a direct blow to the approach used by NVAX. He named the Ebola epitopes that must be targeted. He insisted that no drug or vaccine could succeed without targeting those epitopes. Well, NVAX targets all epitopes, but it's not proven yet how much the immune system cooperates when it comes to these specific epitopes. NVAX claims that there is an epitope not targeted by anyone except NVAX. Dr. Glenn said that this epitope NVAX is going after specifically is the equivalent (cousin) of Site II epitope of RSV. That's why Dr. Glenn is CONFIDENT that NVAX's approach against Ebola is a great approach. The problem the competition has with NVAX's approach is that no one except NVAX is capable of targeting those epitopes. So, the doc on the panel had no choice but to play down Dr. Glenn's idea. Dr. Glenn was compelled to go on the offensive because there are grants at stake here. The lady panelist gave Glenn the benefit of the doubt, and one top expert in the audience told the panel, in defence of Glenn, that antibodies from drugs work differently than antibodies from vaccines. Rest assured that this bickering did not start in the workshop. It must have been going on for a while behind the scenes. So, don't think Glenn pulled the first punch. Big pharma will try to take away from NVAX every grant penny it could. But, the NVAX cat is out of the bag now. NIH, HHS, BARDA, DOD, FDA, PATH, Gates Foundation and the science community at large know by now that NVAX is an inch away from proving their RSV vaccine beyond any doubt. Once the baboon results are out, and especially when phase I (human) results are out, no one will listen to the (pretend) doubters from the competition. "