Esto son ejemplos de lo que está escribiendo la gente (gente normal y corriente como nosotros) hoy en el Financial Times, tras la absurda comparecencia de Jay Powell, defendiendo la absurda posición de la FED respecto a los tipos de interés ultrabajos con una inflación en el 5,4%:
"The Fed prints money and it goes to the top 10% wealth holders in the US. The rest of the people are ripped off with ~0% interest rates. And the 90% rest of the people see the rich getting richer. This increases the resentment and distrust of the financial system. This resentment will continue to build support for people like Trump.
Then there is a financial crisis and the rich 1% get bailouts paid for by the rest of US citizens. . No wealthy person goes to prison for financial shenanigans. Then the people will revolt and go crazy. This will lead to the US democracy will being in greater peril than it is now.
These are dangerous times. Wealthy elites wake up. It is within your interests to support taxes and programs that benefit the middle and low income people. But wealthy elites just talk amongst themselves and live in segregated areas. They have little idea how most people live. They have no concern about the welfare of others who do the hard work that makes it possible for them to have so much money."
"Peter Schiff will be proven right again. The Fed can do nothing and the dollars days are numbered. "
The Fed (by extension the gov) prints money via QE, effictively driving up stocks, bonds, housing and anything else you can think of. Thus making the rich richer; at least on paper anyway. It then decides to set an arbitrary target for inflation of 2%. It misses that target, even when it uses questionable indices as its measuring tool. Inflation probably running significantly higher, more in the region of 5 - 7%.
Then,the Fed goes back to good old basics. More of the same. Every action it has taken is only starving off the inevitable; a seismic crash involving every conceivable asset you can think of.
PPI +7.3% today also. Totally contained, totally "transitory"
La FED y el BCE ya no engañan a nadie. La CLASE MEDIA, lo que queda de ella, les pide que SUBAN los tipos de interés.
Todos los mensajes que estoy leyendo en medios anglosajones son de este estilo... y el trasfondo de estos mensajes es una profunda decepción con un sistema manipulado, con los billonarios de Silicon Valley y la clase política y los banqueros centrales.
En resumen: no hay democracia y los bancos centrales están a sueldo de Silicon Valley.