Please correct me if I am mistaken but...
if Susman and the EC have to fire any missiles to Rosen
those should be expected by May 13th right? or can they do it at a later time before the hearing on may 19th?
Respuesta Withcatz:
The POR and the accompanied disclosure is incomplete, and Rosen has stated that an "amended" version of both are forthcoming.
It's doubtful to me that Susman is going to play their hand "first", and give Rosen the benefit of their objections in crafting the "amended" version.
So, first, we'll need to see a new amended POS POR, before I'd expect to see anything from Susman in objection to it.
Now, that said, that's unrelated to any filings otherwise for disclosure, depositions, torts, claims, etc, etc. I would like to see some progress in those filing/motions soon. And expect so. But I don't think there's a specific deadline involved.
I would tend to agree with you Catz. First they will have to have a revised POS/POR that the FDIC signs on to. May throw a bone to Prefs but commons may still be out. I would think we will see something before the 19th, maybe by the 12th or 13th
Yo estaría atento al 13 mayo para ver mociones de uno y otro lado.