
Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

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Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción
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Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción
168 / 814

Dividendo de Grifols serie b

Segun El Economista, parece ser que con fecha 07 de Agosto, esta accion va a pagar un dividendo de 0,25  ctmos. por accion, un dividendo interesante, el tema es, si alguien me puede confirmar este pago y esta cifra, pregunto? por ya haber sufrido varios errores con las publicaciones de dividendos de este diario economico, que haces  una compra para las acciones y luego la informacion es erronea, y te comes las acciones 

Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Adquiere un 10% de Bloodbuy, servicio en la nube de compra de sangre y hemoderivados

Grifols acquires 10% stake in Bloodbuy, cloud-based marketplace for blood products

-- Investment forms part of the company's ongoing commitment to leading technologies and solutions that reinforce and complement its core businesses

-- Transaction will offer synergies to Grifols' Bio Supplies Division and its Diagnostic Division's leading transfusion medicine business

Bloodbuy's ( proprietary technology platform and computer-based algorithms enable regional blood-collection centers to expand their customer base across the U.S., while providing hospitals and other healthcare providers greater access to vital blood components in an efficient and efficacious manner connecting supply and demand.

Along with this equity investment, Grifols will obtain a seat on the Bloodbuy Board of Directors where it will be able to not only contribute to Bloodbuy's growth but also closely analyze the blood-component-product marketplace, potentially allowing the company to make further investments in the digital healthcare space.

Bloodbuy's platform allows participating healthcare providers to supplement their blood component needs on both a recurring and on-demand basis, ensuring hospitals can continue to provide the best care possible for their patients while providing blood-collection centers the ability to distribute their lifesaving products more broadly. The platform also reduces wastage costs of precious biological products while improving profitability.

"Grifols has always been interested in how digital technologies can disrupt the healthcare model to deliver better patient care more effectively," said David Bell, Chief Innovation Officer of Grifols. "We believe Bloodbuy provides a unique opportunity to use technology to ensure critical blood components reach the patients who need them quickly and efficiently."

"COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for our blood supply, both with respect to supply and demand shocks related to social distancing, suspension of elective procedures, and other necessary public health interventions," said Chris Godfrey, Founder & CEO of Bloodbuy. "These externalities have had profoundly negative effects on blood product availability and utilization from region-to-region. Our online platform has played an integral role in connecting these geographies to create a digitally integrated network of blood centers and hospitals; so, we can easily redistribute available blood products and connect stakeholders around much-needed COVID-19 convalescent plasma."

Bloodbuy's cloud-based marketplace is available across the United States for all qualified hospitals, medical centers, integrated delivery networks, and blood collection centers.  Bloodbuy's current participants include some of the most prestigious medical institutions in the country, as well as nearly 30 independent blood collection centers.  The recent COVID-19 crisis has spurred further adoption as hospitals and blood collection centers employ methods to reduce operational uncertainty in this unpredictable environment.

According to a recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, nearly 23% of all hospitals surveyed were forced to cancel elective surgery for one or more days as a result of blood inventory shortages.  Additionally, various studies have indicated some U.S. regions experience platelet wastage rates between 5% and 25% due to unpredictable supply and demand characteristics in local markets.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Pues uno que se une a esta empresa. Compro a 24,85 €

"Lo que todo el mundo sabe en la Bolsa a mí ya no me interesa" André Kostolany


Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Yo también voy a entrar antes de resultados. Son el 30, la semana que viene.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Yo tmb he comprado,  a 25

Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Otro que ha entrado hoy en mínimos del día. Aunque en mi caso he comprado grifols B (16.02). EStamos en la base del canal alcista, buen sitio para entrar y esperar.

No encontré las A en mi broker. Saludos mohican y conquense, siempre os veo en las mismas que yo :S


Re: Grifols (GRF): siguiendo de cerca la acción

Precio cojonudo creo yo... a mí me ha cazado en los 28,7€ pero como en Bayer, espero estar contento dentro de 1 año con la inversión (a ver resultados próximos, quizás pueda recortar plazo)